When do you draw the line?

You too got Sith Lord rank at the first attempt? Welcome aboard, fellow darksoul :stuck_out_tongue:

Lets form a cabal of insane, megalomaniac, depraved, dark-side perverted, evil, dark,
foul, and generaly monsterous fiends. But first…

(runs of to try out his new lightsabers)
(dual red of course)

I think you mean apples and bananas?

Dark content is fine, but I don’t like the idea that I am supposed to get off on it – so violent porn and/or rape scenes in porn are big no-nos. (Oddly enough, I like Berserk …)

Disgusting fetishes are also out – as long as everyone’s consentual I don’t mind TOO much, but weird stuff weirds me out. Water sports, corprophagy, even anal sex … not so much a fan.

The limit of my tolerance for loli … if the character is obviously a very young child, no. If someone who is ambiguous-but-young is hooking up with someone totally NOT ambiguous, no.

No yaoi, please. Yuri? Right this way, please, yeah, unload all of it.

nope, actually i meant melons and bananas

close though :stuck_out_tongue:

I draw the line in a few places:

reality vs fantasy, IE don’t do the darker stuff in real life

no character that looks like their 5 year old or something

No gay stuff

No breast implant, sex change. You are born a guy/girl, stay that way.

Blood, pain, volience is okay, no death though.

[ 10-25-2007, 02:43 AM: Message edited by: Idofgrahf ]

Draw the line huh…?

… Let us molder that over…

On a side note…
[b] Here is your dark calling.

Sith Acolyte
Ah, you are truly perceptive, my child. You are worthy enough to study the mysteries of the dark side as a Sith acolyte – the most fearsome wielders of the Force since the galaxy was formed. With my instruction, you will locate lost artifacts and learn to use them, becoming more powerful than you ever dreamed. You could have the galaxy at your feet. Even the Jedi will dance like puppets for you. [/b]

One question, Narg, where does the whole transsexual thing in some games count for you?
One example would be the X-Change series, but another example would be a certain character in MinDead Blood (won’t give a name so as not to spoil anything for any who haven’t played)?(still playing that BTW, just finished Saki’s scenario) which had me wondering “Is it wrong that I think he looks a lot better as a girl?”)

Well in the case of MinDeaD’s sex swaps: they were punishments and not a wanted thing. :wink:

However I didn’t like those particular segments of the game - nevertheless the entirety of the game itself outweighed them beyond the personal negatives I had of them. That and they were “justified” into the over plot… if only to show how cruel certain individuals could be.

However I avoid yaoi titles that are yaoi only to be yaoi. I also avoid titles that make fun of a character being able to transition between male/female and finding ways to be… well… “okay” with the entire idea (for lack of a better word). Usually… as with everything, there are exceptions to the rule. I enjoyed Ouran High School Host Club for example - strange as it may sound. However I’d say that was more so because of the strong characters, rather than the gimmick.

[ 11-03-2007, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

There isn’t really a line. I can pretty much enjoy all of it. Although at varying degrees. I enjoy the BDSM content least (which includes scat). Probably what I like most is fantasy themes: elves etc.

Let’s see:
-Lesbian doesn’t bother me, but 2 guys going at it creeps me out and will avoid like the plague.

  • Virgin Roster and Tsuki made me feel Dirty as did Hisui’s path in Jewel Knights. (She was just way too young looking) Had to play Tottemo Pheromone and DYLHB, to get the ickiness out of my system.

  • Bondage I can handle if it’s only a single scene like in Secret Wives club. If it’s the entire game, then no thanks.

-I passed on Pretty Soldier Wars cause I despise Tentacle Rape Games. I’m sure the Strategy part is great but I suck at them. (I Still haven’t Finished Power Dolls, I suck so bad.)

-Now it’s time where I get to become a Hypocrite. I can handle a rape scene if it’s part of the plot, but the entire game isn’t revolved around raping and making the women your Sex Slaves. Chain is a good example of this where Hitomi gets raped. (and don’t try to tell me she didn’t) I was ok with it and added tension of the story.
It wasn’t ok in the X-Change games cause it was just thrown in there for no reason at all.

Slave Training Games I can Handle. (loved Brightia Plus by Cronus)

-Water closet was ok but the scat really got to me after awhile.

Think that covers about everything as far as I’m concerned.

[ 11-12-2007, 05:46 PM: Message edited by: Series5Ranger ]

Nice test Baldo!
Had to take it as i am an old starwars fanboy.

Its’been a long time since i last posted on this board but the work have been taking up a lot of my time lately.

here’s the result

Here is your dark calling.

Sith Lord
Magnificent! Of all those who have come to me, you are the most worthy. Under my tutelage, you may become a Sith lord - even the one true Dark Lord of the Sith. Only you recognize that morality is for fools and weaklings. You were born to bend the galaxy to your will. You may even restore the Sith Empire to its rightful glory. As you learn from the dark side and become its master, be mindful of one thing: If you fail, the dark side will devour you alive.

But to the question of the thread.
What i dont like is
Scat, Scat, characters that are to young, rape without a meaning, yaoi but i could try it if the story is really good, futanari dicks should be on boys and tits on girls, dit i mention that i dislike scat, i was a bit disgusted by the urinating scene in Gibo. If i think a game have bad storyline or is badly drawn that would also put me off.
But anything else goes.

[ 11-21-2007, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: Johan ]

I draw the line based on what I see.

I have no probelm with most things but generally, none of this.

Yaoi- Hell no!
Poop- Um… just no… Piss is fine since it can be a good joke.
Gore- F*** that!
Lolita- No… Just… no…
Futa- Not my cup of tea.
Gay Men- Men cross dressing= f*** that!

But my favorite category is gender bender where the main character gets stuck in another gender. Either that or perhaps the idea of big breasted women or shy girls who end up being masochists.

My line is this.

Yaoi = death (Yuri purification or straight)
Anal Sex = Fine so long as it doesn’t last to long
Bondage = so long has its not whips,ropes, or gags
Shit = how can anyone find that intresting
Rape = depends on the context

Took the test 2nd go results

Here is your dark calling.

Dark Side Marauder
Your bloodlust serves you well. The dark side will lend strength to your body, and fill your mind with thoughts of savage destruction. You are destined to become a dark side marauder – a living engine of war. Wherever you go, none will be able to stand against you. Even the vaunted Sith will fear your mighty weapons.

Not a scatman myself mind you - but from discussions with someone who was, it seems to be linked with the “forbidden” aspect of it.

Does that make a lot of sense? Maybe… I mean I could go asking myself, “Narg, why do you like rape and violent sex in eroge?” It usually comes down to the notion of having absolute power, instilling fear, mentally breaking and/or destroying the victim, and just being plain evil.

If the court system was ran by guys like Limbaugh and Bill Oreilly, making such a statement would have me sent to a mental institution - despite my firm understanding between the difference in reality and fantasy.

So why? Because they like it, that’s why. :wink:

Well, i’m more a renai gamer AND a Jedi/Paladin Knight at heart. :smiley:

Still, i can take some dark elements in a hgame if they are few and story-focused enough.

[ 11-23-2007, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Peter Gilis ]

You rescue the women getting tentacled. Other than the women you rescue, all sex is consensual.

Well, let’s see— Not Rush, cause he thinks what you do in the privacy of your own mind is your own darn business.

O’Reilly— hard to say. He always says he’s out to protect the kids, but he’s been talking about how he’d like to do the twincest thing with the Olsen Twins long before they were legal age anywhere but the state of Kansas (it just recently set a legal minimum age of consent!). So it would seem logical that O’Reilly would have to settle for letting you have your own fantasies be your own business— as long as you were only doing consensual stuff with legal age humans. That man is seriously a die-hard twincestor!

Personally? I avoid the yaoi stories. Just not my thing. I am slightly put off by the scat and yellow rainbows-- again, not my thing. Hardcore violence rapage of lolis? That I serious avoid. I can put up with it if there is other elements to the game (ie, it’s an 800 year old vampire stuck being 8 but who has emotionally and mentally “matured”) or one very seriously kick butt story.

Unless I’m in a dark mood, I don’t like rape. If I’m in a dark mood, it’s all good. Dark fantasies are just that, dark fantasies.

The biggest thing I don’t like? Having the hero constantly beaten down and dominated. I know there are people out there that like it, but I just don’t find it appealing. It’s too counter to my own nature, so it breaks my connection with the story.

[ 11-28-2007, 03:54 AM: Message edited by: Darkstar ]

“When do you draw the line with content in eroge?”

It depends on the game. If it has some really nasty stuff in it like people getting murdered and ripped apart it better have a strong plot or it’s just digusting and vile and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Because of this fact, I never really had a problem with most of the black cyc titles, the story was always strong enough to pull it off. Mugen Kairo was the only one of their games that I felt guilty for playing.

Oh and I hate futanari, but I can handle it in small doses as long as the game doesn’t focus on it. So I kind of had a problem with that whole Agaha/Yumemi plot branch in Extravanganza.


I can’t stomach Yaoi or especially Guro.

Soooooo its safe to assume almost no can tolerate yaoi.