What are you?

Rate each of the following statements from 1 to 5 where 1 means “strongly disagree” and 5 means “strongly agree.”
Enter your responses to the crresponding questions like the chart below. When you’re done, add the numbers across.
The highest sum points equals the … whose values you most strongly match!

  1.      +11.          +18.     =    A
  2.      +21.          +29.     =    B
  3.      +8.           +25.     =    C
  4.      +12.          +15.     =    D
  5.      +6.           +23.     =    E
  6.      +9.           +14.     =    F
  7.     +16.          +26.     =    G
  8.     +19.          +27.     =    H
  9.     +20.          +30.     =    I
  10.     +24.          +28.     =    J


  1. People are better off when they keep cool heads.
  2. Sometimes a little lying or cheating is necessary to achieve your goals.
    3.Completing a project is more important than planning it out.
    4.Competition builds the strength of most systems.
  3. We will eventually be able to explain everything in the natural world.
  4. Good instincts are the result of unconsciously considering situations at length.
    7.Individuality can prevent people from identifying with each other.
    8.When you get down to it, justice and revenge aren’t much different.
  5. Each of us has a responsibility to help ensure that others’ needs are met.
  6. Living pleasurably is more important than living safely.
    11.People behave distructively if left to their own devices.
    12.Power should be held by those comportable wielding it.
  7. Wealthy people generally gained their wealth through hard work and dedication.
  8. It’s good for a group of people to have the same interests and goals.
    15.“Survival of the fittest” is a natural law that applies to more than just animals.
    16.Most rules are designed to keep people from doing what they want.
  9. An idea is probably important if someone feels very strongly about it.
  10. Laws should be obeyed even if breaking them wouldn’t hurt anyone.
    19.Everyone being equally privileged is the same as nobody being privileged.
    20.Problems are more often solved by strokes of inspiration than methodical work.
  11. In an argument, it’s best to initially keep what you know to yourself.
  12. Overanalysis can prevent people from taking action when they need to.
    23.People should strive to change their thinking and/or behavior to fit the situation.
    24.Most of what people do is motivated by basic needs, such as food and shelter.
  13. Unfortunately, violence is sometimes necessary to maintain peace.
  14. People would be happier if they followed their impulses more often.
    27.Societies depend on having people who are willing to do the menial work.
    28.People who talk little are more worthy of trust than those who talk a lot.
  15. Most people can’t easily tell who really has the power in a given situation.
  16. It isn’t possible to separate what one thinks from how one feels.
I'll start!
1. 4  +11. 3  +18. 2 = 9 A
2. 5  +21. 5  +29. 5 =15 B -- This is my highest!
3. 2  +8.  4  +25. 5 =11 C
4. 5  +12. 5  +15. 3 =13 D
5. 3  +6.  3  +23. 4 =10 E
7. 4  +9.  1  +14. 2 = 7 F
10.1  +16. 5  +26. 1 = 7 G
13.1  +19. 5  +27. 3 = 9 H
17.3  +20. 3  +30. 3 = 9 I
22.4  +24. 3  +28. 5 =12 J

That's my answers...   :)
 <small>[ 10-17-2006, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]</small>
  1. 5 11) 5 18) 1 = 11
  2. 5 21) 4 29) 2 = 11
  3. 3 8) 5 25) 5 = 13 Tied
  4. 4 12) 5 15) 4 = 13 Tied
  5. 2 6) 3 23) 3 = 8
  6. 4 9) 3 14) 5 = 12
  7. 4 16) 4 26) 4 = 12
  8. 2 19) 5 27) 5 = 12
  9. 2 20) 5 30) 2 = 9
  10. 4 24) 2 28) 5 = 11

Okay…here’s what the letters stands for…

B is for–THE UNSEEN–

C is for–THE LEGION–

D is for–THE SWARM–






J is for–THE CLANS–

The … is for these CLASSES…
By the way…you musn’t have a tie…you go through the questions again and see if you want to change any answers…

[ 10-18-2006, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

What? no tie?

If your having trouble in breaking your tie…
Here are the values of each…

THE HIGH JUDGES-Believe that their laws and the preservation of those laws are responsible for maintaining the peace. In fact, they believe their rigid system of governance is responsible for keeping nearly everything running smoothly.
Justice is blind, as the saying goes, and that includes their blindness to dissent, chaos, crime.

THE UNSEEN-Wants utter control. Such absolute control requies complete invisibility so as not to arouse opposition. Therefore, they work very hard to ensure that others don’t believe they exists.

THE LEGION-Passionate belief in law. To friends, they have unwavering faith and powerful devotion. To enemies, they are dangerous zealots willing to give anything for their beliefs.

THE SWARM-Power through growth. They grow by folding the dead into their ranks, as well as through occasional minor incursions into new territory.

THE BIOMANCERS-Believe in augmenting and customizing natural organisms. Their reason for doing so vary from improving the quality of life for citizens to restoring a balance between nature and civilization in their world.

THE CONCLAVE-Always seeks to grow their ranks-sometimes literally. Commands many soldiers and larger creatures for labor and guardianship, and it’s evangels cry their praises on every major street corner.

THE THRILL-KILLERS-Values? Values get in the way of fun. They live for instant gratification and carnal impulses. Only the prospect of power can prevent them from indulging in nonstop hedoism.

THE PACT OF DEALS-Using their oppressive social order as a means to ensure power–the entire class is set up to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. Their rites and rituals, its laws and structures, exist to maintain the status quo.

THE MAGEWRIGHTS-Creation and destruction, insight and passion. These are lifeblood of them. Like medieval hackers, the magewrights do things to see if they can be done, and to see what happens when they do.

THE CLANS-The clans seek total freedom from civilized society’s constraints and the pretenses of the classes. They detest “society” and prefer to live moment to moment–and they insist others do as well. If there were such a thing as clan philosophers, they would believe that destroying civilization liberates those within it.

And that's that!
  1. 5 11) 5 18) 1 = 11
  2. 5 21) 4 29) 3 = 12 Tied
  3. 2 8) 5 25) 5 = 12 Tied
  4. 4 12) 4 15) 4 = 12 Tied
  5. 2 6) 3 23) 3 = 8
  6. 4 9) 3 14) 4 = 11
  7. 4 16) 3 26) 3 = 10
  8. 2 19) 5 27) 5 = 12 Tied
  9. 2 20) 5 30) 2 = 9
  10. 4 24) 1 28) 5 = 10

Did again and yea i just made it worse…sorry there.

[ 10-18-2006, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

C’mon thers gotta be a value of one that you like the most…

I want everyone in this forum to answer the questions. Why? For me to know them… :slight_smile:

And I really want certain someones to post here… I just want to know how they will … :roll:

[ 10-19-2006, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

I really you guys to post here…
I don’t need to specify any names now…do I?

  1. 4 11. 4 18. 2 = 10
  2. 4 21. 3 29. 3 = 10
  3. 4 8. 2 25. 4 = 10
  4. 2 12. 3 15. 4 = 9
  5. 1 6. 3 23. 1 = 5
  6. 2 9. 4 14. 4 = 10
  7. 4 16. 2 26. 3 = 9
  8. 2 19. 1 27. 5 = 8
  9. 2 20. 2 30. 3 = 7
  10. 4 24. 4 28. 3 = 11 = highest

The clans. Do you have a description of what each class represents?

1.3 11)1 18)4 = 8A
2.2 21)4 29)2 = 8B
3.1 8)1 25)4 = 6C
4.5 12)3 15)3 = 11D
5.5 6)3 23)5 = 13E
7.4 9)2 14)4 = 10F
10.2 16)1 26)2 = 5G
13.3 19)4 27)3 = 10H
17.3 20)3 30)1 = 7I
22.3 24)3 28)3 = 9J

Apparently my top one is 13E-

From their values…you should be able to know what they represent.

Or shoul I give a clearer discription?

It sounds like some stuff out of an RPG, but the test works out more like it’s trying to find out what political party I’m in. So I wasn’t really sure what anything really means. But no description is necassary, I just took it because you seemed like you really wanted people to do it :slight_smile:

Originally posted by 13th:
[b] C’mon thers gotta be a value of one that you like the most…

I want everyone in this forum to answer the questions. Why? For me to know them… :slight_smile:

And I really want certain someones to post here… I just want to know how they will … :smiley: . I have things i don’t like (as you can see from the scores), but nothing generally sticks out.

[ 10-19-2006, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

(1. 5) (11. 5) (18. 2) = 12 – Tied
(2. 5) (21. 4) (29. 3) = 12 – Tied
(3. 2) (8. 5) (25. 5) = 12 – Tied
(4. 4) (12. 4) (15. 4) = 12 – Tied
(5. 3) (6. 3) (23. 3) = 9
(7. 3) (9. 3) (14. 4) = 10
(10. 3) (16. 3) (26. 3) = 9
(13. 2) (19. 5) (27. 5) = 12 – Tied
(17. 3) (20. 4) (30. 3) = 10
(22. 4) (24. 2) (28. 4) = 10

Ha ha ha ha…
This is typical. Whenever I take a test, I always get ties and multiple answers. People all too often make the mistake of trying to classify me in one category, then classify me in another, then jump to another. Those who figure this out (if they ever do) don’t know what to make of me, except that I am a nice guy. One person even accused me of having “an erratic moral compass.”

What the hell?? Jinnai…?

[ 10-20-2006, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: Scipoten ]

( 1.4) (11.2) (18.1) = 7
( 2.5) (21.5) (29.5) = 15 Highest
( 3.4) ( 8.1) (25.5) = 10
( 4.3) (12.1) (15.5) = 9
( 5.5) ( 6.4) (23.1) = 10
( 7.2) ( 9.4) (14.3) = 9
(10.4) (16.5) (26.5) = 14
(13.1) (19.5) (27.5) = 11
(17.1) (20.5) (30.1) = 7
(22.2) (24.5) (28.3) = 10

This gives me B = The Unseen.

I often get the the power behind the throne or the grey eminence. This is the most typical result for me.

I too…was one of the Unseen…
I agree to all their beliefs…and I also love being in control…while those under me doesn’t really know that I even exist… :smiley:

They just recieve orders from my Necrosages…since no one in this group really knows he/she have allies…

Listen when I 1st came across these questions…
My answers are also tied to three classes…The Unseen, The Thrill Killers, and The Swarm. So I run thru my answers again to change some…it was hard…you know, It took me about a day to be able to narrow it down to two…namely, The Unseen and The Swarm…still a tie …yes.

When I finally look at the values of each, only then that I realize that I was one of The Unseen…

here's their structures...If you want...

THE HIGH JUDGES-Absolutely hierarchical. Most functionaries report to one superior and have two members that report to them, creating a pyramidal command structure.

THE UNSEEN-Isolated cells. Each agent works in almost complete isolation. Often, any operative within has just one contact, so that none have too wide a view of its dealings. Leaders issue commands through messenger spirits or other magical means to preserve anonymity.

THE LEGION-Fully military. They view an archangel as more of a figurehead than an actual commander-in-chief. Still, many generals revere and would heed any command given. Every legionnaire has a function in combat.

THE SWARM-A predatory organism with many predators within it. Subgroups of this class struggle for control.

THE BIOMANCERS-Like a cross between a college, a laboratory, and a zoo. Hundreds of years ago, a sharp line existed between their experimental subjects and the researchers studying and protecting them. However, that line has blurred.

THE CONCLAVE-Decentralized, communal, collective. Within the Conclave, ideally all are equals regardless of individual roles.

THE THRILL-KILLERS-Like an out-of-control party. The class' only structure is determined by those powerful enough to hold leadership. Such beings tend to have short lifespans.

THE PACT OF DEALS-Oligarchic, with a sharp division between the privileged and the indentured. This class is practically two classes: one for the "haves," the other for the "have-nots."

THE MAGEWRIGHTS-Is an association of like-minded passionate philosophers, all of whom idolize the leader's genius and caprice. Fiery competition and the drive for knowledge keep the class' alchemical labs and colleges humming.

THE CLANS-Loose, disconnected gangs. The clans are sometimes called "the group which is not one," because they eschew any structure at all. Inside large cities, the beggars' group are often loyal to the clans. Outside the cities, the raiding gangs carve out swaths of smoldering ruin and rubble in which to subsist.

Well, that's it for their structures...if you guys want more information...you only have to ask...

And by the way, one of these classes uses the church as their so called "guild hall" can you guess which class it was..?

It’s from an RPG alright…but it isn’t from any game in the past, nor in the present…perhasps in the near future…(guess where it came from… :slight_smile:

A Legion member here, not surprising for a Lawful Neutral guy like me :cool: .

I don’t wanna burst your bubble…but…

“The legion say they want to bring order to the city. Funny then, how well they use chaos.”

— Trigori, High judges’s senator