What's your favorite H-Game Play?

[color=#FF0000]Sorry that I have to reset the votes because I’ve added a new item to it. (and i don’t know adding a new item will remove the old votes.)[/color]

Just to pull in some strings of ideas, I was thinking what would be the best good H-Game you’ve played so far?
This is just merely a survey to show interest of what most public players like about H-Game or what they hope the market would have.
I know this has probably been posted somewhere else, so please don’t flame me about this.

[Game Play]
What kind of game play and features it has?

  1. Just click. (No auto skip)?
  2. Skip all the way. (No clicks at all)?
  3. Typical 2D left and right character talking and occasionally some big full screen scene of actions?
  4. Include mini games?
  5. Isometric view? with mini buildings?
  6. WarCraft type with mini characters walking around in the big screen, and have up close feature for special scenes?
  7. Animated Scene or no?
    Please suggest if any…

[Graphic Style]

  1. 2D (Anime Graphic Style)
  2. 3D (Sexy Beach 3 Graphic Style)?
  3. 3D but in toon shading. (3D but render in 2D style. e.g. Schoolmate )
    Please suggest if any…

Thsi doesn’t mean the type of sex or H, just merely storyline.

  1. No Storyline, just sex all the way in.
  2. School / Academy Life / Teacher / Student
  3. Home / Family Life / Father / Mother / Sister / Brother / Taboo
  4. Work / Office / Company
  5. Sad / Bad Ending / Tear Crying
  6. Horror / Bloody / Killing / Weird
  7. Childhood / Friends
  8. Monster / Creature / Hybrid / Animal
  9. Sci-Fi / Fantasy / God / Ghost / Time Travelling / Super Heros
  10. Rape / Molest / Forced *[updated]
    Please suggest if any…


  1. Normal Sex (No Anal or Toys or any other stuff, just dive straight in to the hole)
  2. Anal Sex
  3. Toys
  4. Blow Jobs
  5. Hand Jobs
  6. Toe Jobs
  7. Tit (Boob) Jobs *[Updated]
  8. tentacles *[Updated]
  9. Complete Sex Fuckage. (All the above)

Again, I would like to know some feedbacks on what the public and majority of the players would like.
Thanks in advance for replying.

I’d have to say Nocturnal Illusion is still the best h-game I’ve ever played.

[Game Play]

  1. Just click. (No auto skip)?

[Graphic Style]

  1. 2D (Anime Graphic Style)

5. Sad / Bad Ending / Tear Crying
6. Horror / Bloody / Killing / Weird
7. Childhood / Friends
8. Monster / Creature / Hybrid / Animal
9. Sci-Fi / Fantasy / God / Ghost / Time Travelling / Super Heros
(any of these)

(anything as long as it feels appropriate)

[Game Play]

  1. Just click. (No auto skip)?

[Graphic Style]

  1. 2D (Anime Graphic Style)

[Storyline] Aren’t your choice groupings a bit too large? Anyway…
3. Home / Family Life / Father / Mother / Sister / Brother (Note that I removed the “Taboo” part…)
5. Sad / Bad Ending / Tear Crying
6. Horror / Bloody / Killing / Weird
7. Childhood / Friends
8. Monster / Creature / Hybrid / Animal
9. Sci-Fi / Fantasy / God / Ghost / Time Travelling / Super Heros


  1. Normal Sex (No Anal or Toys or any other stuff, just dive straight in to the hole)

As for the best erogame, if I only have to name one, I’d say Gin’iro. :smiley:

Gameplay - 1. (although I think fully-fledged RPGs/Action games need to be included on the list as well.)

Graphic Style: 1.

Storyline: Same categories as olf. (You probably need to add comedy as another group as well.)

H: Honestly, depends on the context. What I don’t want to see are badly written/gratuitous scenes that don’t fit with the story. (Also, you probably need to add a bunch of stuff to the list, as there are quite a few categories that are missing completely, eg. tentacles.)

I see that i’m missing a lot of storyline catagories and H catagories.
Well, i’ll update the list later.
but for now, do suggest me more list and i’ll note it.

Point 5 and 6. I would welcome point 4 as long as passing it is not necessary to finish the overall game (still remember having a hard time finishing FF VIII due to poor card playing performance).

Seconded. Actually I was hoping for Brave Soul 3D when choosing point 5 and 6.

I think I’ll give point 3 a try, never played anything like that though. My only reference of 3D eroge is Rapelay, and I don’t like the models. But if someday someone release an eroge with arts like FF VII: Advent Children, I’ll be happy to play it.

Point 6 and 9. Anyway, you can still mix things up, just like Tsukki Posession has elements from point 2, 3 and 4.

Mostly point 1, but I can stand some point 4 and 5 (and tit fucking).

Now, here’s my respect and wish for best luck to the new eroge industry player (bow deeply).

Forgot to mention this but, Critical Point is so far my best eroge. I don’t have a large collection and am limited to English translated materials.

[Game Play]
What kind of game play and features it has?

  1. Just click. (No auto skip)? I don’t need auto skip the first time through, but once I’ve played through the story I want to be able to skip already read text.

  2. Include mini games? Mini games can be fun so long as they don’t dominate or stall the game and aren’t so difficult that it is likely they’ll kill your playthrough midway.

  3. Animated Scene or no? Animated scenes are always welcome if they are done well - from short sex animations to more involved scene and full animation designs.

[Graphic Style]

  1. 2D (Anime Graphic Style) This tends to be my preference - other styles tend to come off as cheep and/or phony.


  1. School / Academy Life / Teacher / Student

  2. Home / Family Life / Father / Mother / Sister / Brother / Taboo Both of these are classics and I have had a great deal of fun with them in the past, so I never mind seeing more of the like.

  3. Sad / Bad Ending / Tear Crying This only works if it is done well. Kana pulled it off marvelously and I’ll never forget the game because of that … but I’ve seen others try and fail, then it simply becomes frustrating.

  4. Horror / Bloody / Killing / Weird

  5. Monster / Creature / Hybrid / Animal

  6. Sci-Fi / Fantasy / God / Ghost / Time Travelling / Super Heros Any of these three can be fun and a nice break from the usual fare. I do prefer supernatural styled stories to be primarily serious with interspersed comedy rather than sill romps through magical worlds.

7. Complete Sex Fuckage. (All the above) Everything but #6, not a big fan of the toe job thing …just never worked for me.

Oh, and I find 3-5 winnable characters a good number … too few and you don’t feel like you’re doing much more than walking through a single story … too many and they tend to get too vanilla and uninteresting - not to mention the fact that too many characters tend to be shallow and you don’t have the time to know them.

hmm… good feedbacks you guys have there.
i’ll update some of the list coz i know i’ve missed it out.

i noticed that lots of people likes the 2D anime style, but just wondering… any special reasons to it?
why not try something like Sexy Beach?
This kind of art is as good as anime but its more realistic compare to the 2D un-proportional figures with no nose?
(to be honest, its much easier to do 3D than 2D since i only need to draw once and render many. but still, that doesn’t mean i must go with 3D, i’m open to all kinds of suggestions.)

All of the above

I prefer number 1, but wouldn’t mind number 2 if it’s done well

I like all of these except for number 10 and to a certain extent number 5

I prefer all except for 6 and especially 2.

3D images tend to look very fake, tend to be quite bland, and not particularly visually appealing. We know we are playing a game with illustrated characters - if we wanted more realism we’d be watching porn - so those characters need to have personality in more than just the script. The way they look and the things you can do “believably” with 2D imagines make them more visually attractive.

Now, if one had a huge budget and could pull off some nice animated 3D characters, like in Mass Effect, for example, that would be great … but not a realistic goal for a B-game.

hmm… you have a point there.
Coz what i initially had in mind is that using 3D characters would probably work easier and much more pretty compare to 2D anime girls. (imagine a 3D girl that looks like Leah Dizon or Yuki Ogura)
But if using 2D anime girls has much more affects on the story and game, then it’d be wise to use it.

[Game Play]

  1. Just click.

[Graphic Style]

  1. 2D

2. School / Academy Life / Teacher / Student
5. Sad / Bad Ending / Tear Crying
7. Childhood / Friends
9. Sci-Fi / Fantasy / God / Ghost / Time Travelling / Super Heros


  1. Normal Sex
  2. Toe Jobs

Gameplay: 1. just click, 7. I don’t mind some animated scenes as long as its not super repetitive.
Graphic style: 1. 2D I just don’t like 3D models although Illusion’s 3D grapics look good (havent played any though)
Story line: 2. School / Academy Life / Teacher / Student (Can make a really good story)
5. Sad / Bad Ending / Tear Crying (I don’t know why but I love depressing games)
6. Horror / Bloody / Killing / Weird (I’m a huge horror fan)
9. Sci-Fi / Fantasy / God / Ghost / Time Travelling / Super Heros (like some sci-fi stuff)
H: Anything that fits with the story (eg: darker game darker sex scene)

Gameplay: 1, 3 would be nice but doesn’t make that big a difference. 7, depends, if there are animated story scenes like in EVE burst error or Mikagura 1 and 2, I’d really like to see those. Animated ero, well, it’s a nice bonus, but doesn’t matter much to me.

Graphic: 1. 3D graphics have to be exceptionally good like Illusion’s graphics for me to even consider it. That and I don’t want to buy a new video card for my PC to play a single game.

Story: A tie between 6 and 9 (no pun intended :lol: ). I love a good dark story with complex character developement just as much as I love a story with action and fantasy.

Ero: 1, 2, and 7 mainly, though I’d go with 9 all of the above if they’re done right.

None voted for just sex.

Even if all you do in order to get the good ending is to take ONE single decision is enough gameplay to warrant calling what you did a game. A “game” isn’t defined why how frenetically you click your mouse, nor how often. If I put a candy in one of my hands and all you have to do is to find in which one in order to get the candy, it’s enough to warrant calling that a “game” --and an erogee is a lot more complex than that since it’s in fact similar to wandering in a labyrinth and making decisions (“where to go when you reach an intersection”) in order to find the exit (“the good end”). You can even collect treasures (“CGs”) along the way! Or fall into traps (“bad ends”) and die.

I want to point ou tthat Eroge is a Japanese Slang for Ero Game

i say scifi since it is the closest to my favorite genre gender bender (reverse trap and sex changed characters)