Why you like Bishoujo game? let's gether each one's view

Given that my fave B-games are story driven jewels like: Kana, Little Sister, Crescendo, Private Nurse etc. I’ll say that what I like most about it are the stories and the characters. I don’t play them for the sex-scences, I play them for the stories.

I was surprised by the quality of the stories. I first bought X-Change because the topic of the game, gender switching, interested me. Since then I’ve bought more, but the main interest is the storyline. Mostly the stories are very good. Throw in pictures of cute people and I’m hooked.

Mine benefit from b-games is the knowledge they give that you cannot extract in casual or even private conversations from humans of same age…

I also am mainly drawn in by the storylies ,but I also enjoy the art , and the interactive experience . I like being able to influence the story thru my choices .

I’m not going to lie and say the h-scenes don’t appeal to me. But h-scenes in most games are very similar. For a game to really stand out, and be worth playing over again … it has to have a story I enjoy.

Ooops… I did not notice that he’s also talking about why one likes these games… I merely mentioned the benefits in mt own point of view. Gomen… :frowning: Why? Because values gets in the way of FUN!.. That’s why…

Well… There you have it. Why I like these games… :smiley:


I like them because it’s a simulation that gives you options and replicates life - naturally, with artistic license and within reason. It’s the same reason why I like series such as The SIMS or Grand Theft Auto or Knights of the Old Republic or Evil Genius… etc, etc, etc

I enjoy being able to do something I can’t do in real life. For that same reason, I’m drawn to the “dark side” of everything in these types of games. I mean, who can’t help crack an evil smile (and maybe an evil laugh) when they play the part of an evil god, murderous Sith, or rampaging anarchic hoodlum who shoots every innocent bystander and steal their cars?

Of course in eroge, evil takes its own paths from non-adult games. :wink:

Beautiful shot, freeuser. Yes, it’s the emotional aspect that’s most important, the way you feel about [whatever character you happened to latch on to in the current game.] I had a very strange experience, being interviewed by IM from AVN last night, about Yume Miru Kusuri. Trying to put what was good about these games in a language that those pr0n meisters could grasp was really, really hard. So I stressed the great sex.

The same reason why I like video games, it lets you experience things that you can not experience in reallife. I mean, how likely are events in Xenosaga going to happen within our life time? Granted some B-games are plasuable in real life like kana, but most aren’t ie figures of happinese.

Before I knew anything about these games, I was drawn to them by the sex. But since then I’ve come to appreciate the stories more and more. Currently, my favorite game is Crescendo because of the many heart-rending plotlines. Not being the sort of person to express much emotion in real life, I nevertheless crave it in my gaming. C’mon, break my heart, Pea Princess.

I like some eroges / Visual/Digital novels mainly because of the plot. The hentai scenes, in most cases, are just a plus (some games could have the eroge scenes removed and they would still be great). I dislike games that the main plot is just about the main character getting laid with everyone (“Sex romps”). Plot-wise with a good character-development games are the ones that really captivates me. (Ever 17, games from D.O., like “Kana” and “Crescendo”, etc.). Most (if not all) characters having strong/different personalities from each other is also welcome.

In my opinion, a good game (eroge or visual novel), should develop the story; it must be the “main event”, then the artwork and music together in second place. Being able to “change” the storyline with choices is also great (choices that really affect the game in later points, giving plot twists are awesome!).

By the way, I think that the game the user andre is talking about in the first is “Amy’s Fantasy” (“I am not Emi!”).

[ 04-02-2007, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: Leon ]

No one has mentioned the music yet. Ever played a visual novel on mute ? It’s just not the same !

Well, Leon-kun… I’m a very moderate guy, I don’t care if these or those B-games have or not sex-scenes. And I don’t care if this or that B-game is famous or popular.

Yes, I agree with you. I guess the most important thing is if this game is pleasant to play. If the player/gamer liked playing this game. The story, the characters, the BGM, all details are important to be a good B-game or not.

Unfortunately, I don’t like “Amy’s Fantasies” (aka “Don’t Call Me Amy!” or “Eimi to Yobanai de!”) very much… I don’t know why, but I never liked some old B-games from “C’s ware” as “Love Potion”, “Fatal Relations” and “Amy’s Fantasies”…

Sometimes, when I start playing some new B-games, watching new animes, listening new BGM, firstly, I would dislike them or not. But, after, I start liking them… I guess it’s because you strange them in the beginning, but, after, you start to accustom them…

[ 05-13-2007, 10:01 PM: Message edited by: Mystvan ]

Hehe, I share almost the same opinion with you. I don’t care (always) for factors like if the game is popular, or if it does have a lot of media focus into it. In fact, a big portion of stuff (including games, VNs/AVGs, music, etc.) I like is somewhat unknown for other people (even friends) I know. But I like to read gamer’s reviews/opinions; they tend to be less biased than reviews you find in magazines/corporative websites.

[ 05-13-2007, 10:29 PM: Message edited by: Leon ]

Well, dear Chewy-kun. I guess you didn’t read right because Leon-kun already wrote about BGM in previous post. Yes, the BGM is important, too. BGM, story, artwork, characters are essential details to be considered good for any B-games, standard (or normal) games and animes.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Opera didn’t become popular because until more than a year back it wasn’t free, and the version you could download had ads. Now it still has the non-free/ad-bundled stigma.

Apple is popular, at least their iPods are. Their computers… Well, that’s something else, which would probably be better discussed in another topic.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

You are a powerful Necromancer. We must exchange research some time. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: