What's your ideal girl? (100 percent female)

i personally think pregnant women are beautiful…theo nly ones that look like big fat ugly pigs are the ones who were big fat ugly pigs to begin with


My sister is currently pregnant and I can’t see anything ugly in her current state.

Bah. All RL women/girls are ugly anyway, so becoming pregnant can’t make them uglier…
Only 2D virtual women/girls are pretty/cute/beautiful!!!

  • deleted *

    [This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 05-27-2003).]

i love you olf, but i am offended by your comment that all real life women are ugly…i understand if you are not attracted to real women, personal preferences are fine, but that insulted me personally and i am rather hurt by it, especially since you know that women post here too and yet you still came out with that comment

i also understand you may have been joking, but the joke fell flat…it still hurt my feelings to read that

olf_le_fol is bitter because he can’t get any :Evil Grin:

I’m joking of course. I’m the weird one of the male population, I give men a bad name probably. There hasn’t been a girl or woman I come across that I haven’t found pretty. Usually it’s the stuff inside that really counts for me, and damn me if I don’t fall in love with each one once I get to know her better.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i love you olf, but i am offended by your comment that all real life women are ugly...i understand if you are not attracted to real women, personal preferences are fine, but that insulted me personally and i am rather hurt by it, especially since you know that women post here too and yet you still came out with that comment

i also understand you may have been joking, but the joke fell flat...it still hurt my feelings to read that

Awwww, come one, it was just a joke.
I apologize, I apologize.

EDT: honestly, I didn't thought you wouldn't be offended by such a joke. I mean, there are a lot of men posting here as well, and I'm quite sure none of them would be offended by an obvious joke about men being ugly. Some would probably even jump in the wagon and make fun of themselves... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 05-27-2003).]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
EDT: honestly, I didn't thought you wouldn't be offended by such a joke. I mean, there are a lot of men posting here as well, and I'm quite sure none of them wouldn't be offended by an obvious joke about men being ugly. Some would probably even jump in the wagon and make fun of themselves... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

More of a certainty than a probability. We've done it before. I know I harbor no illusions about my looks. I know I have to make do with sheer wit and charm. (Okay, and a few judicious monetary bribes here and there... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img])

Hmm, depends on the pregnant woman I think. Some carry themselves well. Some hardly show. Some just look slightly odd. I mean, a slim, petite co-worker of mine was pregnant and in the last trimester, she just looked very odd to me. (Okay, women are free to throw things at me for that, but I'm just being honest...)

you are forgiven olf don’t worry i didn’t lose sleep over it or anything, it just stung to read it…i appreciate the apology

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
you are forgiven olf [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] don't worry i didn't lose sleep over it or anything, it just stung to read it....i appreciate the apology [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Thanks, thanks.

She would have to be real yes, which means while at times I would like her to be stronger then me, I realize there are times I will have to be stronger then her even if that really is not the case I would have to at least appear stronger at those times. Also one that understands my humor which at often can be very sardonic those are two keys at any event and such women I might have met, but sadly many are younger by about 3 years and interested in other men their age, or men still in undergraduate classes.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-24-2003).]

Hee, an intriguing discussion

I’ll confine this answer to my ideal 2-D virtual girl for the moment. Letting things into RL brings a whole different set of circumstances, and bizarrely, about half of the below don’t apply…

But as far as bishoujo girls go: I’m sad to say, I have a “type” I like girls who:
* Have shortish hair, collar-length, with a slight upcurl at the bottom
* Wear a hairband (goodness knows why)
* Are slim (but when did you see an anime/bishoujo girl who wasn’t??)
* Have a sweet smile (this at least applies in RL and 2D equally)
And personality-wise:
* I really really like the “childhood friend” setting. Call me a fool, I just love the romance of long-time friends blossoming into lovers.
* I do seem to go for the girls who are tomboyish or quite aggressive, but with a feminine side which they feel quite insecure about. They’ve got to be sassy or assertive, at least.
* But I also like the sweet, kind, caring ones…

All this combines to mean that Kazumi from Casual Romance Club is my favourite B-game girl for quite some time!

[This message has been edited by chronoluminaire (edited 10-27-2003).]

Originally posted by chronoluminaire:
* I really really like the "childhood friend" setting. Call me a fool, I just love the romance of long-time friends blossoming into lovers.
* I do seem to go for the girls who are tomboyish or quite aggressive, but with a feminine side which they feel quite insecure about. They've got to be sassy or assertive, at least.
* But I also like the sweet, kind, caring ones...

[This message has been edited by chronoluminaire (edited 10-27-2003).]

Oh something you mentioned made me think about the RL girl, there is something nice about the long time childhood friend that you suddenly notice has assumed much greater importance in my life. There is also something about what I was mentioning with the strength that you said better the tomboyish side that is shown to the world and who can be very protective/possessive of the one she loves but is also sweet kind and gentle directly to the one she loves only showing their more angry side after a real goofup.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 10-30-2003).]

An ideal girl… OK, I’m game for some daydreaming considering I’m currently single. sigh You do realize, these could end up making wonderful character sketches for future games ::nods:: at least starting backbones.

Physical: For some reason she appears in my mind’s eye as someone who has short brown hair that comes just above the shoulders with puppy dog eyes. She would be short, around 5’2-5’4 (I’m only 5’6 1/2 though). She would have to have an extremely nice butt (for all the spankings I’d like to give her :wink: ) Breast size wouldn’t matter all that much to me.

Personality: Very childlike. Note, I didn’t say childish… Major difference. An aura of innocence would predominate and she has this gorgeous smile.
She tends to be a little too serious in her day to day life, and yet … when alone or with me one on one or in a small group she becomes highly playful with this amazingly cute giggle. She loves to aww (nothing melts my heart like a well timed aww) and she cares deeply about others, almost to a fault. She dislikes vulgarity with a passion and though she enjoys a spanking from time to time she is equally adept at giving them and quite capable of role playing the dominatrix.

Hobbies and Interests: She enjoys astrology, but mostly as something for fun not taking it too seriously. She has a love for cats and in fact would probably have two cats named Serenity and Faith. She is not a health food nut, yet she enjoys exploring things like alternative medicine and yoga. She also will spend a great deal of time traveling, wanting to explore and see far off places.

Now wouldn’t that be interesting… a game where you choose a girl at the start from say a group of 10 and then go on some type of trip with her (like 10 days). You choose which places to visit and encounter choices and decisions you have to make while on this trip. X endings for each girl (3 for each, but x story paths as well for each as well because of the different locations and decisions to make while there). Sorry a little off topic, sometime when I’m free writing my mind starts racing and I end up with all these other thoughts. lol

OK, more about this girl. Lets see…

Background: She would have came from an overly strict family where her mother, not father, is highly overprotective. In fact, she wouldn’t have even known her father. One reason she is so serious is because she doesn’t want to let her mother down. She is currently in college studying for her degree in psychology or social work, yet feels she may have to drop out due to lack of financial support. She has few friends, because she has been burned so much in the past, yet those who she does have she is highly loyal and intensely passionate towards

OK I’m going to stop now as I obviously could go on forever about this imaginary girl who most likely doesn’t really exist anywhere. lol That was fun though, thanks!

Wow, you’ve put a lot of thought into it havn’t you? No, I’m not making fun of you, I’m actually quite a bit impressed. (After all, read some of my posts in this thread… )

Isn’t it interesting how some of these old threads pop up and what happens when they do…

Originally posted by ekylo:
Wow, you've put a lot of thought into it havn't you? No, I'm not making fun of you, I'm actually quite a bit impressed. (After all, read some of my posts in this thread... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] )

Isn't it interesting how some of these old threads pop up and what happens when they do.. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

I think it is interesting to see so many similar and yet different ideals and also wonder how many have found their ideal already which is something not many of course have to, nor will probably answer either way.

Originally posted by Lecter:
Ok, two questions.

1. Did you two communicate?

2. What is the address of the penpal website?

Sorry, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. :-)

Since this discussion predates the Off-Topic Thread, let me make a short reply here.

Miko and I have exchanged email almost every day since our first correspondence back in March. We also exchange postal mail, phone calls and recently tried NetMeeting video-conferencing. We plan to vacation together on Kauai next year.

The company is called U&I, and the English version of its web site is located here. Registration is free for foreigners, but if you need to use their translation service it can get rather expensive. Fortunately, my friend studied in the US and speaks fluent English. [img]http://www.thunderbirdnest.com/~centennial/smilie_liebe4.gif[/img]

I find the PERFECT mate for olf_le_fol:

Sabrina wa kimi no koto ga dai suki!

Enjoy! \

Note: May take a while to load, be patient, keep watching the window until it’s done loading.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 11-20-2003).]

Yeah but is that really a guy under that costume??? lol

I personally think pregnant women are ugly. Nothing beautiful about a women that looks like she has the biggest beer belly in the state.

Originally posted by smog:
Yeah but is that really a guy under that costume???? lol

I personally think pregnant women are ugly. Nothing beautiful about a women that looks like she has the biggest beer belly in the state.

No, it's a girl under that costume. The way you can tell is guys can press their arms tightly against their own body, but women can't. It's because Females have wider hips, it's the physical trait that allows women to give birth easier.