What we'd like to see in the next releases

There is already a (frustrating) topic about the titles we’d like to see translated, but here let’s discuss about what we’d like to see in the next translated (or not) VN.
In short, let’s talk about our fetishes.

Some of us (at least one :)) want more twincest, but it can also be a character with twintails, a tsundere or just just a special place, …

As for me there is a huge list of things I’d like to find. For example, I’d like to have :

  • An amnesic girl. Since I have a huge fetish for submissive girls, I’d like to have a route with a dependent amnesic girl. With nowhere to go she’d have to cling to you, the main character, who would be the only person she’d know. :twisted:

  • Snow ! Snowy towns are the best places for romance (just remember Snow Sakura, …)

  • Drying pole… (nc :P)

  • Low leg panties :slight_smile:


Twincest - do I really need to explain why? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yandere - she really loves you. She really, really loves you. :twisted:

Loligoth - nothing screams awesome like frills, ribbons, and lace. 8)

Any combination of the three would be divine. :o

Bisexual female PC.

Seductive lesbian vampire PC loosed on a horde of innocent (or so you think) schoolgirls.


Make that two votes for the vampire.

A good story. That’s all.

vampire girl would be cool

Hm. Most vexing. I decided to go hunting for an ero that meets this requirement that stays exclusively yuri (no boys ruining the fun). Despite the many volumes of titles that cover vampirism, I couldn’t find one. I mean there’s a pure yaoi vampire title, but no pure yuri vampire title? I must be using the wrong search keywords. Anyone know of a pure yuri vampire title that’s not doujin? There has to be at least one around.

Just for the record, I did find titles that have the lady vampire in charge of male slaves. :stuck_out_tongue:

that pick reminds me of the vampire twins from black lagoon

  • Female protagonist

  • Splatter/gore

  • Long scenario (4mb or longer preferably)

  • Minimum number of necessary choices

  • Some element of time alteration, Yumemishi-style

  • Snow! Snowy towns are the best places for depression, murder, chaos (just remember Swan Song, Tsukutori, Yukiuta, Setsuei, Tenshi no Inai, 5…)

  • One eroscene per winnable character - or only one eroscene in the entire game, for one of the winnable characters - but make it like half an hour long. It’d be perfect if there was just one winnable character. Everyone would cry ‘landmine’ after playing it =P

  • Large number of tachie

  • Scenario taking place over an extended period of time, sort of like in Gadget and Extravaganza

  • Full voice, everyone is voiced all of the time, even if the game needs fifty billion voice actors like Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai had.

  • Protagonist has some incurable illness and will definitely die after some period of time

That’s enough for now =p

that would be one crazy game

  • Some Yandere would definitely be welcome, given the fact that there’s practically none in the western market.

  • Something with a gameplay (rpg or strategic, it doesn’t matter). I mean, something with a good gameplay. I don’t know if the first episode of Raidy sold well, or if the second it’s going to, but if the answer is yes, then maybe it’s time to start considering the localization of something better.

  • Some highly psychological drama in which people are subjected to some heavy stress and/or uncommon situations. I like stories that talk about the reaction of people pushed to their limits.

  • Yuri. My main fetish, period.

They’re both confirmed girls though. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, okay, here’s some more to add to my previous list:

  • Endings to be generally all bad endings, but after everything’s been seen (probably shouldn’t have TOO many endings as such, plus they should be spaced far apart, be quite unique and fairly complete-- I imagine at least 4-5 hours off the trunk per ending) a final ending is unlocked which is still sort of a bad ending but more of a bittersweet one that gives hope for the future. If you’ve played Sayonara wo Oshiete I’m thinking something like the angel’s ending)

  • Seconding Overlord87’s suggestion here:

Yes, high levels of stress, especially fights between the protagonist and one or more (if there are more) winnable characters, preferably over nontrivial things. I love this kind of stuff

  • Language level somewhere between artistic (Tanaka Romeo, Setoguchi Renya) and kanji bullshitting (France Shoujo writer, Itsusora/Asairo writer). I love both but too much of the latter puts more of the work on understanding than actually reading.

  • Lots of imagery, symbolism, like in France Shoujo - since we’ve got the script length to play with, throw in long dream/nightmare sequences that also act as foreshadowing for later events or as hints to stuff that happened in the past

  • Out-of-order storytelling used for dramatic effect. I don’t mind being confused for a while if at the end I’m left with that ‘holy shit, that was awesome’ feeling.

  • Mind control. If I’ve got a fetish, this is probably it. Bring on the mind control, but set some strong limits on it, and I’d rather the protagonist isn’t a jerk about using it, but is instead more exploratory, like in Saimin Jikken. Remember the protag is a girl and there’s only one H scene, so chances are we’re not using the mind control to rape people and this is good.

Another vote for loligoth.

Good gameplay. Always looking for this. RPG, strategy, raising sim…I like them all.

Darker stories. Not ultra dark or rapefest, but psychological. I wouldn’t mind some yandere.

Action-oriented stories. Slice of life, dialogue focused stories are starting to bore me. I want the story to be interesting for its plot–dialogue that doesn’t really go anywhere and is just there for comic relief and gags is getting tiresome. The dialogue should be meaningful and serve a purpose.

Fantasy. I love fantasy settings, because they allow a great deal of world building. Fate/Stay Night is a game that does an excellent job of this.


a powerful protagonist creating a sex club for his/her pleasure.



Its time we got some Dark stuff. Tsuki and Virgin Roster look so lonely in the catalouge.

Maybe this thread should be renamed to “What we’d like to see in the next releases but will not” :lol:
On topic, most of the things said is what I would like to see. :wink:

I just have one request, really. Translate the game properly this time, please. Nothing else matters if you can’t get that right.

This. It definitely trumps all other concerns.

My other two requests in order would be good writing and good story. Although I prefer certain genres/types of stories over others (utsuges etc.), I don’t have any fetishes, and at the same time whilst there are certain things I don’t particularly like, at the same time I’m not offended by them. So basically, if either of those two criteria apply then I’d probably find a game worthwhile, although in practical terms, it means I play a lot more ‘light’ eroges than ‘dark’ ones.

Action RPG gameplay with good story. Stat building may consist of player stat (strength, agility, etc.) and relationship stat.
Various character background (prince/princess, thieves, warriors, farmers, etc.).
Good opening and ending songs.
Multiplayer, if possible.

The problem with action RPG ero-games is that the combat needs to be entertaining in its own right and stand up to multiple playthroughs, otherwise it’ll just feel like a chore when you’re going through the last couple of scenarios. This was the problem I had with Brave Soul; the combat was ok the first 2 times, after that it just artificially lengthened the game and got in the way of the story I wanted.