What the... They're ALL Out of Stock?

I went to ErogeShop and, for some reason, every single product (including pre-orders) is listed as ‘Out of Stock’. It’s the same at HimeyaShop. What the heck is going on? Does anyone have any idea?

I think it’d have to be related to this (Japanese original is here).

I placed an order with paletweb today, and I’m waiting to hear if that goes through (I don’t live in any of the countries the restriction applies to, but if they decide to take erogeshop’s approach and (provisionally?) stop all international shipping, then that’ll pretty much cut out all of the direct purchase/preorder options for eroges). Peter Payne has mentioned on twitter that J-List is safe from this, as they’ve got a business contract with Japan Post, so at least that option is still available for a few games.

That’s ridiculous. I can’t believe a post office would stop shipping packages.

As of this writing, both Himeyashop.com and Erogeshop.com state, “Announcement of Temporary Closing Down… We are sorry to inform you that HimeyaShop will not accept orders for a while due to the reorganization of our business to deal with the yen’s rapid appreciation. It has not been decided yet when HimeyaShop will resume accepting orders.”

(I admit that I haven’t imported any titles in a while from either site. It was tough to justify spending so much on PC software from a few years ago, even though some of the items are rare. Most of my niche purchases lately have been through indie game services, such as Winter Wolves. …So, after thinking about this, I took the opportunity to purchase the worksafe visual novel Remember11 from J-List. It was relatively inexpensive.)

can i get a link to peter’s twitter

I just check the emails and it looks like it will ship out less then 453 grams. I order the one product from eroge and it will ship out in 24 hours information. I guess I have to wait for more information because I have few more back orders from eroge shop. From my thinking pre-order product and released product will ship out if you order before NOV 12 2010. After that they won’t accept any more orders. That my thinking. If I get more information I will try to post.

I hope that “the reorganization of our business to deal with the yen’s rapid appreciation” also includes more honest prices for the old games they have in stock (the majority of their stock for sure), or my money will keep go elsewhere.
In my opinion, the problems with the postal service and the dollar/yen exchange rates are a veiled excuse, competition and more informed customers are both on the rise, and Himeya/Erogeshop must now re-think its old “Let’s overprice all, we have the monopoly!” policy if it hopes to survive…

I just emailed Paletweb about this issue and they said they said they aren’t affected by this.

They told me that it is already pay so they don’t effect.

I just visit the Paletweb. Anyway, what kind of product it will came with? for example tereka(telephone card) or the omake product? I like to know where they getting from?

Finally, I have a chance to use this video.

Here’s to you, Japan Post.


So the importing sites are going out of business. Way to go postal service for giving the pirates a more legitimate sounding excuse.

nobody’s going out of business! erogeshop is reorganising their business because of the exchange rate! the other places are still running fine!

Now you’re piping in with something about the pirates having a more legitimate sounding excuse. why? why do they have a more legitimate sounding excuse? how did you come to this conclusion? from sankakucomplex?!?!

EDIT: Er, ahem. Anyway, no, the importing sites are not going out of business.

You realise I was being sarcastic, probably should use emoticons next time

Edit: And note how I put “sounding”, meaning of course to the uneducated (ie, the people who take anything on sankaku seriously) that would make more sense than the pirate excuse of “Oh noes, they bann foreign Ips, this totally justifies my pirating their games”. If I actually meant that, there would be no “sounding” in the sentence.

Himeya/Erogeshop are temporarily closing because of the Yen appreciation, and not the shipping restrictions?

Given how their business has two whole websites dedicated to selling import products overseas, I guess it would make sense that they probably would’ve already had a contract with Japan Post and be unaffected by the shipping issue, but how the heck does the Yen appreciation affect them? How would they even reorganize to begin with?

What was their pricing even like before this?

Unless you explicitly say you’re being sarcastic in your posts, sarcasm never really works on an internet messageboard. It relies too much on the audience recognizing the speaker’s facial expressions and tone of voice to be effective in a medium that’s purely made of text. Emoticons don’t really help that much either.

OK before Yen was 100 or 105 yen they sale about 75 - 80 dollars. When the Yen going to 90 yen or under they sales product about 110 or more depends on what you order. for example regula price is 7900 - 8500 yen when this transfer to dollars it became 97-105 dollars at right now. Since the yen rapidly changes they loose some of money. I guess they have to wait until yen became stable. I don’t know when that will be.orz

Yeah; I’ve never had a problem with erogeshop’s prices myself because I basically just use them as a preorder store.

Why don’t they just leave the burden of dealing with exchange rates to the buyer by pricing their products in yen instead of dollars? Geez, if this was that big of an issue, wouldn’t places like Paletweb and JList be affected as well?

Not Paletweb because they deal in yen and not JList probably because they don’t sell many full-priced eroge.

Also, from my thinking Paletweb has other supporters for like example ebay and compare to himeya and eroge they don’t have supporters. They sales by them self it mens one company. for the J-list like lancer-X said they don’t carry much of the games. That from my thinking. note:MAybe this is not true I’m not sure. its from my thinking.