What kind of girls are your "type"?

:confused: You know I was just messing around with Nargrakhan…right?

[ 06-02-2007, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

I am intrigued by your ideas and want to subscribe to your mailing list.

Now, are these lesbian stripper catgirls?

Yeah, like the annoying redhaired one from A Shadow Over the Sagara Family. There’s another one in You Can Tokimeki Checkin … But You Can Never Leave (and she even has evil little tsundere spawn). And I think you could probably also count the doggie officer from Minna De NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-NYAAAAAAAAAAH counts. And that’s just off the top of my head.

You know, I think you got something there. Or … perhaps not?

[ 06-02-2007, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

I’ll usual go for the quiet type or the tsundere type first, depending on the game.

If a game has both, then the one that I find more appealing goes first. ƒSƒXƒƒŠAŠá‹¾‚Á–ºAƒƒŠAetc.

So it goes by the personality followed my the design type in my eyes. Gothloli beats loli which beats meganekko. If a character is all three, then I die of blood loss. ^_^;;

Quiet girls are what I always like, and the tsundere characters can be a turn off if they’re too bitchy. I’ve lived with that all my life, I don’t need to see it in games. >_>;;;

And then there’s the quiet tsundere characters, which generally wind up in games where I’ll go for another character of the design subtype first.

So… yeah. Another glance into the warped mind of Zenigame. I’ll probably get three times as many lolicon jokes now, but I’ve grown accustomed to that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Heh, posted before seeing the poll itself. As far as game style goes, I like school settings and/or fantasy things. Most of the games I own mix these two up in some way.

Also, I don’t like dark games or yarugee. In other words, I’m one of the few pure love light-side fans on these boards.

[ 06-03-2007, 02:54 AM: Message edited by: Dark Lord Zenigame ]

I voted for older sister ( I do like incest themes in stories , not real life !I 've probably read too many VC Andrews books ) and non human , because monster/alien characters are a lot of fun , add a weird exotic touch .I can’t think of a non human older sister character off hand though .
I chose ordinary life and horror , but I also like comedy , scifi …any genre is fair game if I 'm intrigued by the story , beautiful art , etc.
Could somebody make a similar poll for yaoi and/or otome games ? Are we ever going to get antoher yaoi or otome game ?

:wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Not Safe For Work! NSFW! Not Safe For Work! NSFW!


Not Safe For Work! NSFW! Not Safe For Work! NSFW!

The twin sisters in M.E.M. (NOT WORK SAFE) fit this description to a T. :3

It’s not that I don’t have the mad skillz. I use to like twins too except my eliteness enabled me to see the light.

It’s just not worth the effort when you can have two completely different bishoujo. At least in this case, when you’re bored with one you still have the other; but with twins when your bored with one you will still also have the other. . .except you’ll be sick of her too.

Face it. Twincest sucks. Especially the ones Nargrakhan likes.

Shy girl, Non-Human and Sporty / Aggressive girl. OK, I chose only 2…

Well, I don’t care about genre… If the story is interesting, that’s OK for me. Well, I don’t like Horror very much…

And that whole twin-loyalty thing, they’ll gang up on you all the time, you’ll make mistakes on which one you told what to and get them both upset, they’ll use twin-telepathy to spy on you, and imagine when they’re both PMSing!

#1: No one said that twincest can’t be part of a harem. I’m just stating that you can’t have a harem without twincest.


[ 06-04-2007, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

1 - I pick Shy Girl as my choice.

2 - Comedy was always my favorite genre.

By the way Nargrakhan, what game the CG of #3 comes from?

Gotta choose the catgirls…

Me, I’ve voted for “Loli&Shy” (Can’t you see my avatar :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well seems non-humans, shy girls and loli are the top 3 (loli’s actually started pulling ahead somewhat recently). Then on the other question Comedy, Fantasy and ordinary day have a tremendous lead over everything…the next closest are horror/scifi at >15%.

Hmm the pole is missing one question though…what type of game form…

Hmmmh, where to find a Fantasy Comedy Ordinary Day erogame boasting Loli, Non-Human and Shy girls surely available for an English version from Peach Princess :stuck_out_tongue: … ?

What if your preferences don’t match any of the choices? They’re less than complete, after all…

I agree. There is no eccentric choice.

I shall go against Nargy here, and say that I like Haruhi Suzumiya ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) ,but, not because she is a tsundere, but ebcause she isn’t the traditional tsundere. After all, she doesn’t beat the shit out of Kyon (instead, she takes it out on the moe Mikuru), and any anger directed towards Kyon is slightly justified.

But it’s not just that. What I love about Haruhi Suzumiya was her hobby of walking around school corridor, throwing rocks here and there, and going all out to somehow prove a point, in an essence, ehr uniqueness, her eccentricity.

This is the sort of choice I like. I want soemthing unique, unusual, the sort of choice that confounds the traditional galge user, something like what Nekoko was in YMK.

I guess it’s just my preferece since I like ‘strong’, and I’ve not been keen on the dark side ever since Salo.

EDIT - Narg, you were in the military ? Wow…

[ 06-11-2007, 11:30 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Yea. Originally joined the US Navy as a Radioman, but the rate was upgraded to Information Technician during my service. That’s how I first got to live in Japan as an 18 year old without money. :frowning:

[ 06-12-2007, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

What’s weirder is how it mixes personalities (shy, aggressive but no denpa, yamato nadesiko, cheerful, etc.) with status (loli, oneesan, OL, but no imouto, osananajimi, classmate, etc.) and ‘activity’ (sports girl but no miko, maid, waitress, etc.)
In the game style, we can note the absence of ren’ai (which says a lot about the mindset of this board :wink: ), bouken and yarugee, and the mix of genre (mystery, horror, comedy, ren’ai, etc.) with context (fantasy, ordinary, sci-fi but no supernatural, modern, etc.)

[ 06-12-2007, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: olf_le_fol ]