What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

See my pOint, peapri guys? Do not wAsTe your prEcious TimE/Money on non-essentIal eRostuff (aka Yaoi erogames), for yoUr own sake, neh? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm… if Raidy, 2048 AD, and fansubbed b-game RPGs succeed… I woulnd’t be surprised if it becomes an ‘in-thing’. Though the game is a bit loli. Along with the Lillith game (unelss we can convience everyone that every flat-chested, short, nubile girl is actually 18)

:stuck_out_tongue: [/b]

4 of the Studs of Love Drops: NOOO !!!

We’ll be good !

  <img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb01/top/img/love0303_450.jpg" alt=" - " />

The other 3 studs of Love Drops: Hey man, it’s all good !


 <img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb01/character/img/button/floria_t.jpg" alt=" - " />

Floria : On a different note, I think we can be ‘slightly’ allowed to be persistent in this thread. It’s not that serious, and it’s not as if we’re all out to prioritise our choices. But, of course, if we took this outside, then it’d be problem, but, for now, lets keep our desires within this thread, to share with all.


And on a totally different note; I’m now torn between Under the Moon and Love Drops. Reviews for them have been very good, and Moon’s Ashe is so cute… gah !

If I can try out both games, I’ll give a verdict.

[ 05-20-2007, 06:13 AM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

How about a game featuring the artwork of Tony Taka,like “Partner”?

Well again, this may be beating a dead horse, but…translation of the remake of True Love would be nice, especially since current english release version doesn’t work well on most modern PCs…

There are some others i’d like, but either their licensing would be hard to aquire (Princess Maker, especially PM3 or the Pia Carrot games) or the current English releases can still run fine on most pcs, even if they aren’t sold anymore (Eve Burst Error remake would be nice…)…Mayclub remake would be nice as well, but then i like that game.

The only other one would be Popotan (see avatar), but i don’t see that one happening…

[ 05-21-2007, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

Are you sure about this? I can play True Love on my PC and on the 2nd PC without problems. But I didn’t test it on 3rd PC. Please, read this post here

Yes, I hope PP would release this and other old DOS/Windows B-games as Cobra Mission, Metal & Lace and sequels, Paradise Heights and sequels, Immoral Studies and sequels, etc.

Well, I’ve bought the old version of May Club at Himeya Shop… But, you know, there is Milky House Memorial Collection, a pack who contains 2 games (Nocturnal Illusion and May Club) and 1 artwork.

Yes, I guess EVE burst error needs URGENTLY some improvements because I can’t continue this game on certain event. I tried many times, I read the Hinter Paper, but…

Well, that will at least shut up many guys complaining about bgames are not games because they have not playability at all… saying they’re just like picture books.

As for the loli parts, i allways thought that was just the style of the artist who draw the graphics, nothing else. Actually, i never played the game except the Trial version months ago so i dunno if there’s really any loli character involved in h-scenes.

Of course, like i said before, we already got worse cases… (^^") ** looking at JKC **


I’m not very sure, but UNDER THE MOON isn’t a kind of sequel to LOVE DROPS? After all, the two female protagonists are in similar situations.

** Looking at Ashe **

Talking about loli-looking characters… (^^")

[ 05-21-2007, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Windows XP doesn’t directly support MIDI, it emulates it. Because of this, it takes 5 to 15 seconds to load a MIDI track in the game. That’s what Jinnai is talking about.

Bah, modern PCs. Someone please stop beating that horse already. 10 years ago people already called their PCs modern.

I didn’t know about “Windows XP doesn’t directly support MIDI, it emulates it.”

I finally understand why “takes 5 to 15 seconds to load a MIDI track in True Love”.

I wonder if Amy’s Fantasies, Love Potion have the same problems because of Windows XP… When I start them, they always crashes with some messages about MIDI… Then, I have to disable the music…

Anyway, thanks for clarify, Big Ben. :slight_smile:

Well now you’re challenging the entire context of the inner workings of the English language.

People have been using that term with everything: modern age, modern warfare, modern technology, etc

I just think you have a PC bias. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I’m just tired of people changing the concept of “modern PCs” to suit their tastes, acting as if PCs from 10 year old weren’t modern and capable.

It’s really just a dream of mine but I would LOVE to see the Princess Maker series from Gainax translated. I have PM2 on my computer but I want to see PM5 translated so that I can play it lol

Baldo’s pretty persistent, isn’t he :frowning:

Egads, don’t remind me about JKC. While it wasn’t a bad idea… guess it just wasn’t for me. As for Sumeragi no Mikotachi, the h-scenes at Getchu seem to indicate loli, but I could be wrong.

But yeah; bgames with actual gameplay may just change the perception of thsoe players. Moreso if something like Melty Blood turned up (then again, I haven’t seen a lot of buzz about that one even though Mirrormoon just finished the translation for both Tsukihime and Melty blood. Bah.)

Yeah… but Ashe has bewbs LOL (well, not many lolis have them, but that helps give them an 18+ look)

As to UNDER THE MOON & LOVE DROPS… both are actually very different. Different world, different setting, different characetrs, different gameplay… the only thing that’s similar is the central otome game stereotype of the male harem:

 <img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb01/character/img/button/kanata_t.jpg" alt=" - " />

For instance, LOVE DROPS is about this girl, Tanaka Kanata, who grew up with her grandmother’s fairy tales, and, after a while, ends up living in her grandmother’s house, only to find out that the granmother wasn’t making up those tales. However, aside from the three fantasy choices that she can pick (werewolf, vampire and siren), she ahs three friends in school to choose from. To make things slightly more complicated… the game works such that, after you ‘pick’ one boy, the others will try to take him away from you and get your affection instead… to the extent that picking someone else after the first one would result in a ‘secondary’ ending. So yeah, each characetr has two true endings, outside of various other bad endings.

 <img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb02/character/c_images/c_ashe02.gif" alt=" - " />  <img src="http://minaidehazukashii.com/hinano/myimg/otoge/loved10.jpg" alt=" - " />"Guys ! She's too cute !"

As for Ashe, her story and game is different. Ashe is a ‘demon’ to begin with, and all her male choices are similarly fantastic (one of them, in fact, is her cat!) Whereas there is no central story to Love Drops, Under the Moon has a canonical male character, the one whose story is more true than the others (like Asumin’s in Heart De Roommate) Also, unlike the above story… Under the Moon is a bit more… sexual (from what I heard), but, unlike most games where it’s the man who has the chocie, Ashe, here, has the choice to make the relationship a good one, or a rather sour one, so it’s a more ‘direct’ gameplay.

Mind you, all this is going by reviews of both games that I’ve read, but both seem interesting, failr ydifferent, and difficult for me to choose over. Guess I have to play both before I can make decide between the two. Love Drops seems slightly better… but Ashe is so cute… (and I can’t help but spam the reactions of thsoe three wierdos)

[ 05-21-2007, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

I 'd love for more Yaoi and Otome games to be released . Love Drops and Under the Moon both sound awesome , I would love to play both of them !

You may be the excepton then. 95%+ of the population using XP (don’t know about Vista) have severe lag with MIDI files, which is the BGM files True Love uses. Even if you want to turn them off, it is a pain and a half because the game have several MIDI files to go through to get there.

And there is no CD music for it, since it was before that era.

Strange…anyway considering the remake adds the h-scenes back in from the original, updates the graphics and audio and in addition actual clues you in when you need to switch characters and does it so much more easily it would be a very worthy update indeed.

JKC i stopped not because of the artwork, but because the plot…it was just so far out there being stupid and so boring…i couldn’t keep playing it despite actually liking the artwork (mostly). And that’s saying alot about the plotline because i’ve trodded through storylines that were extremely dull before…

Well to be honest…it may be mirrormoon’s word isn’t getting out. They have Fate route released in Fate/Stay Night now and i haven’t heard much about it, despite the anticipation i saw beforehand.

[ 05-22-2007, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]


In the characters’ session of the SnM page, i can see only 3 (out of 19!!) young-looking characters who could be considerated loli. I think two of then can pass for 18 y.o. (they have bewbs :wink: ), the another is that floating chibi-spirit of a snake with just 50 or so centimeters tall. I doubt the protagonist will try to have Hscenes with her in any normal circunstances… (^^")


My mistake then. Thanks for clarify me, and thanks for the short reviews. :wink:

Actually, the story of Ashe remembers me another OTOME game i read about, PRINCESS NIGHTMARE. If i’m not wrong, the protagonist is a vampire girl surrounded by a lot of monsters-studs.

[ 05-22-2007, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

Interestingly, that “snake spirit” also appears in Yuki Zakura (Snow Sakura) at least as a cameo, In the trail version, anyway. maybe she has a bigger role in the full version.

What’s interesting is that in that same demo, the D.O. logo movie has her saying “D.O.” in a cute voice.


Tanaka Kanata (hey, they’re each other’s reverse) has the face of a man. :confused:

Ashe has legs that are way too long to be normal.

No, my friend. My PC and 2nd PC “takes 5 to 15 seconds to load a MIDI track in True Love” because “Windows XP doesn’t directly support MIDI, it emulates it.” I transcripted partially from Big Ben’s text.

I can’t reply because I have this games pack, but I never played it. As I’ve already played and finished both the (old versions) B-games, I didn’t tried to play this new “versions” again. I only played JAST USA Memorial Collection again.

Ah, and an hint: if you type ALT-ENTER, while you are playing the old DOS B-games from Otaku Publishing and JAST USA, you can play them in Windows Mode.

[ 05-22-2007, 11:21 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

That is really, really, sad. Too sad. Considering how 'big Tsukihime & FS/Na re suppsoed to be.


<img src="http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/8441/benimaru9yh.jpg" alt=" - " />

Millenium edition Benimaru, in Gantz suit, here, to answer your questions:

It’s the art style, and I like it that way. In fact, the art isn’t that homo-erotic , though it’s homo-erotic enough for a GXB game.

The art for Kazuya Minekura for instance, is heavy in homo-eroticism, which sort of doubles into her stories and artwork; it’s not a small wodner that a large number of fujoshi are big fans of Minekura.

<img src="http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c12/deathy_chan/Ouran%20High%20School%20Club/ouran_01_00.jpg" alt=" - " />

Look at Fujioka Haruhi when she was first introduced. No boobs (she’s A-chest), guy clothes, glasses, short hair, nerdy boy look… she looked like one hell of a guy, and that fact was played throughout the series. To further develop on this fact, contrast her with Suzumiya Haruhi

To put it bluntly, I don’t know how many girls would empathise with an out-ofthis-world, hotly attractive girl. Some otome games have the type, but I would think most otome games would pefer a female that is sligthly unattractive or modestly mediocre, as to make her more empathetic with others (though I wouldn’t mind Tanaka myself.)

But, if anything, the emphasis of Love Drops is THE GUYS.

<img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb01/character/img/button/roy_t.jpg" alt=" - " />   <img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb01/character/img/button/hijiri_t.jpg" alt=" - " />

Aren’t they dashingly ectomorphically handsome ?

As for Ashe’s legs,

<img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb02/character/c_images/c_ashe02.gif" alt=" - " />   <img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb02/character/c_images/c_kyle02.gif" alt=" - " />   <img src="http://www.sugar-beans.com/products/sb02/character/c_images/c_reni02.gif" alt=" - " />

Basically every person in Under the Moon has long legs. And I don’t mind it. I mean, we see G-size boobs at times, inhumane strength that can carry impossible swords, so a slight graphical prefence for long exaggerated legs is not much, really.

I must give you 5 beautiful Raikoukens for that link. Aside from the fact that it seems to be all-age (which isn’t a bad thing… KOF is all-ages for starters) It rocks. So far, only the cat transforms in Ashe’s story, and the girl in Prince Nightmare has two versions thata re BOTH cute. Still, this is a Will game, so I’d wait to see this one go first, though, if Hirameki can really do it, they should try that otome game.

<img src="http://allgames.gamesh.com/kof/update/spec/KOFNW/head/b_benimaru_f2.jpg" alt=" - " />

This is Benimaru, with Ikkitousen magatama, signing off.

[ 05-22-2007, 11:28 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]