What game can you SURELY advice?

What game can you advice me?

I realy liked private nurse and Little my Maid (currently playing because i finaly got time)

Private nurse, because it had a wonderfull story what makes you think like ’ conclusion, sucha people can only be angels ’

I like those kind of story’s, any high recommended onces?

Kana is my favorite.

I second Kana Little Sister, and I’ll add Crescendo. They both have very touching, emotional stories

[ 09-19-2006, 08:47 PM: Message edited by: Darkling ]

Second Kana and Crescendo. Would also recommend Snow Drop (though it’s got some gameplay issues). I hear Figures of Happiness is nifty. That and Heart de Roommate are by Angel Smile, the makers of Private Nurse.

I also recommend Nocturnal Illusion.

Desire (it was really good)

Well, the typical candidates are of course already listed - and also all worth a try:
[list][]Kana[/][]Crescendo[/][]Figures of Happiness[/][]Heart de Roommate[/][/list]
However, there are more!
If you for example would like mystery/crime-stories (like RonXE just suggested with Desire), I would also throw in two other games from C’s:
[list][]EVE Burst Error[/][]Divi-DEAD[/][/list]and from ZyX: Chain - the lost footsteps!
Regarding Desire, there is one thing that is easily forgotten after the game has been finished and the player is really amazed with the final revelation, but may be difficult to stomach while playing it through, particulary for a newcomer to the genre: Makoto’s scenario:wink:
On the upside, it would prepare you for the one thing that is usually criticized in all X-Change-games: THE BUS! :stuck_out_tongue:

Guessig that you are still new to the genre, I’d not yet suggest to you the really DARK-themed games like
[list][]Shukketsubo[/][]Tsuki[/][]Sensei 2[/][]Hitomi - My stepsister[/][/list]because they bear the same Problem like I saw in recommending Desire - just in more extreme proportions!

Oh, and if you don’t mind a dated user-interface, I would have to add our oldie but goldie: Season of the Sakura!

[ 09-20-2006, 02:19 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Hehe, i can see allmost all games are good.
Thnx for the tips, ill check the reviews on the called games.

Not really all…

If you are interested I could also tell you which games would not be too great - if you in turn would tell what you would really not like in your game.

Typical candidates of things that may occur in a story but are differently liked/disliked are for example:

[list][]rape[/][]scatology[/][]extensive usage of bodily fuids in CGs[/][]blood 'n gore[/][]loli-characters in sexual situations[/][]gratuitous sex[/][/list]
As for places featuring reviews…


heavy sigh
… and of course SomethingAwful , but this one isn’t to be taken too seriously!
However, my personal favourite among their reviews is this one, which also should give you an idea what I mean by that…

[ 09-20-2006, 06:45 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

I don’t realy like sex games, and I dont realy like to read books, these kind of games give me the same as a book would profide but interactive.

If i need to have some sex, or some sexual needs there is always my girlfriend, saying this as a reaction as your ‘not so great title’ list.

I’m mostly interessed in fantasy story’s, if you know what i meen with this.

Titles as :

Rape → who the fuck made that title?
Blood 'n gore → looks more like a raising of death story
Gratuitous sex → Thinking about this title i would guess there isnt a good story inside.

but the adviced titles as :

  • Kana Little Sister
  • Crescendo

looks more actractive to me, specialy because i dont know what the last word meens :wink:

example : Private nurse, a nice binding story what has a tough of mystery.

I’ll order one of these two when done with little my maid

[ 09-20-2006, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: PKRanger ]

You misunderstood me: in that enumeration I wasn’t putting up names of actual games, but elements that could appear in them.

For example if you’d say that you wouldn’t want to have ANY rape happening during the storyline, it would rule out quite a lot of exisiting games. For example it happens in “Crescendo” as far as I recall twice, once even done by the player’s character, but not in “Kana”.
On the other hand, while it indeed happens, it isn’t gratuitous sex or handled lightly - unlike in other games!

Oh, and for the title: “crescendo” is an italian word that is used in music scores to express an slow but constant increase of loudness. Maybe Italicus or Baldo will also provide the original meaning of this word in everyday use…

[ 09-20-2006, 05:42 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

thnx for the translation, and yeah i readed your previous post not correctly.

Turned up late, but decided to add in my two bits worth…

Btw, glad you liked Private Nurse. I raise my thumb in approval for you.


Now for my recommendations:

Crescendo (without a doubt one of the best out there)

Kana Little SIster (actually, I think it’s occasionally overhyped, but it is good)

Chain (noting you’re liking for a medium that is somewhat like a novel but more of a visual art, then this title si definitely for you. Zyx really outdid themselves, and it’s surprising,a s well as good, for them)

Games I have yet to play, but have heard a lot of good about :

Ever 17 (noting you ahve a G.F… this is a good title with no sex)

Ai Yori Aoshi (same here)

Snowdrop (okay, this ahs sex, but, it’s pleasingly good)

Heart De Roommate (good story, and less emphasis on sex too ! However, can seem draggy, according tor eviews)

Figures of Happiness (same as above, save that everyone says this was G-Collection’s best game released. I can’t wait)


Titles with a good story, sex, and dark elements, that i can advise over others.

In order:

Hitomi ~ My Stepsiser ( Iplace this one first, because one path out of the game plays surpsiringly well, and has a very good story, as well as three thought-provoking endings. Anyoen dissatisfied with Gibo should try it. Nom, seriously. Furthermore, another path is a parody of the typical ren’ai game. Lastly, and alstly, the main path, which is almost torturous to survive, has the best ending in the game, though inconclusive. A mixed bag, but I’d recommend it, if you can appreciat dark humour like JtHM and Dan Kim)

Tsuki (what Hitomi could have beeb, and in turn, what Tsuki should have aimed to be. Tsuki ahd a very good premise of good vs. evil in the human psyche… but Zyx emphasized too much on the sex, and your options didn’t really affect the outcome until the end. Furthermore, it’s more BDSM thens tory, so I wouldn’t recommend it.)


And that’s it.

Pretty much all the ones already mentioned, although you seem to be looking for story (or maybe gameplay) rather than the sex.

Brave Soul, because it’s fun mowing through hordes of enemies, and the art was done by Mogudan.

I would say Gibo also, because despite being a pain in the ass to get all the endings, the story is decent.

Nocturnal Illusion has a fair amount of sex, which I feel isn’t necessarily an asset; but it manages to capture a certain mood very effectively. It’s also fairly well written. (I also see you liked Little My Maid, which has tons more sex.)

The same, more or less, is true of Snow Drop, although its story is probably not as good.

Crescendo and Kana are similar, but other people have talked about those. And if you liked Private Nurse, you should look into the other two GC titles from Angel Smile (Figures of Happiness and Heart de Roommate).

Non-adult wise, there’s Ever 17 and Hourglass of SUmmer. I need to play both of those, actually …

If you want to try non-adult wise, you make sure to play PHANTOM OF INFERNO, too.

Otherwise, i will add points to KANA and CRESCENDO.

I think most of the ones have been covered I’d suggest…

If you don’t mind older titles, pick of Jast Memorial Collection, if only for one of the best games ever, Seasons of Sakura.

I’d pick up Tokimeki Check-In! and Doushin, but not sure if you’d like the way the plot points are handled. Not everyone does.

I’d Casual Romance Club if you don’t mind the interface. You might not though so, feel free to ignore that suggestion. The backstory is thin, but the character interactions are deep.

And of course, if you can find them, Divi-DEAD, Eve Burst Error & Desire.

Brave Soul, simply because its an RPG…

Brave SOul was more like a Diablo clone (save that Diablio is not that famous in Japan, too put it into context) then a H-game, and I felt that the H-scenes were redundant, but I agree… the artwork was fantastic.

As for Gibo… I preferred Hitomi. Mainly because I prefer stepsisters (personal preference), it was a bit too short, it had a casual feel (in contrast to Hitomi’s overwhelming sense of dread), and the guy was always the dominat force 9where in Takahiro’s case, he was a victim for two out fo three paths)

All that being said, Gibo IS a good game, but I didn’t really feel the story in it, save for the main character’s own feelings of incest, or Shiina’s own love for her new brother. If I ahd the choice, I’d get Hitomi first, then Gibo.

Ultimately, though, it’s all dopwn to opinion. I got Hitomi first before Gibo.

Correct explanation, Unicorn :slight_smile: . I can merely add that “crescendo” is the gerund form of the verb “crescere” (“to grow” in English).

That’s right. Even in Brasilian Portuguese “crescendo” means “growing up” in english. :slight_smile:

Yes, Jinnai, give it up for SoS!

I am always biased towards the Crowd games since I worked on them more. Tokimeki Check in is still our top seller at conventions since I recommend it to people so much. From the G-C side, if you like Private Nurse I recommend Heart de Roommate by the same artist, or if you like a fetish from a game (cat girls, bunny girls, etc.) you can find almost anything.

I think XC2 and 3 are both excellent, as long as you take a look at the games as large gestalts and pick the parts you like. I mean, both have excellent paths and others that are more pedestian, and of course there are the darker parts.