What is Most Important to You in a Bishoujo Game?

So…you’re with the darkside as well…

While, I’m still in the line between good and evil… :frowning:

LOL, I’m different, as always…

I’m a Ventrue, go ahead and hate me. I just love Dominate, lol. Aristocratic and haughty, yup. I think I have a Malkavian ancestor somewhere though (just a joke, please no long rants about you can’t have other clan bloodlines, blah blah blah)

There needs to be a good Vampire: Masquerade online game. I love the system, but have no one to play with.

As for bishoujo games, it’s all about story for me. Story story story. It can be a funny story, or a romantic story, or a detective story, or a horror story, but it needs to be a GOOD story. I LOVED EVER 17, Eve: Burst Error, Kana, Crescendo, Divi-Dead.

Graphics don’t matter (although occasionally i find a style I don’t like, it won’t stop me from playing if the story is good), yaoi doesn’t matter, linear or lots of choices doesn’t matter, though I prefer choices if forced to choose.

No-no’s are pointless sex scenes, scat, disgustingly lolita characters (the blond girl from Jewel Knights), rape not done respectfully and with great insight and purpose to storyline.

Wow, our great goddess (great wolf goddess? $.10 to anyone getting that pun) has returned!

Did you have to set yourself on fire to get resurrected? Or is that more of a metaphor? :wink:

LOL, I’m always on fire baby!

I was a little busy for most of this year, getting married, moving to another state, and then having lots of stuff to do around the new house. My website hasn’t been updated in forever (not that that is new, lol).

It’s good to see a lot of the oldies still hanging around. :slight_smile:

Yay!!! Great see to you again!!! Take your time, ladyphoenix. :slight_smile:

I am surprised at the number of Tremere here. The members at the other forums I hang out at used to frequently flame me for being Tremere. Emphasis on “used to.” Heh, heh, heh.

We Tremere do not hate you at all. The Tremere are advisors to Ventrue Princes and are the power behind the throne.

The Tremere have Dominate as well, though we prefer manipulating reality itself more than people. Manipulating people is a means to an end, typically political leverage to better the “clan” (translated: “self,” but using “clan” as an excuse), and by helping the “clan,” one becomes privy to more Thaumaturgical secrets. The Lasombra also possess Dominate, but unlike the Ventrue, the Lasombra are far more willing to use it due to the lack of pussyfooting politics in the Cammarilla, or maybe because they are simply more pushy. Even the Lasombra antitribu are more aggressive in their politics than other clans, even Ventrue. I love what one guy said about the Lasombra:

The Giovanni, Camarilla Malkavians, and Old Clan Tzimisce clans also have Dominate, but I doubt you would take an interest in them. The Giovanni are like the Tremere, only with dead bodies. Camarilla Malks are Malkavians who have had their Dementation removed and replaced with Dominate (basicly, a castrated Malk). Old Clan Tzimisce refused to persue Vicissitude and isolated themselves from the rest of their clan and mastered Dominate; they also avidly pursued Koldonic Sorcery (like Thaumaturgical Paths except more in tune with nature and land).

I understand the pun but I don’t understand the reference. Does ladypheonix know much about WoD?

envelopes self with Lure of Flames Hey there Ventrue, wanna hug?

I was going to abandon WoD, but talking about it here has revived my interest in it. I just have to play it in more moderation than I had before.

I may be a Ventrue as a hobby, but my full-time job is as a female Phoenix! Bring on the fiery hugs :slight_smile:

What I like in a game, from most important to least

Real believable characters

What turns me off, in order:

Rape, S&M, Scat
Poor story/Unbelievable characters and reactions
Bad graphics and no options in game
Linear games with little or no choices

Oddly enough I have no objection to lolicons, incest, twincest or anything of that nature, as long as its done fairly realistically. No rape!

How exactly is lolicon supposed to be a) “done fairly realistically”, and b) “No rape!”, at the same time?

I mean, setting aside the “statutory rape” issue – lolicon essentially involves characters who are too young to be interested in sex, therefore it sort of has to be rape even if they think they consent.

(Alright, so that IS getting into statutory rape – ignoring the obvious illegality, and instead talking about it from a theory standpoint, i.e. why it’s illegal.)

Great, another rape discussion. Lolicon is NOT rape. Oh how I grow weary of that word. Rape requires mental scarring, scarring not present if they truely consent. If they are mentally damaged, it’s rape, if not, it’s not rape. Simple.

That would be right if girls younger than 18 aren’t classified as lolis…

Yep, perhaps I wasn’t clear on that subject. Pretty much anyone under the age of 18, at least in the US could be classified as loli. Thats what I meant.

As for it not being rape. Someone who has consensual sex without technically being old enough to consent, has in my mind not been raped. Of course it mostly depends on the situation. I’m not going to get into specifics here though, we really don’t need to be talking about this subject here.

That’s true. I tend to forget my personal definition of lolicon differs from the generally-accepted “anyone < 18 years of age” blunt approximation.

For me, lolicon is defined as characters too young to be interested in sex, or to understand what’s going on; or too immature to be the mental equal of the other person involved.

And…we call those who like lolitas…“Lolipedophils” :slight_smile: :smiley: