What is Most Important to You in a Bishoujo Game?

Fun stuff.

Let’s see:

1, It has to be in english :stuck_out_tongue:
2, Good story or an interesting or fun premise
3, Good art

That’s about it

After ripping apart Peter’s likes, I think i should post mine:

Good story and/or Good characters and development
Decent graphics
(they don’t need to be highest quality, but good enough. Better is always a plus).
Complexity usually assoicated with the first two. I hate games where choices are obvious and its easy to get every girl.
And other stuff…

ren’ai (Casual Romance Club)
stat-based (True Love)
dark gothic occultic ones (Divi-DEAD)
fantasy ones (Beloved Kingdom)
Very hard-to beat ones (ie get all endings/scenes) because every choice matters (Tokimeki Check-in)
if they don’t have storylines i will play ones based around other gameplay.
Multiple endings
And other stuff…

Stuff i don’t want:
Linear gameplay (a few games i like have this…very very few and by the same company).
pointless sex scenes, especially a lot of them. Any is more than enough though (by pointless they are out-of-place and probably detract from it…they do not have to actually have to add anything, but should seem a plausable, within the confines of the game architecture).
A specific character as the creator(s) idea of who you should pick, ie having a “true ending” kinda deal. Mostly because i never pick the same people they do.
some more stuff…

Stuff i absouletely don’t want:
Yaoi (if its major part…if its thrown in their or better just hinted at or no scenes it’s okay (like True Love)).
Beastality (but um, cat-girls and other humanoids like that don’t count)
probably some more stuff…

[ 09-29-2006, 03:10 AM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

Iiiye…I don’t like rape at all…

For in my opinion…Rape is too harsh or too demonlike to do to a lady…I like comedies…But not rape comedy.

I have already addressed this. I only said “rape comedy” because it is a complete contradiction of words. There is nothing comical about rape in any remote sense. It was word play only, as I distain rape as well.

Yeah…somehow…But I think that rape is…

Oh, sorry…I’ll post my opinions on the other tread…

… Depending how good the story and characters and writing were, you might be able to convince me. Depending.

Agreed. This is a big negative for me. I think it was the main reason I didn’t like Kango Shicyauzo 2 even though I liked the first one. I’m replaying the first one, Voice+ version, and I still like the game in spite of having played better games after it; so it’s something about K2, not nostalgia for K1.

I have one of my personal hobbies: collect video games. I choose Bishoujo game for: story, creator, or art.

First of all, the game must be in English, so that nixes out about 99.9% of all titles from my pallate. =P If it passes that prerequisite, then the next thing I look for is a good story. Ever 17, for example, has a simply masterful story that puts it up in the cream of the crop for me. Simple intrigue is lost on so many titles out in the American market.

Further, I prefer games that have good characters. Stereotypes are tolerable for me so long as the character is funny or sympathetic. Heart de Roommate is one game that sort of made up for its stereotypical characters and situations with a good sense of humor.

Music is also an important factor for me. I tend to get music from the games I play stuck in my head, so I sure don’t want some screechy midi tunes stuck in my head. Music enhances the experience more than pretty art for me. If the music sets the atmosphere for a situation well, then it will hold my attention more readily. Crescendo is an excellent example of this. The music masterfully sets the mood for so many scenes in that game.

Attractive graphics are certainly a plus for me, but they aren’t the end all be all, either. Older titles like True Love are far better than say, Let’s Meow Meow in my opinion simply because of its nonconventional gameplay system, better characters, and more interesting plots for each girl. Art doesn’t make the game for me, but can certainly enhance it.

Now, things that are big negatives for me include yaoi, rape, bad pacing, pointless sex, little character development, and recycled storylines.

Yaoi connotations aren’t so bad, but I would never buy a full-on yaoi title. Just not for me. ^^()

Rape is a serious issue, and so seeing it always makes me more than a little uncomfortable. However, as has been said, what’s really important is how it is handled in the game. So long as the rape is handled as a serious situation in the game’s context, it doesn’t necessarily knock the game down for me. It can make for great drama.

Bad pacing is something that can make or break a game for me. If anyone has ever played Hirameki’s Dragonia, they probably understand just how horrendous this can make a game at it’s absolute worst. The characters sucked too, but the pacing was it’s worst problem. Then there are games like the Eve series that don’t make big jumps, methodically taking you through from point A to point B. That’s more my type.

Pointless sex is quite self-explanatory. There are more than a few titles that use sex as it’s primary crutch, making everything else a secondary. I hate that. If all I want to see is sex, I can just watch some porn. I play titles with and without sex with little regard to that fact because it isn’t the selling point for me. And naturally, the more jam-packed a game becomes with sex, the more the story and characters in the game become watered-down sex devices.

Little character development usually falls closely in games that are flooded with sex. The characters tend to have no substance because they were designed AS sexual objects. When dialogue simply becomes a lapse between sex scenes, that’s when there’s a big problem for me.

Finally, recycled storylines. By that I’m referring to games that have one central story-arc, and depending on the choices you make, it just takes X character and plants them in as the main heroine, saying the same thing with a different voice for each scenario. Amusement Park is an example of a game that falls victim to this trend. The overarching story was entertaining enough the first time through, but by the third play-through, I asked myself what I was even doing? It was all the same.

Of course, that’s just off the top of my head. There’s always those X factors that give the game a little something extra or those taboos that we find immediately turn us off to a game.

Same here. Connotations i don’t mind. Actual yaoi i do.

in order

Good Art
UnEdited Loli

Okay. I have issues. I know that. :slight_smile:

[ 10-02-2006, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Game Play - stat builders like True Love or a good rpg. I like
more interactivity than the occassional choice.
Good story
Multiple endings for replayability.

Whats the most important thing in ero game? I would think the genre ero would answer that, ero content of cours.

As for me, in this order
no yaoi yuri,
decent story,
pretty females,
mulit ending,
good drawing,
good setting,
game play ie rpg strategy etc
competent main character,

[ 10-04-2006, 02:53 AM: Message edited by: Idofgrahf ]

Good story. Gameplay that isn’t incredibly annoying (sorry Snow Drop). That’s all that really matters to me. There are lots of other things that interest or don’t interest me.

Other than the potential of twincest, how many games have endings where you end up being shared? NOT a harem ending, but a triangle, especially one where the girls (or girl+boy, since I don’t object to yaoi even though it’s not my thing) are also involved with each other? I would find this an interesting goal. :slight_smile: “Winning one girl is easy. Winning two and making them get along with each other is hard!”

and alas, there is not enough yuri in bgames! sulk

Sulks with papillon

[ 10-04-2006, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: Scipoten ]

look to what Nargrakhan likes
goes to the church
came back with something
throws a pot of blessed water in Nargrakhan

I knew it… it’s burning him. :stuck_out_tongue:

look to what Nargrakhan likes
goes to the church
came back with something
throws a pot of blessed water in Nargrakhan

I knew it… it’s burning him. :stuck_out_tongue: [/b][/QUOTE]

REALLY… :eek: :eek: :eek:

consults his lists

Ah, there he is. Big red X next to his name in the book. One of the guys who sold it to me himself. Don’t get too many of those these days … usually I get them second-hand …

Yesssss … Yessss …

[ 10-04-2006, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]