When do you draw the line?

A fairly straightforward question that was asked of me by a friend, when he opened my storage closet and saw the dozens of “rape and violence” titles I have:

“When do you draw the line with content in eroge?”

I thought I’d ask the same statement here, and learn the “acceptance threshold” of others. Perhaps it will help me put into prospective, how screwed up I am. :wink:

i dunno if its appropriate to link bgames with yaoi ones…coz it’s like comparing apples and oranges

but if you are against yaoi, how do u find some of cage’s games that have little boys dressed as girls or act girlish :stuck_out_tongue:

True. But like Sabae no Ou, there are b-games that inexplicably have a yaoi event popup. Those are the ones that I draw the line on, because they don’t make Narg happy. :slight_smile:

Oh, that’s easy! Traps. :stuck_out_tongue:

No scat. No pain to young-looking pictures (Happy consensual loli is okay). No tearing people apart in an intended-to-be-erotic fashion.

That is, if it’s a horror-themed storyline, it’s okay if people occasionally die in a grisly way. If grisly violence is worked into the sex scenes in a way that suggests you’re supposed to find this stuff kinky, NO. BDSM fine. Tearing people’s arms off and branding their intestines, not fine.

(Enzai looks far too nasty for me. I’m not a yaoi fan but I’m not against it in general… but I am against that one. :slight_smile: )

Boys dressed as girls who then have sex with girls = love!

no no no, i think you are missing the point…in my example, the little buys are dressed as girls and they are part of the cast that you (presumably the main guy) can have endings with :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I know, but remember, I’m female and a sulking yuri fan. :slight_smile:

Boys willingly dressing as girls and then dating girls are acceptably close-enough to yuri for me. (Being unwillingly dressed as a girl as part of a Hilarious Disguise doesn’t count.)

I’d be thrilled with a yuri game in which some of the girls turned out to be traps! :slight_smile:

Heh… that’s where my hypocrite standards popup again. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I’m foremost and above all a ren’ai gamer… :wink:
Generally speaking, I don’t like anything that goes beyond “normal” sex: no bondage, scat, non-consensual sex, blood, bestiality, anything that could be assimilated to torture or inflicting pain, nor even homo-sexuality. I can stand a very little of them if it’s a minor event and not a focus of the game (e.g. rape scene in a bouken which story isn’t at all about such events), but I’d skip them most of the time.

To be honest, even a big age difference between the partners or one being too old or too young makes me not like the event.

[ 10-22-2007, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: OLF, i.e. Olf Le Fol ]

olf no like blood? torture? pain?
talk about hypocrites :stuck_out_tongue:

as for narg and his trap endings…i mean, before the game is released there is usually a list of win-able characters you can look at, either at the maker’s website, or websites like getchu…so wouldn’t u have an idea of who you might end up screwing before making your purchase decision

ok, in the rare case of a surprise unannounced bonus route, we can do shit about, but i dunno if i would consider the cage boys as “traps” since you are prolly aware of them before playing the game

I’d pass titles with scat/urine fetish (can’t see what’s so great about seeing someone eating feces from another person (URGH lol) - that’s my opinion, please don’t take it as an offense). Gore and extreme violence are ONLY accepted IF the plot provides a good support to it, and it’s not a mere fetish in a h-scene. As for rape, I would pass if that’s the main game focus (mindless raping w/o reason), but if it’s into a well-detailed plot, I’d give a try.

We’re talking about in the context of a sexual event, Lamuness. I don’t mind blood, torture or pain in other contexts.

It’s not hypocritical to like what you like, it’s only a problem if you’re a massive pervert and then pick on me for MY pervy tastes. :slight_smile:

cuddles the long-haired girlyboys

I have to agree with Leon about the scat/urine fetish, I see that and the only thing I can think of is, gross… tends to be a bit of a turn off.

Rape is more of a mixed bag with me. I admit it’s a bit of a guilty pleasure, but only to a point. I prefer the kind of ‘unrealistic rape’ where despite her protests the girl eventually starts enjoying it. Also I prefer the guy there to have some kind of redeeming value. Such as the guy in Idols Galore had some redeeming qualities, while the guy in Virgin Roster just made me wish something really, really bad would happen to him. My real disappointment in that game came from the fact that there was no scenario where he got his just desserts.

Violence is fine, more so if the game is horror themed. But generally arm ripping/dissembowling in mid act is somthing I’d prefer not to see.

I also tend to avoid Yaoi, not that there’s anything wrong with it, it’s just not my cup of tea (consequently I also tend to avoid Yuri too. Well at least I’m consistant. :wink:

[ 10-23-2007, 12:49 AM: Message edited by: Wraith ]

I dont.
No really, if the story is rumbling foward who cares about morals? If the story is good, if the story is interesting, than lol, what more do you ask for? I draw the line at bad storys.

Loli? Rape? Yaoi? Futa? Scat? Guro? Boys dressed as girls? Tentacles? Yuri? “Normal” love? Shota?

Bring it on!

Just give me a damn story full of emotions, full of love, hate, despair, hope, good, evil, fragile moments, endless time, give me life and give me death. Make me laugh, make me cry
Give me a world. Show me the hearts of the characters, those pitch-black or snow-white souls. Amuse me. Fascinate me. Who cares about how? Just do it.

There! I’m done rambling.
Now I’ll go and play with Animamundi, then with Hitomi, and then with Mew Mew… then with who knows what.

Side note: Narg Bridget from GG is a boy dressed as a girl and he has a twin, imagine
(assassinaton attempt at Nargs mind)

Heh, my list of Things To Avoid is pretty long, but it’s also inclined to sudden variations/exceptions (it really depends on the quality of the specific game).
In general, I avoid erogames with Unsanitary Practices (playing with bodily fluids -vampirism included-, sex with dead/undead bodies, underwear fetish, anal sex), Pointless Sadism (judicious use of torments for turning that pesky superheroine into your new brainwashed minion is OK; senseless abuse, torture, rape and degradation of body/spirit are repellent and ultimately inefficient, in my opinion), Failed Games (usually any digital crap sporting pathetic graphics, idiotic storylines, invasive protections and/or worse) and Censorship of any sort (mosaiced genitals are bad, Peapri’s X-Change 3 is worse… ).
About yaoi, that too is on my black list, but I also feel pity for those poor guys :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I seriously try not too… the entire thing is like dividing by zero in my mind… Bridget is the true definition of TRAP in every way. I wonder how many people were fooled when “she” first came out? :slight_smile:

Wow. As a fellow Sith, I thought your list would be shorter. :wink:

Originally posted by Nargrakhan:
[b]Wow. As a fellow Sith, I thought your list would be shorter. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: !

How did the Sith come into this? (mere curiosity)



Here is your dark calling.

Sith Lord
Magnificent! Of all those who have come to me, you are the most worthy. Under my tutelage, you may become a Sith lord - even the one true Dark Lord of the Sith. Only you recognize that morality is for fools and weaklings. You were born to bend the galaxy to your will. You may even restore the Sith Empire to its rightful glory. As you learn from the dark side and become its master, be mindful of one thing: If you fail, the dark side will devour you alive.