What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

I could have performed a little necromancy and resurrected a dead thread - hey that rhymes – but I thought it would be more appropriate to just start with a clean slate. :slight_smile:

It seems that the Kings of Western Eroge are rapidly expanding the glorious empire this year – and the conquest looks good. If you were at the helm, and could make Peter and his warlords translate a title from their usual sources (ZyX, Crowd, etc) – what would it be.

Make it one, and only one title.

That should help emphasis how much you like that title.

No need to seriously justify why you think it would be a best seller or anything. You just happen to have a mind control device that can implant a single eroge game into their mind. :wink:

For some of us, it will be beating a dead horse, but sometimes being persistent can influence someone… or at least get banned for being annoying. :stuck_out_tongue:

Me? What else? The ever price reducing Futago Niizuma Haruka to Setsuna no Momoiro Shinkon Seikatsu (damn that’s a mouth full) from Fetish (Crowd).



Twincest! Twincest! We need twincest!


If they can translate Raidy from Zyx, what about Lilith from CROWD?
Or really I need to wait for a downloadable version from DlSite, instead?

[ 05-18-2007, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: Baldo ]

While I know that one genre of games that I have an interest in may never see the light of day, I want to give a different opinion. I wanted to start a thread on it, but, instead, I decided to get KOF’s resident effeminate stud to do the talking.

Disclaimer: this is JUST an opinion. And a crazy idea too. It’s semi-serious, but, if it doesn’t pull off, I’ll write it off as a joke.


Benimaru here, and, firstly, it is no secret that yaoi games have been the numer one seller of PP recently. (The fact that people draw gay pictures of me with Kyo proves this point)


The reasons, if anything, is quite simple; the pirates are mostly male, and the thought of torrenting a yaoi game would be absurd to them. On the other hand, Fujoshi are usually well-funded, and thus, are able to buy their massive colelctions, and thus, would go out of their way to lay their hands on the games that no male gamer may want to touch.

   <img src="http://www.sharemation.com/niea7/ryo%20sasaki.JPG" alt=" - " /> 

A little more on that; in a recent discussion I had with Darkling, both of us had noticed a few interesting things about Crescendo. First, the male lead, Ryo, is rather bishie looking, and so too, is his pal, Tomonori. Both have been featured in the game promienntly, like other h-game protagonists (there are also games where we don’t see much of the protagonist), but there were some things about Crescendo that were out of sync with most games. It wasn’t just the story; now that I see it, and bearing in mind the character designer of Crescendo was female, a lot of Crescendo had occupied the female perspective. This puts a lot into the scenarios of both Yuka and Ayame (for those who have played their paths, I think you can relate)

   <img src="http://minaidehazukashii.com/hinano/myimg/otoge/loved08.jpg" alt=" - " /> 

Recently, while exploring the Will brand, I noticed, that aside from ruf, there was another company, quite unnoticed by some, that was under their watch. It shocked me, the way it shocked these 4 guys.


So, how do I describe it ? I haven’t read a review about Under the Moon but there IS a review about Love Drops. Now, I admit that GxB eroge is meant to be more female-oriented and girl-centric as you are, after all, playing from a woman’s perspective, and you;re out to get guys, I like to think of it as being a reverse os the stereotypical harem approach in most eroge and anime. Alright, it’s nothing new in Japan… but I doubt it’s that known in the West. And, I know that otome games may not succeed, at all, in the West, but I can’t help but dwell on it.

  <img src="http://www.sharemation.com/niea7/150px-HaruhiFujioka.bmp" alt=" - " />

I think some anime fans around here may remember last year’s Ouran High School Host Club, as well as the Girl’s Side bits of the Tokimeki franchise. What we have here, is a subsidiary of Will, that specialises in eroge, that deals in this very department. Interesting, no ? And since it focuses on the girls perspective, reading it would have to be equivalent to, say, reading something entirely penned out purely for woman, with the harcore bits kept for later. That wouldn’t keep away the really hardcore pirates, but it would promote interest amongst female fans (if it works, that is)

<img src="http://minaidehazukashii.com/hinano/myimg/otoge/loved10.jpg" alt=" - " /> 

So as such, even though it may never see the lgiht of day, and this is just some rambling made in the early hours of the morning, this is what I would like to see, after the current licenses are cleared and released. One otome game, just pure GxB, 100% feminine oriented, translated with girls in mind, and for the eroge fan who’s tired of seeing so many girls in a harem that’d rather see some boys for a change.

<img src="http://minaidehazukashii.com/hinano/myimg/otoge/loved09.jpg" alt=" - " />

We are so accustomed to seeing so many girls fighting over a boy, and one stud having to choose over them. Lets see some boy extras do the fighting for a change.

This is Benimaru, signing off.


To get to the point; just one game by Sugar Beans. Any one. I’d root for Love Drops, but that’s only because I read the review of it, tohugh, admiteddly, that game seemed to have had some popularity (otherwise it would haven’t a playstation 3 version) So, at the moment, Love Drops, unless someone can give a better example.

[ 05-17-2007, 03:02 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Just to remind you, we’re not going to be even considering the idea of new licenses until the end of this year (more likely next spring/summer), as including both announced and unannounced titles we currently have nearly a dozen games in the production pipeline right now that I can think of off the top of my head.

… that’s a lot of games to get through before we can start thinking about new ones. =_=;;

Don’t worry, Shingo ! As Narg seems to indicate from the start of this thread, if anything, the nature of this thread shouldn’t be taken too seriously. If anything, it’s just a suggestion thread, but of course, current productions have their priority. Besides, I’ve said my piece, though I doubt anyone else would show interest in it.

[ 05-17-2007, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Do not worry. This won’t hurt me a bit.

Anything with a Loli path in it. As I’d be willing to buy any game that has a Loli in it of any form. Loli’s = <3

[url=http://www.hs-crowd.co.jp/crowd/product/fantasy/fantasy.html] :slight_smile: .

I can well imagine why[/url] :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 05-18-2007, 07:09 AM: Message edited by: Baldo ]


Who!? What!? Huh!?

Arrrragh! My eyes! My eyes!

Think happy thoughts… Think happy thoughts… Think happy thoughts…

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, Nargrakhan. :slight_smile:

This is the reaction of the four studs of Love Drops after seeing that:


Goddamn, Baldo. Warn people before you do something like that.

I had to spend ten minutes washing that out of my head with Al Azif pictures. ._.;;

As for my preferences, I Love Girl’s Love. And gothloli. And regular loli. Preferably combined into some amalgam of pure awesome that’d make me die of moe overload.

Geh, I’m turning into a Narg… must resist.

Since I know of no gothloli loli yuri games out there, I’l have to abstain my vote until I can find something suitable.

[ 05-19-2007, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: Dark Lord Zenigame ]

I’ve been preaching the same thing. But I don’t like either.

Pure Utopia, if you ask me :smiley: :wink:

…sometimes being persistent can get you banned :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t mind seeing yaoi games, just don’t expect me to buy them. If they’re selling well then that’s great, whatever supports the market overall is a positive.

On topic, I am content with the list PP has being developed now, and only look forward to seeing the current titles released.

[ 05-19-2007, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Billybob ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

It’s too bad I don’t like yarugee, or I’d have no problem finding something. Blargh.

Though I suppose doujin games are always a good bet…

GODAMMIT, Baldo! Now i can never look in my mom’s eyes again!! :frowning: