Which game to license? (UPDATED POLL)

I’ll write a review of the title myself if I get time. However, despite Narg not enjoying the game that much, I think the review gives you a pretty good idea of what the title is like.

Our “child” is born, finally :stuck_out_tongue: :lol: ! And it’s really cute too :smiley: !
With this, our duty to the EroGoddess ends, it’s Peapri turn now.
On a side note, I haven’t bought “recent stuff” yet (DLsite is to blame), I hope Lady Luck will kiss you, this time :wink: .

if I understand it correctly, JAST doesn’t just license a single game, but the first make a partnership with a Japanese game company, then after that license the individual games that company have, right?

if so, how about another poll about which company we will want to see its games licensed? (if you are trying to talking to any company at the moment)

As in prospective new companies? I would imagine that’s not something they’d openly discuss, because the deals might not fall through. As Shingo pointed out in the original post, even these games aren’t 100% certain… it’s just that Peach Princess has a “good chance” at getting them, because the company has a good relationship with original makers. It will still need further negotiations, because Peach Princess might need the “regrouping” of the original team that made the game for technical help (and uncensoring). Which may or may not be possible.

Also, while I’m certainly all for expansion, I should point out that Peach Princess has not even scratched the surface of potential titles they have available from Will and Crowd. Both companies are like eroge hydras… they have “children studios” out the ying-yang. :smiley:

Did you know thatCrowd cranks out twincest? There’s still room for expansion!!! :wink:

I wouldn’t expect new partners soon (unless JAST USA becomes a huge success). Given how hard it is to get anyone on board, they’re better off sticking with the same companies than to waste time/money through a series of unsuccessful negotiations.

I think that having D.O. and co has really boosted things for the H-game industry here. These next few games will only improve things further if they’re licensed.
By the way, I wonder if the original artists feel a certain sense of contempt or perhaps violation to their artwork, for the uncensoring process.

In the case of all modern (past five years or so) games that I’m aware of, the art is initially rendered uncensored, and then mosaics are applied over it before the game is shipped. The uncensoring process therefore consists of the removal of a Photoshop layer and doesn’t alter the artist’s original work at all. Uncensoring does occasionally reveal work that looks a bit unfinished because the artist assumes it will be pixelated anyway, so that might be a bit uncomfortable for some, but I’ve never heard an artist say anything to that effect.

If anything, you’d think they’d feel violated for having to censor it in the first place. But I grew up in America where censorship is frowned upon by those of us with common sense. The Japanese have been censoring there works for many years, so I would guess they’re probably used to it.

How is it unfair? Sorry, but if someone doesn’t care to register to ‘make their voice heard’ then they obviously don’t feel their voice is important enough. There is no charge to register to the forums. No branding, no flogging, or other initiation practices. There is absolutely nothing stopping a person from signing up to place their vote if they so wish to express their opinion. Laziness does not equate unfairness.

I understand both of your opinions on this issue. While with many forums, only the most hardcore fans register, it is also true that on this forum many people register so that they can get support in the “Game Ordering & V-mate Problems” section. Also, given how small of a market this is (unfortunately), I would say that the members of this board are a fairly good representative cross-section of the people who buy these games. There is, however, one small group that I think is extremely under-represented: women who play these games. The only female member of the board that I have seen posting is papillon, though I have read in some old topics that came up while I was searching for something that in the past other female members of the board used to post here (or at least, in the old incarnation of this board).

Female board member, right here! waves hand :wink:

I’d definitely say the number of eroge-playing females is underestimated. At one of the other boards I frequent, I’d say about a quarter of the posters in the eroge forum are girls. We’ve even got some female moderators.

There would be more female members on this forum if there would be more Yaoi/yuri games on the market.

I remember I talked about eroge with a female friend and the first thing she asked me was “where are the yaoi games ?”.

… That’s why we don’t need more women here :lol:
Because it would ruin the plans of cetain persons who try to convince the other to aim for twin evil loli dark themed games for exemple.
But you don’t have to listen to those persons. The real happiness is in light themed eroge !

Light sider 4ever. :mrgreen:

My apologies then Ojamajo_LimePie. I had no idea. I’m glad to see that papillon isn’t the only one here.

The thing is that most females on the Internet, like most males on the Internet, don’t hold up a big sign saying “I’M A GIRL”. So it’s really difficult to be tell, but it certainly seems like the communities around visual novels/ren’ai games have a larger portion of female users than a lot of the other forums I visit.

EDIT: no you can’t just use their avatar. I’ve been using female characters in my avatars since forever. The only male character I’ve ever had in an avatar of mine was one of Wan Hu.

Also, as far as eroge is concerned, I like H scenes, but I kinda prefer the description and leadup to said H scenes than the H scenes themselves, which are typically very generic (and it feels like I’ve seen them all).
That’s why I don’t mind the old Key style of H scene, as seen in ONE, Kanon and AIR (not MOON., though). If you’ve played any of these you know what I’m talking about.

Also, as far as pairings go, I’m fine with GxG, BxG and GxB, but BxB is totally out. Even in non-H games, sry.

Sometimes it’s because they get treated differently. I’ve been to dozens of forums where the suddenly knowledge of a regular being female, removes her from the “just one of the boys” category. Suddenly people are nicer (or meaner). Topics that were openly discussed in total honesty and disregard, are now handled with greater restraint. Add to the fact that the Internet is a LOT more immature than real life…

Well, I mean, there ARE the secret handshakes … the top-secret Decoder Rings … god knows what might happen if a girl found out all our Guy Stuff. (I think a few of them might go blind. Have you seen the inside of Narg’s mind?)

But in all seriousness – Neko Pocky? I must try it!

I haven’t seen the effect personally, but I know of it. All of a sudden things change, and not really in a good way. Around here I’d expect there to be less ‘zOMG a girl!!!’ and “pics plz or u lie” or ‘so u doin n e thing latur’ – I mean, theoretically everyone’s over 18, and they can just buy one of Peach Princess’ fine products – but I can see it being a definite issue around certain things like discussing the darkside games that were translated to English.

In the eroge world, everyone is 18… forever…

My sister would so kill you for saying that LOL. Although i find it very true because a lot of anime fans I have met actually DO fall into those categories although not as severely so.

My younger sister actually loves this stuff. She actually asks me to order some for her because she can’t legally buy them herself even if she has the money. :slight_smile: And its especially funny since SHE LOOKS OLDER THAN ME… FRIGGIN HELL HER GENES ARE BROKEN… HOW THE HELL DOES A GIRL ONE YEAR YOUNGER THAN ME WITH THE SAME GENES GROW TALLER THAN ME… DAMN WOMAN…

Lol. I have a similar problem since I look younger than I really am. I’m 27 but people think I’m not even 18.
So I have to live with : “… this mag looks suspicious (note : it was just some geek mag with a woman in bikini on the cover :? ), are you over 18 ?”
Me : “hu… yeeeesssss I’m 23”.

And worse : sometimes people mistake me for a girl…

hum… maybe we should go back to the topic. Even if there is nothing else to say… Each of these games are pure win. I prefer Haruka and Sekai since I’m a light sider, but objectivly those 3 eroge are above most of the games already translated.

Like I said before, Haruka is a pretty terrific title. The funny thing is that, for all Narg’s saying that he didn’t really like the title, he gave it a higher score (86/100) than I would have (probably about 75-78 or so).

At some point I’ll try Sekai out, but I don’t know when… there’s a bit of a backlog to go through.