What is Most Important to You in a Bishoujo Game?

Holy water doesn’t work on me when I’m in normal mode. I’m conditional evil. First you need to expose me to twins or something. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Peter Gilis must have caught you in twincest mode then :stuck_out_tongue:

I checked out MinDeaD BlooD and from the description, it looks like a Vampire: The Masquerade rip only with a rape twist to it. The two vampire factions in V:TM is the Camarilla (orgainzed, secret and less evil) and the Sabbat (chaotic, overt, and depraved). If MinDeaD BlooD is reminiscent of V:TM, then holy water won’t do shit. Garlic, it’s worthless. A stake? Only if it catches you in the heart and even then it just paralyses you. Crosses? They can stick it up their ass, hehe. Now a shotgun blast to the head, that’s trouble. Fire, oh that’s real trouble. And sunlight, well you can only catch one in your entire unlife, get it? And don’t lose your head. Lose it and you’re dust. That is pretty much everything that kills vampires in V:TM.

If you are a virtuous priest or other extremely holy man, your crosses can have effects. Electicity could harm them, but it’d be harder. And of course who knows what happens if a some powerful Unseelie changlings get a hold of them and drag them into their domain. You might survive, but you might not want to.

Only a holy man with the True Faith merit can do that. Standard faith doesn’t do squat except insure a seat in heaven. Ahh… a fellow WoD fan. I was only talking about injury to vampires in the conventional sense. Electricity causes lethal damage to Kindred but fire causes Aggrivated damage. Unlike Lethal, Aggrivated damage cannot be Soaked with Stamina, making it far more deadly. There are other supernatural forms of damage the Kindred can suffer, but they are a bit more rare, like Garou claws. You mentioned the Fae. They typically ignore Kindred unless one pisses them off, and even then they prefer mind games and offen restore (or exaggerate) their conscience, turning a hardened, diabolizing Tzimisce on the Path of Metamorphasis into a crying, repenting little coward. How extensive is your knowledge on OWoD? And what is your clan?

I know my opponent’s weaknesses…
I can suffer them myself…
Physical wounds are fading…
Vampire’s immortal flesh begins to close as soon as it is cleave…
Vampire’s only fear those wounds that impale or imflame…
Water…scorches like acid…
And fledgelings are devastated by sunlight’s touch…
I have to modify my tactics…to suit my foes…

At least, here we have definitely a difference between VtM and MinDEAD Blood! Mayu and Mana have no problems getting a nice suntan… :wink:

Oh, and apparently I am a Tremere - at least that’s where VtM-Bloodlines sorted me when I answered all questions honestly!

… or simply rethink your position: come over to the dark side! It’s fun here! Trust me, this won’t hurt me a bit…

[ 10-05-2006, 07:27 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Again…I asks…

“What tale are you going to tell me…?”

How about the tale of Felser the Monster-king (bad translation but I can’t think of a better one that stays closer to the original meaning for “Maou”), who wants to take over his world - and the truth behind his plans - and himself?

Hmmm… perhaps it’s time for me to make a new avatar showing my beloved Liese-chan… :heart:

Hmmmmm… I get the impression that you want to drive Benoit crazy… :smiley: :smiley:

[ 10-05-2006, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Not at all!!!(Shakes head sideways)

It was just an error…in typing…
An Error…

Don’t mind it…

Don’ mind, Don’ mind. :smiley:

[ 10-05-2006, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

I know this quote. It’s Rhazeal in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

Tremere?? A fellow userper and warlock! I am a Tremere as well. What house(s) are you?

[ 10-05-2006, 08:14 AM: Message edited by: Scipoten ]

Wait, wait, wait. I’m trying to get AWAY from WoD, not drag it here. Within the next month or so I am abondoning WoD altogether. I would rather stay on topic with the b-games.

Why are you abandoing it?

As for the topic, well as said, if they could make an rpg like some of them released by SE, but with hentai (and being able to chose which girl, because i rarely like their picks), that would be the best.

As for my clan, I’m a Malkavian.

WoD has taken so much of my time that I have had little time to do anything else. There are a few things I want to learn and things I want to do, but this tabletop RP is taking every opportunity.

Wo wo wo, this thread is starting to break the laws of the Masquerade.

is a Tremore himself, but also like splaying Malkavian

For me, the best Western RPGs are always the one that have a good deal of plot to it, as well as a strong sense of atmosphere, immersion and diversity.

My list, then, is as such: Deus Ex, V: TM (plays like Deus Ex, supernatural style) and Arcanum (also by troika, and would have made a better Brave Soul if CGS were added)

Oh, and I’d add Half-life. Okay… so it’s an FPS… but it’s got lessons for any RPG.

For typical RPGs, my list would be: Morrowind (HUGE), NWN (well… I’m sure you know about it too)… and that’s about it.

Now… if only I could combine all those with Brave Soul, Kana, Crescendo, Private Nurse and FoH… and I’d have the ultimate RPG…

until the next one comes.

Gehenna has already come and gone. All vampires are dead. I doubt that the Cam really cares anymore. Now we got this watered-down “new and improved” farce called Vampire: The Requiem which lacks the darkness and gothic-punk style of Vampire: The Masquerade.

whispering to self Please don’t be fish Malks, please don’t be fish Malks, please don’t be fish Malks…

It would be so awsome if there was a bishoujo game as large as Morrowind, Oblivion, or NWN, but has the depth of Crescendo or Kana. That would require a LOT of work though.

Why the angxiety? Malks and Tremeire are related though history you know? Of all the clans, Malks and Tremeire have the most in common with each other.

This is true, both statements.

back in the day, the malkavian newsgroup was alt.games.vampire.tremere … :slight_smile:

White Wolf has done too many incredibly stupid things in intervening years, though, I find that I’m no longer interested in their property. Trying to make fans pay extra licensing fees to run their games was NOT a good PR decision. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I remember that one. That didn’t last too long … Didn’t even take them a week to backpedal furiously. Occasionally companies do something so stupid you’d swear they wanted people not to buy their products … that was definitely one of those times.

“Fish Malks” are people who role play Malkavians very poorly. They are usually just clowns who throw around the name “Malkavian” as an excuse for bad behavior. Of all the clans, this one is the most abused. In role play, they are wise-cracking pranksters who scream and yell incoherently instead of playing the true Malkavian who vainly struggles to overcome or understand his condition. Darkness and dispare permiate WoD, as was intended, but fish Malks turn it into a cliché laughing stock. And forum fish Malks are the worst. They post things like:

AM @ M@|||< F33R MEEEEEE!


I be makin no SENSE IN an illogically logical unsenseful way!
{& slugs}

No one likes a fish Malk, and I have seen WAY too many people RP them poorly. The books actually say that a fish Malk should be shot (in real life). If you can play a good Malkavian, hats of to you, but I have rarely witnessed a good Malk role player.

Uhh… no they haven¬Åft, and no they don’t. The only thing that the Tremere have done as far as associating themselves with the Malkavians was when they forcibly experimented on them (just like what they did to most of the other clans) during the Dark Ages in an attempt to create a seer bloodline. These experements were headed by House Roldofo, a House within the Pyramid that dedicated itself to scrying and divination. Ultimately, however, these experiments ended in failure because they could not separate the visions of the future from insanity. Very few large-scale experiments such as this end in failure, and as such, it was swept under the rug by the Circle of Seven. Other than that, the Usurpers and Madmen have had little to do with each other.

The closest comparison that I can draw between the Tremere and Malkavian clans is a vague similiarity in telepathy. The Lunatics have a telepathic link with each other called the Malkavian Madness Network, also known as “The Cobweb.” One must have at least 6 dots in Dementation before a character may have access to and manipulate the Network, meaning the vampire in question must be at least 7th generation or lower. The Tremere, however, have no Network, but telepathically speak with each other using Thaumaturgy once a week in the Chantry of a city to discuss future plans, expansion, Thaumaturgical breakthroughs, etc.

While the Malkavians have little in common with the Tremere, the Giovanni, on the other hand, is nearly identical to them, both in their origins, and in their structure. The Tremere were originally human Mages who forcibly took immortality from the Tzimisce then Tremere himself diabolized Saulot, the Salubri Antediluvian, and proceeded to purge clan Salubri through brute force, diablerie, and political maneuvering.

The Giovanni started as human Necromancers Embraced by the Cappadocians, then Agustus Giovanni diabolized his sire, Cappadocius, the Cappadocian Antediluvian, and proceeded to purge the Cappadocian clan virtually through diablerie alone. I can give you the origins on both clans in detail if you want.

Both clans are pyramidal in structure, with Tremere at the head of his clan, and Agustus Giovanni at the head of his. Both rule with an iron fist, and both have extremely loyal and tight-nit clans.

[ 10-07-2006, 03:58 AM: Message edited by: Scipoten ]