What is Most Important to You in a Bishoujo Game?

I first got into WoD when I played Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines. The first clan I chose was Malkavian because I thought that they would be cool, and by their descriptions, none of the other clans had anything against them. The Brujah and Gangrel hate the Ventrue and the Ventrue reciprocate, the Nosferatu and Toreador hate each other, everyone hates the Tremere, but no one cares about Malkavians, so I decided to go with them. When I got into the game, I couldn’t understand what I was saying so I restarted as a Toreador and was going to play the next game as a Malk. The Toreador didn’t feel right either but I decided to go with them anyway because they were the most sociable and therefore making friends in this strange new existence would be that much easier, right? Boy did Bertram and Gary inform me otherwise. Then I played through again as a Tremere instead of Malkavian because the blood magic appealed to me. I found my clan, and the rest is history.

After Bloodlines, I got into the books and found out just how poorly the Malkavian player character was portrayed. I also found out about “fish” Malks and how difficult it is to accurately play a genuine Malkavian. They were my chosen clan at first, but Tremere is my chosen clan now.

As I am still new to bishoujo, I found this current discussion very interesting (altho it does seem to drift off topic here on page 2). In the past, some individuals on this bbs have recommended games to me that turn out to be really wonderful. Now that the prices have come down, I’m shopping around for a new game. I intend to study the titles cited in the above comments very closely before deciding (altho, I’m pretty sure it’s goind to be CHECK-IN).

Now, to answer the question: “what do I like?” I dunno. As I said, I’m new to this. Haven’t you ever come across a book or a movie that you thought you’d never read or watch in a million years, but then you do, and it turns out that you love it? Happens all the time. I never thought I’d like a story about incest (KANA), but now it’s like catnip to me. I don’t like rape, but there are a couple of rape scenes in CRESCENDO that are, at least, understandable. Ryo doesn’t just force himself on Ayame or Kaori because he’s strong and can overpower them. He’s actually hurting inside. And the feelings of the women are complicated, as well. In the real world, we have no need to take those complications into consideration when deciding whether or not rape is bad. It just is. But in a piece of fiction it’s okay to at least consider them. (but having said that, I intend to avoid those scenes the next time I play the game.)

I doubt that I’ll ever play a yaoi game, but again How do I know that? One might come along someday that grabs my attention despite the butt-fucking. Could happen. I am a little distressed, on the other hand, to see that the majority opinion seems to be against yuri. Bamboo lives for yuri. In fact I’d like to see an all-lesbian buldungsroman on the model of CRESCENDO someday.

Again, thanks to all on this site for your valuable insights. I hope you enjoy your games as much as I do mine.

Long live Bishoujo

Eh, the majority actually seems to be FOR yuri. I’m not, though.

So am I…
:slight_smile: :smiley: :cool:

I’m all for yuri. Actually I want a complicated, in-depth game reminiscent of Crescendo with a double-ending (where you get two girls), but they are not just “handed over”, you must work on it with persuasion and dialogue. One wrong move and you will probably lose them both. That game would be awsome. :slight_smile:

So…you’re saying…

You want a game where you are a or a flirt? Where you don’t have to force the girls to be yours…

So much like Mice of Thousand Arms… :slight_smile:

Absolutely. :wink: It is so much more effective to enlighten another to your way of thinking that to intimidate compliance. They will be willing – no, desirous to do what you want rather than grudgingly obey.

I agree…

But…I have to be careful so they will not discover my true motives… :roll:

Bamboo, if you want a semi-yaoi game, Animamundi is pretty good (just make sure you get the patch). Nothing more than the occasional kiss, as far as I’ve seen. (It’s also a non-h game like Ever 17.) And the whole “fight the devil dragging you into darkness” theme, I would think, would be good for all the White Wolf players in here.

Speaking of White Wolf, didn’t they get bought out a couple years back?

As for what I like, I pretty much go for everything, except yaoi and scat. Sadly, I don’t speak much Japanese (still learning) so my options are still limited.

Arrgh…arrrh…(Hearing dark whispers: Listen to the voice of the dark spirits…)
Argh…aarrgghh…must…fight… :mad: aa…ar…aaahhhhhh…(Hears again…a malicius advice this time: Strike them with fear…Only if they fear you will they truly be your servants…)
An image comes to mind…and another and also this…

[ 10-08-2006, 11:39 AM: Message edited by: 13th ]

The “fight the devil dragging you into darkness” in White Wolf games is usually called the Beast. It is purely primal urges bent on violence and destruction, and not mental or emotional destruction, more like the type with fists, claws, teeth, and maybe a straight razor. The Beast only wants to kill and is not intelligent enough to whisper anything. Vampires (or werewolves) who lose themselves to the Beast speak incoherently in their gore-splattered havens. Or if you are a Wraith: The Oblivion player like myself, the you have the Shadow rather than the Beast. The Shadow, however, is very intelligent and perfectly fits the whispering evil entity that wants to drag you into darkness, or rather drag you into Oblivion. Wraiths who lose themselves to their Shadows become Specters.

How about that…

I’m a bog Wraith…

And I’m almost becoming a Silent Specter.

[ 10-08-2006, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: 13th ]

Umm… you can only be a Wraith if you are dead…

Why would you want to choose a swamp as one of your haunts?

And once you lose yourself to the Shadow, you no longer have any control over your actions whatsoever.

Nothing…really, I just like the atmosphere of swamps. :frowning:

Ahh…so that’s a fish Malk. No. That’s not me. My characters have far more demented and sometimes subtle insanities, sometimes that only appear at certain conditions. I think this was a flaw for my malk i had once:

Lunar Lunacy:
Your insanity goes with the flow of the moon. When there is a new moon as well as the day before and after you are perfectly sane. Anyone who checks you for insanity will not find any. However, the more full the moon is the greater the insanity. Under a full moon as well as the day before and after your insanity is so stong it overwhelms you. During this period you may not spend willpower points…

Etc. about the various penalties you suffer and whatnot based on the general type of insanity you had. That one was very interesting.

Read the Malkavian clanbook. You’ll see what I’m refering to.

Playing a wraith is the most boring thing in the world���now playing a clangling, that can be interesting. :smiley:

Can I ask more about this Animamundi patch?

Just finished. I thought you were comparing clan similarities. I see now that you were referring to how the Malkavians see the Tremere as a surrigate brother since Tremere diabolized Saulot. I knew Saulot and Malkav were brothers, but I didn’t know the Malkavians saw the Tremere in this fashion. These views are one-sided, however. The Tremere do not view Malkavians as their “family.” In fact, as time went on, the Tremere have grown more and more reclusive from all clans to the point that other clans know even less about the Tremere now than in the past.

That is not the Lunacy Derangement description. This is it:

Have you even read Wraith: The Oblivion? It’s awesome! I was skeptical at first, but someone introduced me to it and I think it is one of the best book series White Wolf has ever published. You have the various Legions ruled by Deathlords, you have to watch out for Specters, the Tempest (destruction and chaos with a whole new meaning), and especially Oblivion (utter nothingness), and the Arcanos (Wraith Disciplines) are among the coolest powers in the World of Darkness. About half of the Arcanos abilities have at leat some aspect that allows you to interact with the “skinlands,” the world we live in, especially such Arcanos as Outrage, Puppetry, and Embody.

((Man this is WAY off topic, but it’s my fault.))

[ 10-10-2006, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Scipoten ]

The Animamundi patch can be downloaded here:


It fixes some minor text issues, but the big thing is it also fixes the inventory flaws that prevent you from getting certain (or possibly most) endings.

Ahh, seems to be quite a few Tremeres here, I’m one as well :smiley: .

As for the topic at hand… Well, my list would be very similar to Nargrakhans, actually :smiley: .