Why you like Bishoujo game? let's gether each one's view

Yes, this one was brought back from the grave.

And whoever it was only ever made 5 posts, all of which except the necro post were 2 years ago. Kinda weird…

yes some VN’s have amazing soundtracks, like Ever 17 and the works of Visual Arts Key
I like the art, charachters, and story. And most are not hard like playing a side scroller like Megaman.

You do realize that you are responding to someone who probably hasn’t been here in a few years, right? Their profile indicates that they made four posts back in 2007 and haven’t been seen since.

This thread is broken. Fortunately I know exactly what can fix it.

It’s official, Narg has saved the thread! Everyone, please face forward and appreciate the fine twincest action brought to us by Narg the Thread Saver!

I propose a toast, to Narg, and twincest!

That was some very impressive necromancy, to keep the dead thread writhing around for at least half a page of non-sequiteur replies. Such as this one …

My reasons for liking bishoujo games falls in line with what everyone here has already said: stories, BGM and artwork. But it really pains me to admit that when I began my collection by making my first impulse purchases I did so only for the promise of naughty H-scenes.

:edit: Wait, this question is… almost 3 years old. Huh. :oops:

Why do I like bishoujo games, huh…

I think I just like romance stories, and when it gets blended with a game where I can affect (to some degree) the outcome, it’s great for me.

I tend to play bishoujo games in cycles. I’ll play only “regular” games for months on end, but after a long time of playing games with violence and death and tragedy, I need bishoujo games to counterbalance all the death/destruction/mayhem I’ve been subjecting my brain to. So I’ll pick up some titles that has come out in the meantime or replay some of the old ones for a few weeks, until it’s swung around the other way and I feel the need to kill something again :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess that might be why I don’t like dark bishoujo games, since I play them to counterbalance the darkness I usually subject myself to :stuck_out_tongue:

A balanced mind is a healthy mind! At least that’s what the voices in my head keep telling me.

Woah, I didn’t notice this thread was a massive necro. Oops. Going back and reading some of the replies I skimmed over, it’s even pointed out by Narg.

The question is still valid though. No different than creating a new topic with the same goal.

Anyway, as has been stated: I play these types of games for the story first, usually for the romantic stories as well. However, I can find countless romances on the market in any medium… these games offer something that mostly only books touch, erotica. I enjoy seeing the entirety of a character. If they can die, kill, or maim and all that is shown, then they can make love and have that be shown. Actually, I would prefer the erotic scenes over the violent scenes, and not wholly because of some base lust, but because those erotic moments allow a more intimate and unguarded glimpse into the characters involved. I connect more deeply with characters if these erotic facets are displayed than if they are “hidden”.

I’ve noticed recently that my priorities for playing eroge has shifted to characters rather than story. Even if a game has a really good story, I’m just finding it harder to enjoy without a character I really like. Of course, having both would be the best.

This is very true. Even with an interesting setting or story it’s hard to enjoy anything if the characters suck. I hated most of the characters in the anime Genesis of Aquarion, but oddly liked most everything else and was constantly at a love/hate relationship because of that.

I had to drop The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya because of that. Not because of bland characters, but because of characters I couldn’t stomach. I just couldn’t get around the fact that I detested Haruhi herself.

Similarly I had to drop Hana Yori Dango. The main character was interesting, but the adventures of four rich evil bastards is not something I care to read about.

After having been a manga/anime fan for years, I started approaching the world of bishoujo games about two years ago. The first games I came in contact with were mostly sexromps, and for a few weeks I thought that was the best I would ever get out of an eroge. Turned out I was horribly wrong :smiley: The first game that made me changed my mind was Snow Sakura - loved the comedy and the characters, and I still think of it as one of the best lighthearted vn available in English. Then came Yume Miru Kusuri and Princess Waltz, and it was decided: the main reason I now play visual novels it’s for their story. I don’t mind sex - actually, I rather enjoy it - but it’s definitely not the main focus.
My love for these games was also one of the main reasons that brought me to learn (well, try to learn, I still got a long way to go) Japanese, so that I could get a wider range of games. Slowly, I started playing more visual novels than mainstream games (I think the ratio for last year was about 3:1 in favor of visual novels).
So, as of a now, I’m an happy player of visual novels, and I don’t plan of quitting anytime soon :smiley:

I like having a character I can relate to. I know, H games probably don’t have the best people to role-model, but I think games in general are more fun to play if you can relate to the characters.

Wow, this is a pretty old thread. Since I don’t seem to have replied to it:

I like eroge because I find it entertaining. I find that the presentation format with heavy amounts of text, visuals and audio gives a unique experience not found in any other medium. In novels, the visuals and audio are generally not present (if visuals are present, they are typically minimal). In film and television, while the visual and audial experience is there, the unique properties of the written word are not present, making quite a number of visual novels impossible to adapt to such a medium (Kitto, Sumiwataru Asairo Yori mo would be a good example). In graphic novels and manga visuals and text are both present but the amount of text is typically limited by the medium and audio cannot be present. Visual novels are essentially one of the only presentation forms that combine the three, and they work exceptionally well together to provide a unified experience.

I also like the sex, not just because it’s sex but because a big deal is not made about its inclusion in eroge. Sex in a game is not a big deal and I like eroge for the way they show this. Stuff like the whole Grand Theft Auto Hot Coffee scandal shows that some people do think sex is a big deal which makes it clear, to me, that we need more games with sex in them and more publicity for the same.

I’ll spare you my life story and say I had a crappy time in school and some of the ones set in a school help me feel like I got something back. Got into a couple of the ones from Hirameki towards the end of my high-school days and then found out about the erotic ones that have been licensed and have been enjoying for years now. Really helped during the last job I had when I spent most of the day alone. I will throw in that I like the characters and stories as well, few other games get the same emotional responses out of me.

Hmm, doesn’t look like I’ve replied to this one yet.

I guess I enjoy bishoujo games because I like the stories and characters. There’s also a certain element of escapism to my enjoyment, because my life is pretty miserable due to chronic illness. I’ve basically been a shut-in due to health for the last couple years. The games I play are usually cheery, or at least they have a happy ending, which makes me feel better.

Very good. This is the best justification for the existance of erotica that I’ve ever read, one that I can get behind 100%. “If you feel it, peel it,” as someone once said.

What I like about these games are the exciting backgrounds that the characters appear and disappear in front of: the bed rooms and class rooms, street scenes. So deliciously charming!

Just kidding.

Sex. Sometimes I’m for it, and sometimes I’m not. It’s not given to all of us to write a good sex scene–not even the professional eroge writers. All in all, I’ve generally been more turned on by h-scenes that were not actually shown than the ones that were. For example, in “Let’s Meow Meow” the hero’s girlfriend barges in on him while he’s having sex with the cat girl and the rabbit. It’s a really hot scene that’s only described, not shown (actually,I was a little annoyed the first time I came to it.) Likewise, the strip Mah Jong game and the drunken debauches in “Snow Sakura” are also left to the imagination–quite appropriately. On the other hand, in “Crescendo” whjen Ryo and his sister finally acknowledge their feelings for each other, the scenes that follow are dynamite, and, referring back to K’s comments above, it would be a cheat if we didn’t get to see them