What's your favorite H-Game Play?

I realize that you want a large number of people to enjoy this game, but my one piece of advice to you is this: Make the game that you want to make, without thinking too much on what other people want. It seems to me that you are trying to make a game by committee. If you are whole-heartedly behind the story and have any writing skill, it will come through. Trying to make something you think others will like, but you don’t personally, will almost certainly lessen the quality of the story and writing.

@Meiji-san: IMO zerodevice is not ‘creating game by committee’, he is doing market research. It is not an uncommon thing to do nowadays.
@zerodevice: On Demi Moore thing, I refered to her appearance in Ghost, which I did not enjoy. She was one hot infantery lady though.

But it appears to me that zerodevice does not have a very clear idea of what he wants to do and intend on using the information he gathers from here to steer him in a direction that’ll net him more customers/sales/fans. This sounds to me like the start of a soulless creative work.

You are probably right zalas, but I can see that zerodevice needs to do the research. He wants to start (or expand) business, and he probably can’t afford to loose it. That and the small market lead to a conclusion: he must bite a significant amount of market share to keep the business from sinking. That’s why he decided to follow the customers preferences.