Which game to license? (UPDATED POLL)

I think this topic has pretty much played itself out, so I’m going to unsticky it. Still no word on any licenses, by the way.

I too look young for the age of 27, though not to the extent le nuage is talking about (which is usually par for the course considering a quarter of my ancestry is Asian). I guess it helps that I have a moustache and a fairly impressive (if a bit wild) goatee, not to mention the hair on my head is starting to turn silver already…

I wasn’t hiding my gender; I thought it was already known. Not that it should really make any difference.

:roll: (P.S. The word is ‘misogynist’.)

Well i hink it’s not well know… In occident people tend to think that some type of eroge have for target only male, when it’s false.I’m talking about Yaoi and Yuri… Type wich mostly Aim at girl in Japan, and not the homosexual community.(well also, but the primary target are still the girl)…

Yuri is mostly aimed at girls? Well, okay. -_-

I don’t think women ‘hide their gender’ any more than men ‘hide their gender’. (note: I don’t approve of using the word ‘gender’ as a euphemism for ‘sex’. Sex doesn’t need a euphemism, and ‘gender’ has a very specific - and different - meaning already) For the most part, people simply don’t state whether they are male or female unless it is specifically applicable to the discussion.

You’re the typical exemple of what people in occident think about Yuri. :wink:
But it’s a fact that in Japan the main public of Shojo-Ai and Yuri are Woman/Girl.

Just go in a library/combini in Japan and look who buy the Magazine Yuri Shimai… You’ll see that is mostly Girl/Woman.And it’s the same for the Author of Shojo-Ai And Yuri Manga : It’s mostly Woman/Shojo Mangaka.

The same for Yaoi/Shonen-Ai Author, it’s moslty Woman/Shojo-Mangaka.

If the yuri eroge are like the stories of yuri shimaÔ it’s certainly focused for women.

But if there are sex romps yuri games, i’m sure that men would be the first to buy it.

For many forums however, there is this general assumption that a poster is male: especially on immature sites (pick a -chan, any -chan) or sites that are tailored to a male’s tastes (Maxim, Playboy, Stock Car Racing, Ultimate Fighting, etc). Even here on the PP boards.

While we’re all adults here on PP, other sites take the revelation of “a woman walks among us” with some chaos. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen TOGTFO

Usually on the -chans, once tits have been shown, the cries of “TRAP!” go up, and then its “VOGTFO!”

Haruka ni Aogi, Uruwashino gots doujin. Heh. :stuck_out_tongue:

with my least favourite heroine on the cover! yay!

…But no Playstation version yet, I HOPE (we have lost Yunohana because of that).

Your 38 spam posts gained you Peapri’s Spam Award for sure :roll: , let’s hope you also voted for Haruka Ni Aogi :stuck_out_tongue:

I just want to say that I won’t let the upcoming releases of Downhill Night make me forget those 3 games ! 8)

I’ll have to add myself to that list as well. We can only hope there’s still a chance at them grabbing some of these…

Same here. I need something to look forward to after Family Project.

Same here too.
However I fear that the addition of the three games of the Moero series will further delay their (possible?) release, even if it’s also true that the url=http://otakuism.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=29official schedule[/url] seems susceptible to sudden changes (the Moero games are “new entries” but available for preorder already, for example).
I’m happy that Cleavage is still in Limbo, however :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

So am I… So am I.

Hopefully the next change to ‘the list’ shows Princess Waltz going gold, and Family project in beta. Does any of the staff have any info they can give on these three titles and if there was any progress on the potential of getting these, or has it already been ruled out?

Agreed. I want any of these three games more than I do any of the ones announced at AX. I mean, the Moero driving series could be good, but I dunno much about them, and I care little for professional racing IRL. These, though … all of them sound interesting. And awesome.

It’s like it’s been years since we wait for family project, Princess waltz and the cosplay thing so now I wonder when would be released the 3 games of this poll if PP manages to put their hands on them.
I hoped for 2009, but now… with DN1, 2, 3, cleavage and LWRII…

We need some real blockbusters for 2009.