What happened to Edelweiss? You can't buy it until Sept 10?

Just to kinda chime in here… Game companies… every single one of them with prolly 2 or more releases… (games that actually get critic ratings) have all had delays, this is nothing new… since the first game was made, First one i remember getting delayed was Spelljammer, well first game i wanted… anyway, point being, games that arnt delayed usually end up becoming a very bad game, they release it to early and it has errors, and the public hates it, and thats when the company will start getting bad reviews and a bad rep.
Me persionally, im just glad they(bishoujo games) are being release so that i can read them, im not to picky on the delays, i just know for them to keep making them… and other companies to see this as a legit market, they need a fan base, so as long as the few companies that make them continue to do so, i will buy em, so i can play em #1… and in hope one day theres a wider range of translation on the games we see over here.
I know not everyone sees this market like that… but the fact of the matter is, as long as games are being produced, they will have delays for production value, especially as the market continues to demand a better product from its makers. Think about it, had everyone buying MG games not said a single word, they wouldnt have delayed anything and would prolly be on their 7th or 8th release now, so its not them that put these delays on the game, it was us, who wanted a better product.

http://web.archive.org/web/200702101755 … .com/?p=26

domo arigato

I won’t be buying that game. I’m looking forward to Da Capo and Suika A.S+

These days, I daily visit these boards and the peach princess site, just in case any information on the status of Family Project is released. I suppose some people are irritated when deadlines are not kept, but my own peace of mind requires a release date, even if it’s wildly inaccurate or blatantly false. I really need a definite date to look forward to, instead of this maddening chaos of vagueness. :x Heck, I wouldn’t care if the Peapri staff picked a date randomly as long as I didn’t know about it. :roll:

Done reading Shera review and checking its score on erogamescape, I shouldn’t push my hope too far next time :stuck_out_tongue:

At least a deadline given for a title should inform us when to expect it :smiley:

What, you don’t visit these boards everyday to enjoy the banter of us regulars? :stuck_out_tongue:
As for deadlines, I’m fine without having one. This is especially true right now since I still haven’t completed my first play through of Figures of Happiness, and I have plenty more plays through until I reach 100% completion in Amorous Professor Cherry, Casual Romance Club, and Come See Me Tonight 2 to keep me busy. Not to mention all the non-ero games I have yet to finish. Add to all this everyday stuff and trying to compile a study guide to try and get back in to shape for Japanese II and you can see why I have plenty to keep my mind off of games that haven’t come out yet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m eagerly awaiting games to come out. Especially Family Project.

I have to say: looking at the bunch of AnimePlay VNs Hirameki left to us just makes me frustrated :P, AnimePlay alone itself is a frustration. Even with enough time, i’d have to pass on those games :frowning:

Erm… Something should show up before i finish Edelweiss (the grammar/typos just irritates the hell out of me, even in the re-release version :P, so i haven’t progressed far from then)

I’d prefer having release dates too, even though I have absolutely no free time. School alone was bad enough, but adding Suika to it is just pure hell. I’m pretty much always doing some sort of work now. But I’d like to at least plan how much I’ll be behind in games and everything. :lol:

And Panzerhaust, if you can’t stand just playing Edelweiss, imagine going through a script like that with a fine-tooth comb. :stuck_out_tongue: At least the end is near…

I can stand playing Edelweiss, as long as Ran keep asking me for money she… err… you know, lol :smiley:

Talking about Suika, yesterday i had an interesting discovery: Suika’s advertisement banner appears in D.C anime episode 12 at 9:34. They really do premiere H-anime in cinema in Japan or maybe it’s just Circus intentionally tack it on, lol.

I’m curious on how far the work with Suika goin’.

Last time I calculated, I was 79% done with Suika. I need to be done in about a week, so I’m still a bit behind.

On a sort of related note, the best worst line that I remember encountering in Suika:

As I heard she said that, I stopped the rhythmical concerning sort of piston action and started to thrust my thing into her like crazy.


Lol, what? I don’t want to know what exactly “she” said. I’ve heard somewhere that Kanon’s writers hate to do the H-scenes, must be the same for translators :lol:. God blesses you :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, tomorrow is the release day for Shera. I’ll get one JUST to check it out myself and be somewhat supportive to MG. That is all :wink:

Well, you can sort of guess by the fact that Kanon’s H scenes (as well as the H scenes in other games like Sekien no Inganock, AIR and especially Deathlori) are basically little more than lip service to the genre, being incredibly short and generally nondescriptive etc.

Kanon’s longest H scene by far was Ayu’s, IIRC (her being the principal heroine), and even it was only a few minutes of reading =p

da capo will now be coming out christmas day unless it gets pushed again
and Suika A.S+ got pushed jan 25

I even had time to edit the D.C & Suika Wiki page before you realized that :lol:

Well— if you get the newsletters, you’ll get a notice about which projects are “getting close” to being finished. That’s to help remind the people that haven’t pre-ordered it that if they pre-order the game before it is released, they get free shipping (in the US).

The getting close notice will be — what? Between 1 to 3 months before release? So I just keep an eye out for notices from Peach Princess in my email. I don’t start getting too anxious for the new releases until we get that “gone golden” notice. Then I’m like— WHERE’S MY GAME?!? :wink: