What happened to Edelweiss? You can't buy it until Sept 10?

Get ready to get Edelweiss, guys, September 10th is just tomorrow. Oh and btw, Sep 10h has already came 4 minutes ago at my place :lol:

It’s available again. 5 days till the next 2 come out.
I’m interested in ‘Shera, My Witch’. Already got ‘Tasty shafts’ earlier on when it was out and it’s fun but short…very short ( 3 endings total, 1 with each brother and 1 with them both ).

Err… i didn’t get Edelweiss re-release, anyone got their hands on it can tell the differences?

what??? the release date now is sept 20; WTF??? :? I bet that there will be surprises also for “Shera, My Witch” and “Tasty Shafts” :cry:

no shera is still coming out next week
from looking at the japanese cg set shera looks like just a sex rump so it shouldn’t take that long

this delay shit is why i think manga gamer will be lucky to last another year

You complain about delays too much. You were complaining about Princess Waltz not coming out when you expected, but you didn’t blast JAST for that. Pretty much every company has delays, though most don’t wait until the day of to inform you of them. I agree they should have informed people about the date change earlier, but delays aren’t the end of the world.

Delays are nothing new… game companies do it all the time. For example Natsume is unusual, when they DON’T delay a Harvest Moon or Rune Factory release. CAPCOM changed the dates to their various Street Fighter releases over and over again. SNK also was infamous for arcade delays (especially for The King of Fighters). Nintendo does delays on a regular basis - Zelda and Pokemon anyone?

Plus these MG delays are supposed to be QA related. I think customers are more understanding if a company releases a good title late, than a craptastic title early. As game god Shigeru Miyamoto said: A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever.


11 Sep 2008 Dear supporters,
We have updated the schedule of the upcoming titles. We are very sorry for the delay of the schedule. We have been working hard to improve the quality of the translation of each title. :cry: :cry: :cry:

I fail to see how this is not good. They are delaying their release, to make the games BETTER than they already are. Yes… it would have been nice if they could meet the deadlines, but given how shitty their “on time” releases were, this is much better. Customers were complaining about the horrible translation work - they need time to fix it. Give them time to make their games 100% instead of the 30% trash they’ve given us in the past. You can’t possibly fault them, for trying to give the customer what they want: it’s like a company delaying the release of a kick ass sports car, so they make sure the breaks work. This is a GOOD thing. Better translation work, means more people can get their money’s worth… and enjoy the titles like they should be. Smile about it. :mrgreen:

I’m looking forward to their next batch of releases. Despite how pissed I was about the first group, they’ve earned my respect and a second chance to gain my trust.

So it looks like waiting will pay off. The only bad thing was that they didn’t inform us until the day one of the games was supposed to come out.

I wonder who’s doing the editing for all those titles, though. I haven’t heard of anybody getting a position from the application (not like there would’ve been enough time).

And they delayed Suika but didn’t give me any extra time. :evil: Maybe the extra 10 days I asked for at the start caused it.

Absolutely this is a good thing. It says that they actually care about the products, and (apparently) got blindsided by how poor the initial translators were. It says that they honestly want to put out good products, as opposed to switching to “damage control” mode. Retranslating just takes too long (witness the trouble Reikon is having just to keep up with the schedule) for them to not delay; to some extent, this was inevitable (unless they were only going to apply more band-aid-type fixes). Putting quality first – specifically, putting quality above the immediate need for revenue when this is their only revenue stream – is something that is easy to say (in fact, it gets said all the time) but very hard to actually shell out the cash required to get quality products.

Almost always when things like this happen, the businesspeople say that the only reasonable course is to implement quality improvements, but not apply them to already-complete or near-complete titles. Halting the production line means zero revenue, at a time when you’re spending more (not less). It also means that titles which you already poorly-translated now you have to redo, which is almost as expensive as starting from scratch; this can eat up almost the whole profit made off the product. I don’t expect Little My Maid, for example, to have been worth it financially for PP; no matter how well it did compared to PP’s other products, it can’t have been enough. And god only knows what 3DRealms’ accountants are smoking, but I have got to get my hands on some – at this rate Duke Nukem Forever has to have gone thru fifty million dollars just in salaries.

To use a only-slightly-ontopic comparison: Look at Twilight Princess compared to Wind Waker. Almost everyone agrees TP is by far the better game. The creators have come out and admitted they cut two entire dungeons from WW because they weren’t going to make the ship date; they were pressed for time, so they chopped stuff out. Lo and behold, game comes out, people are like ‘wtf? This is too short’. So they decided it was better to adopt the “it’s done when it’s done” mentality, than compromise on a half-assed game.

So yeah, I mostly agree with Narg. My lack of respect for MangaGamer is gone. I’m now actually looking forward to seeing how their relaunch goes.

If you don’t announce a release date, people don’t get upset when you have to delay. This is something Peach Princess had to learn the hard way, as the Old Ones will remember. Way back when they were a brand new outfit, PP announced release dates all the time. (The infamous example of Little My Maid preorders is just the most egregious example of this.)

They quit doing that, because people were getting ticked when the games were delayed. Oddly enough, even though PP’s release rate has actually slowed down from those very early days, complaints about the schedule are mostly gone – because there isn’t one.

MangaGamer should take a page from PP, and just list games that are upcoming without setting dates. If you haven’t set a date, you can’t miss it.

I’m glad to hear about the delay actually, and if the quality in the end shows from all their extra effort, I’ll consider myself a complete supporter seeing as the DRM is no longer an issue.

Hey, remember last month? Ubisoft promised us to release Hell’s Highway in August 26th, but then delayed the date to September 24th. Game companies do delay even not for improving translation quality (Hell’s Highway needs zero English translation). This is just too ordinary, so no surprise here.

Delaying again?This is nothing,really.Just like everyone said,good games require a certain amount of time to make.I support them all the way 8) .Moreoveer,Edelweiss 's just the prologue.We gonna have a big feast after it,namely D.C:Da Capo and Suika.If the re-release of Edelweiss proves to be worthy of our patience,certainly Da Capo and Suika will be too.Heh,we gonna have a very joyful Xmas with Suika,aren’t we? :smiley: :smiley: great timing :wink:

I wonder what MG would license after releasing Suika.

And just yesterday, i’ve got to edit the articles about Da Capo and Suika on Wikipedia (regarding their release dates). Guess everyone has figured out my IP address already :wink:,right? :wink: thanks ,guys like you keep the internet alive.
Hmm,maybe MangaGamer will keep doing business with Circus and Overdrive.I wish True Tears would be released though :frowning:

Well, wanna know a Wikipedia fact? :wink:

I guess that means we have an epic win :lol:

shera just got push from this Friday to next Wednesday

Is that game mostly a sex romp? Or does it have a decent story?