What do you want Peach Princess to translate next?

Anyone here already checked PeaPri WP?

Now they’re announcing 3 future releases: DOWNHILL NIGHT, DOWNHILL NIGHT 2 and DOWNHILL NIGHT BLAZE, from the maker TOP! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s incredible… 3 new games for preorder coming completely by surprise… and for a good price. When you guys got the rights to translate such games? Can we expect some more surprises in the future? :lol:

Um… they already announced it back at AX. I think you completely missed this thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the first time the price has been announced though.

Doh!! :shock:

Hehe… sorry! My mistake!! :lol:

So they were announcing at AX the release of DHN trilogy and Cleavage too. That’s good to hear. More games for us!!

Scenario #1: This is the fate of the world without twincest.

Scenario #2: This is the fate of the world with moar twincest.

Therefore for the future of mankind, Peach Princess needs more twincest! Where’s the twincest!?

The Earth is doomed without it… DOOOOOOM!!! :cry:

Cleavage has been licensed, although PP haven’t put their webpage up for it yet. More information here.

Non no no…
You’re all wrong…

We just need light games with cute girls like Cross Channel, konayuki fururi, ???, …

And more than twins, we need maids. :lol:

Witches! We need witches!

Twincest has meido!

Twincest has witches!

See. The REAL answer is obviously twincest, because twincest even has meido witches!!! :mrgreen:

Plus it would stop that giant space rock from kill us. Win-Win-Win for everyone. :stuck_out_tongue:

So for me it’s of for twin meido witches.

I’d like to see Maid in Heaven or Sweet Home get liscensed. Well anything by this artist really.

i would like to see the zero no koe series

the new card battle game Gouen no Soleil ~CHAOS REGION~

this game contains tg, as in the main character, male, somehow loses his own body and gets to stick with his sisters. gameplay revolves about cardbattling coupled with a few choices every now and then.
i found the cardbattles fun, winable even without knowledge of japanese.
if you don’t, you can always skip them.
the game features a good amount of hentai action with the displaced protagonist.

There are several studios I’d like to see Peach Princess work with in the future:[list][]AkabeeSoft2 [/][]Lump of Sugar [/][]Nekonekosoft [/][]MOONSTONE [/][]Purple Software [/][]Yuzusoft[/][/list]


Give my reverse-harem games, none of that yaoi, which is totally not my thing. :cry:

I have to second Ojamajo_LimePie (in particular for Nekoneko soft).
PP should listen to Ojamajo_LimePie because Ojamajo_LimePie is the voice of the truth (it means I have the same tastes).

Yo Lenneth. Glad to hear there’s other shoujo fans on this forum.

All the licenses with the G-Collections imprint have come from CD Bros. I don’t recall if any company under that corporate umbrella is currently publishing otome games or even BL games.

Many of the Peach Princess games have come from Will. [For a specific URL, search for it on Yahoo Japan. NSFW.] IIRC, the company Sugar Beans is part of Will. Sugar Beans has published games such as Love Drops and Ijiwaru My Master. I would be quite glad if there was just one Sugar Beans game in English in the next few years. It might help fandom expand beyond its current small boundaries. (I believe that Langmaor [Enzai, etc] is also part of Will…)

Aside from those ZyX RPGs (they haven’t published anything through D.O. in a couple years, and even then, they were following the same RPG remake/revival plan), I don’t think they’re publishing anything period. That group is a dead end when it comes to new development.

As for Will, their otome games are a bit violent (sexually), aren’t they?

Well, a licensing agreement with AKABEi SOFT2 would probably come with all of AKABEi SOFT2’s sub-groups, much like Will and CD Bros. From memory, these include:

AKABEi SOFT2 (G-Senjou no Maou, Sharin no Kuni, Tamayura, A Profile, Conboku etc.)
Akatsuki Works (Boku ga Sadame, Rui wa Tomo)
Applique (Miageta Sora)
Shangri-la (Akatsuki no Goei and others)
Lump of Sugar (nursery rhyme, kiss on my deity etc.)

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero … game=11491

Original and amusing/amazing plot (DO NOT READ the Erogamescape spoilers!), excellent voice dubbing, nice graphics and musics for 2940 yen ONLY.
I’m really impressed by this erogame, it merits a place on this “Doomed Wishlist” for sure :mrgreen: :cry:

Whoa, this DOES look pretty good. I’m always on the lookout for quality titles that are available for download… thanks for the recommend, Baldo!

(I had noticed it before; I keep a lookout for new titles. I didn’t, however, notice that it was available on dlsite, and so wasn’t immediately interested)