What's your favorite H-Game Play?

As for the actual survey :
[Game Play]

1 - 7 sound good to me lol It depends on the game. And how well they are implemented.

[Graphic Style]

3D “toon shading” could be really nice. I only know of Time Leap
An engine that can create comparable art like 2D CG pretty easily would be the best.

3D style could be interesting if employed as some kind of Western non-anime visual novel style. An all new choice for VN players…
I’m thinking realistic but not uncomfortable/poor 3d. Think of Origin’s Wing Commander 3 and 4 cinematic sections with their branching choices… [That was amazing…]
“This Pisses Me Off…” or “I’d don’t want to get involved…”

That said I only have 2D anime VNs so far…

Meh… You could mix them all into one crazy parody if written well enough. The type of storyline doesn’t matter to me, just make it well worthy to stand on its own… (preferably something I haven’t seen before…)


All of the above? lol Personally, I can do with or without. I’ve yet to see a really good game I’ve bought FOR the H.

[Here’s what I originally wrote if you want more information on my thinking :]

My choices would be:

1rd option with a little of 5th and 7th options. I like the typical 2D, but sometimes is cool to have some playability , like mini-maps and maybe RPG elements. But autoplay is a must for our poor tired hands!

Animated scenes (H or in-game scenes) are cool, as long as they are well-made. Crap animation is a no-no!

I think a cool usage of animation are the short animated sprites… eyes blink, mouths move, character walk, special effects, change scenes, etc.

I prefer 2D graphics over 3D because sometimes the 3D characters look creepy.
Still, i want to say well-made 3D are cool. I just finished MASS EFFECT (fantastic game) and now i’m playing DRAGON AGE ORIGINS (cool so far, but i liked ME more). Later i’m intenting to play MASS EFFECT 2.

Options 4 and 9 with a little of 2 and 3. Generaly work and company involves more mature storyline than school. There’s too much school in eroges. I’d like to see something else with more mature storylines.

I would add an option for mistery /investigation / detective work, too.

I’m a light sider, so option 1 all the way… inside! :roll:

The more I read the answers posted here and the more I wonder about which question people answer when posting. Is it the original question?

Note the “you’ve played so far” part.
Because I’m under the feeling most people answer to “what would be the best good H-Game you want to play?”, which is a complete different point since, for instance, for the best of my knowledge, I don’t see how any 3d erogame could be anyone’s “best erogame played so far”.

that’s probably becoz they could just watch a porn movie or go have real sex instead of a VN with sex all the way in.

horror with bloody scenes, there are barley any horror titles in english
I like love stories among childhood freinds and fellow classmates

Which one in particular you guys prefer?

I prefer ether Sci-fi or Super heros

Fantasy / God / Ghost

Anything dark. I mean, if I choose Ghost I prefer scary and evil ghost (The Unborn, The Grudge etc), not the romantic (Ghost) or kind hearted (Casper).

Something that just occurred to me as well … if you’re making a game with a true ending for one of the heroines - don’t make us play every character before we can access the ending, having us play through her story once first is enough. I mention this because sometimes there are characters in a game you just cannot stand and it is frustrating as hell to sit and click your way through an hour of text just to get these characters’ ends so you can rush back and finish the true ending for the character you liked best.

Even if I do like the other characters, I can’t turn a game over and play it again right away … I need time to digest, which usually means I leave a game for a month before coming back to do the next character … but that means I have to wait months before I can get the true ending … or I have to plug through the other characters on superspeed, not really playing them, so I can get to the true ending right away … which is rather sad in itself. So, I would ask that if you make a game, please find a way to address this.

So, you like Sadako crawling out from TV and have sex?
Well, I think i’ve seen something like this somewhere in one of my H-Doujin folders.

Wouldn’t you rather get the true ending last? Otherwise, once you’ve seen that ending, the other endings are going to be pretty dull. Also, in most good stories, you need to read the other endings before you can understand the true ending, because it’s a ‘true’ ending - the conclusion that everything in the story essentially leads towards. If you play that first that’s like grabbing a book, reading the first five chapters, then reading the last five chapters. You get the epic conclusion sooner but where’s your motivation to go back and read the other chapters? You’ve concluded the story!

Of course if the eroge has no real overarching story and is just about picking girls to romance and eventually sex (I am not criticising eroges like these; they are common enough and there are several good ones) it doesn’t matter but eroges like that don’t HAVE true endings for the obvious reason. In, for example, Yosuga no Sora-- yes, the best girl’s route is unavailable from the start, sure. But it becomes pretty clear on playing that if you don’t play one particular route first Sora’s route makes a lot less sense and is thus a lot less enjoyable.

Also, a lot of eroge true endings/true routes aren’t actually per-character at all and plenty don’t even have H scenes (they usually call this route the ‘true route’ or ‘grand finale’ or something and have it open up after everything else is cleared, often as an extra title screen choice but sometimes as a special choice that is not available from the start). Eroges that do this include Yoake Mae Yori Ruriiro na, Fortune Arterial, 5, Purely, Gunjyou no Sora wo Koete, Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai, Fake Azure Arcology and many others I’m just not thinking of right now. It would make no sense whatsoever for these routes to be available from the start. They wouldn’t make sense and you would probably not enjoy them.

EDIT: Finally, what about Ever17? Do you really think playing Coco’s route from the start would have made the game any better?

YES. Sadako crawls out of the TV and rapes you to death. I support this concept of an eroguro horror VN.

In this case, the forum probably isn’t a good representation of the overall demographic. In the same way that there’s a market for just sex in all other 2D media, there’s a huge one for just sex eroges, or eroges where the story is just a framework to cram as much sex in as possible. It should be added that most of the time (when dealing with an eroge that’s say longer than 3-4 hours), even something that’s a pure nukige will still only have around 50% of the scenario devoted to the H-scenes themselves.

Amongst translated eroges, Figures of Happiness would be another good example, as Minamo’s true ending wouldn’t make any sense if it could be cleared without having seen some other key endings first. Three others that come to mind are Tsui no Sora, Doko e Iku no and Rasen Kairou, as without having cleared all of the other routes, the final part/route of each game wouldn’t make sense and/or would be completely misinterpreted by the player if it could be accessed before everything else had been cleared.

Perhaps … it may just be that I’m not fond of the idea in general because it forces you to play through characters you have no interest in - just so the writers can feel all their work got seen - before you get the real ending.

The other option is, perhaps, just allowing text skipping even of the material you haven’t played through first … that way the people who would rather not deal with every course can skip to the most important scenes (maybe make ONLY certain key scenes unable to be skipped) and otherwise not be forced to deal with characters they’d rather ignore.

I know some people will call that cheating … but on the other hand isn’t it a cheat for the consumer who bought the game but can’t get the real ending without suffering through material he has no interest in?

Better her than Demi Moore :smiley:

Is Demi Moore that bad?

How about the story that has each individual ending?
So that you can play character A, and if you prefer, you can cross section with character B, but character A still runs and character B still runs in differently.
and in the end, if you played and focus more on character A, then you’ll get the ending of character A only, as B is just another bystander, like wise if you choose character B.

That way the game has many endings, assuming game has 4 chars, and each char has 2 ending… that make the game has 8 endings…
and if you played all 8 endings… there will be a special ending where it’s not for single character but all character ends together?

might sound typical… but do let me know what you think.

This is a better approach, as you then aren’t feeling you need to push through everything just for one girl’s true ending … the way you are able to access the harem scenario in some games once you’ve won all the girls. I would like to see the group ending be a little more than just a harem shot, though … perhaps another short chapter in which they all have a brief adventure together which takes advantage of your relationship with everyone and theirs with one another. (that is, the harem group ending is fine - and usually fun - but it would be fun to have a little more to it than just the sex portion … a little harem based adventure - necessarily shorter than the other chapters in the game - which includes everyone and plays to the strengths of your relationships with them)

Yup, I like that.
Sounds like a great idea to me.

lol, thats a really good phrase, its reminds me of my childhood. i wonder wat happen to Captain Planet series…