Which game to license? (UPDATED POLL)

Honestly, I don’t care what role characters take, so long as it’s done well, and isn’t annoying. Sadly a lot of the weak male types are nothing short of annoying, with the exception of a limited few who have redeeming traits(those are mostly used for humor it seems). I certainly don’t mind the strong women though.(Go Clare!) All in all, so long as the story is done well, it doesn’t matter to me.

In Japan, yes. But in the USA?

Jokes about Gor aside I think it makes perfect sense to have both kinds of protagonist… some who are “more like you” so you can relate to their situation and their problems, and some who are “more like you want to be” so you can enjoy the happy fantasy.

Sometimes I want to play a sweet little healer-mage girl who hides in the back of the party and is afraid of being hit. Sometimes I want to kick ass. :slight_smile: (This is actually what holds me back from rubber-sword larps. With the prospect of actually being hit I really have no choice but to play a cleric, and while I don’t mind that occasionally I’d get sick of it. I am too blind and too clumsy for real combat. Someone would get hurt. Not necessarily me.)

But I’m not a weakling, loser otaku so such a protagonist is nothing “like me”. In fact, I’m ot even “nice”! ^^;;;;;;;

It’s a generic you, not you personally. :slight_smile:

Of course, the chances that we’ll see one of these games with a protagonist like ME are slim… ‘Psycho Lesbian Meganekko Stalker, The Eroge!’ (not that I am, but that’s probably as close as a character would come…)

Psycho Twincest Lesbian Meganekko Stalker, The Eroge!


But I don’t have a twin!

… I don’t have a biological twin!

(Long ago I had a friend who shared my interests, dressed the same as me, and looked enough like me that people who were taking classes with her asked me about the homework)

Twin enough for me!

It’s sad to think that most of PP’s customers would be “weakling, loser otakus” then. :cry:

You prefer badass male characters, like those on Nitroplus games, right Olf?

But many guys like losers characters because they are fun. They try to respect others and hardly will do something to hurt girls - at least not on purpose.

I resemble that remark …

i dont read japanese… so what ever game they release that i CAN read, i will play the main character of… weather he be weak, an asshole, etc.

I voted for “Not interested in any.” Why’s that? Well, even though I’d consider purchasing English editions of Bullet Butlers or Haruka ni Aogi, I’d really prefer something else. Something which isn’t the usual boy x girls harem game. Something with more strategic or complex gameplay than the usual ADV game/visual novel.

So if there’s a game similar to Harukanaru Toki no Naka de or Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo out there that wouldn’t cost a fortune to license, that’d be nice. And even though I’m not personally interested in BL games, I’d purchase something similar to Angel’s Feather or Oujisama Lv.1 because I’d like to “vote with my money” and purchase something different.

My other reason for advocating BL and girls’ games, especially ones with intricate gameplay: I think they just might attract buyers who don’t fit into the “weakling, loser otaku” category… :oops:

We have to put some context on what’s a “weakling loser” here, or else the term starts to lose definition. I suppose we’re talking about guys, who within their respective settings, are utterly powerless to do anything about the havoc that happens around them, right? Someone like Keiichi Morisato from Oh! My Goddess?

Because in Haruka or Sekai, while the protagonists don’t kick people’s asses on a daily basis, they aren’t weakling losers who just stand around and get beaten up (outside of comedic effect): they’re “everyday guys” - which does not automatically equate to weakling loser. For example in Macross there’s Hikaru Ichijyo. He was your normal person in the setting - had experience as a stunt pilot, but honestly not an uber combatant… that was Roy and Maximilian. While the guy was indecisive with his romance (and hell can ya blame him? Should have went for a harem… and while he was at it, throw some sweet chocolate Claudia in there too), he wasn’t a weakling loser.

Plus you can be a “badass” and still be a loser - see Goku from Dragon Ball Z… hell, Taiga Shinjiro from Sakura Taisen V is a combat badass, but gets forced to wear drag by his own subordinates when they need an extra. How loser is that!? At least Oogami just clipped tickets and did guard duty. :wink:

You seem to have made the erroneous assumption there is no such thing as a “female weakling loser otaku” :smiley:


The problem here is that Peach Princess has access to a handful of companies, out of all the companies releasing things in Japan. And by far most Japanese eroge are visual novels. Most of the companies that make things other than visual novels are not affiliated with Peach Princess. So … unfortunately, while I would be quite interested in such things as well, visual novels are by and large the choices.

This doesn’t make it any less valid to say “but that’s what I want” – if that’s what you want, then you don’t CARE it can’t be done :slight_smile: – but that is the unfortunate truth.

Quack :wink:

Yep. Spineless heroes whose only redeeming quality is to be “kind” (aka Keitarou from LH) don’t do anything for me.

If you took the effort to read my post, you would have noticed I replied, based on Shingo’s statement:

If you want to refute this statement, please refute it in context instead of debating for the sake of debating without even reading about what the debate is.

We need you in our parties. No one ever wants to play the clerics, unless they are a cleric of death or something.

Is this a vanilla d20 cleric? Because everyone knows they rock. Second tier Base Attack, two first tier Saves (Fort and Will), 9 level spell casting, turn/rebuke undead, and full plate armor without spell casting penalty!? I smell HAX! :wink: And if you allow PrC in your campaign, I have two words for ya: Radiant Servant of Pelor. You can blow through the Ravenloft campaign setting like a Belmont blows through Castlevania. :twisted: