Which games would you recommend?

sigh I was hoping you were going to dig yourself further into the hole…

Im not joking, i like cats…
Why does everybody buy Need fo Speed Underground? Cuz they like those cars (and usually wish they had one)
My reason for Let’s Meow Meow! is no different. But like i said, perhaps a weird one.

Ok try Snow Drop then, i like that one too.

Originally posted by Giovanni:
Im not joking, i like cats...
Why does everybody buy Need fo Speed Underground? Cuz they like those cars (and usually wish they had one)
My reason for Let's Meow Meow! is no different. But like i said, perhaps a weird one.

(I was going to stop...I really was. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img])

According to Ex-S Woo, Sofurin, the Japanese adult game regulatory committee, has revised its censorship policy lately with regards to a certain H-game element. Needless to say, I suspect you'll be pleased. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

See this thread for details: http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/Forum1/HTML/002130.html

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-02-2005).]

Ok, you use my post to quote, then you start about something totally different… Are you sure you qouted the right guy?


So what about you Dark Shiki? You never really posted your preferance in reguards to said policy change.

I guess the policy change doesn’t concern me one way or the other. The Japanese market already includes the sorts of themes/fetishes I’d want to see…often to a more extreme extent than I’d ever care for. The limiting factor preventing me from seeing the games I want to see is the English market and its attitudes and conceptions, not the Japanese market. Besides, I actually prefer my cat girls to be more girl than cat anyway.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-02-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
The limiting factor preventing me from seeing the games I want to see is the English market and its attitudes and conceptions, not the Japanese market.
Isn't that always the case with import titles?

…Not necessarily. For example, I’d like to see a Chobits H-game in English. However, it’s not going to happen, because such a game will never be released in the first place. The same would apply for material that will never be seen in Japan since it wouldn’t get approved by Sofurin. Theoretically, it’s possible that certain material that is “forbidden” in Japan would be allowable and even sought after here. In practice…this doesn’t seem to occur , at least as far as my interests are concerned.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 02-02-2005).]

But i’m not talking at all about this law in Japan, why are you quoting me? I’m confused.

…Here’s the quote I was referring to:

Originally posted by Ex-S Woo:
In a semi-related note, the governing software censorship committee loosened its stance on a number of taboo themes recently, with the most major one being bestiality.
It used to be a big no no to show any scenes with it (although it was okay to refer to it), they changed their minds about sometime this year and there’s already been a trickle of titles with some beatiality scenes released already.

I was joking around with you, since you said you liked Let’s Meow Meow because you like cats.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
...Not necessarily. For example, I'd like to see a Chobits H-game in English.
I hear you.

Uh… ok…

[This message has been edited by Giovanni (edited 02-03-2005).]

About that Chobits h-game… guys, we’re talking clamp here, that’ll never happen. Sure it’s more mature, but does that mean it should be? Because they talk about mature stuff?

So because Hideki can’t put his thing in Chi cuz otherwise he hits her reset button, there should be an h-version?
Just because he’s thinking about Yumi’s big tits all the time it should be an H-version?
Just because Shimbo screws Takako at the hotsprings there should be an h-version?

Well hey, in that case, there a dozen more comics which i would like to see an h-version off…

[This message has been edited by Giovanni (edited 02-03-2005).]

Thanks, I’ll keep your opinion in mind when I’m next considering what I should like.

Originally posted by Giovanni:
So because Hideki can't put his thing in Chi cuz otherwise he hits her reset button

Not true. I admit that the manga pretends that this is true, but that's an idiotic plot point. They already established that there are people who do black-market illegal remodels, so this ought to be a non-issue.

Well, actually, it does sound weird. Why in the world put the reset button there… I guess that’s the whole point, Hideki accepts he’ll never be able to uh… do Chi, and that makes him the “special someone just for me”.
I think the button was put there deliberately as a test by Chi’s creator, to ensure she would find the right person.

But really, if you want h-version comics of famous anime buy doujinshi comics. You know, those “underground” comics of ppl who draw almost exactly like the original creator, and often the characters do have sex in those comics. Athena & Friends anyone?

Originally posted by Giovanni:
Well, actually, it does sound weird. Why in the world put the reset button there... I guess that's the whole point, Hideki accepts he'll never be able to uh.. do Chi, and that makes him the "special someone just for me".
I think the button was put there deliberately as a test by Chi's creator, to ensure she would find the right person.

But really, if you want h-version comics of famous anime buy doujinshi comics. You know, those "underground" comics of ppl who draw almost exactly like the original creator, and often the characters do have sex in those comics. Athena & Friends anyone?

I prefer the game...i like non-h manga, but not too much the h version basically because like many games I see now, the h parts are all what it becomes about. But also because its just not my cup of tea as much as games are.

If the did the story and character devlopement right, a Chobits h-game would be very good.

As far Hideki and Chi go...who knows...you never actually see anything down there. The only reason you know about the reset button is because of the clicking sound and the after effects.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 02-03-2005).]

LoL, click…

Well maybe a Chobits game would be good yes. But like i said; It’s Clamp, that won’t ever happen. So you say you like h-game, but also not, because the story aint good ususally? So you think H-chobits game would be good cuz the manga already has a good story, if i understand you correct?

Originally posted by Giovanni:
LoL, click...

Well maybe a Chobits game would be good yes. But like i said; It's Clamp, that won't ever happen. So you say you like h-game, but also not, because the story aint good ususally? So you think H-chobits game would be good cuz the manga already has a good story, if i understand you correct?

It has the potential to have a good story and game design. It would depend on how it was put together. Anything can be screwed over by bad design. It's much harder for the reverse though.

And Chobits does have a good storyline that would make for a good h-game, because it has the makings good ren'ai/life-sim already (assuming one hasn't been released in japan or elsewhere), as long as they wouldn't screw it up by just adding sex scenes because they can, making them the focus, or just putting them in really bad places.

Yea it probably would never happen, especially as the series is now a few years old and isn't like EVA where it just became insanely popular, but hey, it doesn't hurt any to discuss it.

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 02-05-2005).]