Wind -Breath of Heart-

hey there I wanted to ask if you have ever consider to translate this title I have try the demo an it is really great but nobody as far as I have heard wanted to translate it (though I have wanted to try myself I lack the skill and knowledge to do so)

Death is lighter then a Feather. Duty heavier that a Mountian.

My first post on this board after being curious on what other people play. I doubt Wind -Breath of Heart- will ever be translated for the American market. Your best bet would be to learn japanese as i am doing to enjoy these games (renai visual novel games like kana but never come over here). However, it might be fan translated if someone is really that dedicated. I wish some American company would take the chance to release more high quality games such as Kana or Crescendo.
Renai visual novels/h-games in Japan such as Kanon (being fan translated), To Heart, Tsukihime, Fate/Stay Night, Clover Hearts, and Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien (The eterniety you wish for) will probably never see the American marketplace unless companies decide to produce more high quality games. These games are just as good if not better than Kana or Crescendo that many people rave about. In fact there are so popular anime shows are made off of these games of course without the h-scense. These games were huge hits in Japan and i really think that American companies can make a profit off of it.


arh that is pretty depressing I a currently trying to learn japanese but I am have a bit of trouble with it (I am not so good a remember words eh)one thing is sure though I think that you are rigth Kanon and Wind is just as good as Kana and Crescendo (I think they are better )you could say that I felt in love with Wind by just try the demo (and see the chrismas special ) alrigth I must try to become better at translating games then (and mush better at japanese )

btw I have heard that the one Translating Kanon migth want to thranslate Wind after Kanon man I hope so that he will

Death is lighter then a Feather. Duty heavier that a Mountian.

Nice to find someone else who is trying to learn japanese in order to play these Renai visual novel games. I recommend using this program called JWPce. It is a japanese word processing program/dictionary. It really helps in understanding these games by typing it into this program and getting a translation. You can find this program here

I do hope Wind gets translated by him. He does a great job on translation. In the rumor mill a certain group might do a translation of the Kimi ga Nozomu Eien the game due to the huge popularity of the anime. But i heard they might encounter trouble as the text only itself is over 1 GB?!?? I also agree that Kanon and Wind are much better games than Kana and Crescendo even though they are considered “cream of the crop” here in America.


Any particular reason Wind -Breath of Heart- would not be translated? Is it the age of the characters involved or something?

I would simply say that the trend of US companies in obtaining such game as Wind -Breath of Heart- is extremely low just mainly due to profits and ignorance on games such as these. Just look at the games offered by US companies such as G-collection and one can see a lot of them are dark type of games I.E. rape games. These games are also making money for them so they would probably stick to these games instead of trying to venture out and diversify. I could be wrong but that is what i think.

Do you mean few of them are the dark ‘rape’ type of games? I admit they have released maybe two or three that I can think of as the dark type of game, but most of them are not that way, in fact I think that is the rarity rather then the rule for the games they release.

I must admit that your probably right after thinking about it. What is true that i know is that lots of these games that are translated aren’t as story/text/plot orientented driven compared to many of games that are considered hits in Japan. Unless US companies are willing to take more risks we will continue to see games of lesser story/text/plot caliber as that has been what is selling well.


That I cannot deny from some of the ones I have heard that have been passed on, and some that are more plot driven but sadly people consider now to be outdated like Princess Maker 2 which I know had the whole piracy problem or has it rather that are likely not to be made at this point in time.

Nevertheless, I am just grateful for those that are coming over since this is still somewhat of a new genre over here in the marketplace. They have to start somewhere and who knows what might start coming over if those styles that are coming over prove money makers, they might start to risk more on different styles.

blink Hmm, surprised that some of the other regulars havn’t chirped in on this subject yet…

Well, part of the problem that you need to realize that it’s not just a decision on the American side of things. The Japanese company has to be willing to license the title over as well. (And we won’t get into the issue about how hard it is sometimes to figure out who has the license in the first place.) And until there’s a proven market, it’s not something that’s particularly high priority for many of the companies over there. We’re getting there, slowly at times, but I don’t think we’re quite at the point where many of the Japanese companies are thinking that it’s worth the effort to try and tap into the English market.

I personally don’t have the impression that we get lesser stories/text/plot games.

I have nothing to compare it too, but most of those I have played and I stress most, have had a good plot or storyline, even if at times heavily within the realm of fiction. Nevertheless, I do see what is said after thinking about it some more, there are some stories which seem only to lead you to h-scenes, but I think those are rarer then the type with plots where the h-scenes are merely part of the plot rather then the reason for the plot.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 02-26-2004).]

As Ekylo as mentioned the hardest part in getting the game localized here is having the japanese company on board. Right now I don’t think the japanese see’s the English market as profitable. Maybe when the market get’s bigger we’ll see more companies like alicesoft, F&C, Leaf, ect take a chance.

I belive there’s 3 dark games from g-collection, Sensei 2, tsuki, and virgin roster. That’s a pretty low number compared to their comedy games.

[This message has been edited by wanfu2k1 (edited 02-26-2004).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
I personally don't have the impression that we get lesser stories/text/plot games.

We're not talking about the actual content of the games versus what you had been expecting before you bought them - we're talking about what you can get in Japan. I think most of the people here who don't speak Japanese would be surprised by what they find, myself included.

I for one can rattle off half a dozen games we just won't see that I really want to play. Easily.

Now, people who DO know have said that there's stuff out there that storywise is SO much better. I don't speak Japanese, so I won't question their judgement.

back again

well I hope that it will get translate I (I know how little japanese I actualy knows 1% or so I think)
and arigatou jinx626 I have try out the program you suggested and I think it would be a great help to me

by the way here is what those you translate the demo I try said I hope it is not to big :

The story behind the project
On May 28th, 2002, I was in #elite-fansubs where Hikaru No Go was the Naruto of
that time. Someone named UFG started yelling about a new Bishoujo game called
Wind, and asked if anyone wanted to see some screenshots. I was amazed at the
art quality, and UFG sent me the opening movie.

On August 30th, 2002, Bishoujo-Fansubs and No Name Losers released a fansubbed
version of the opening movie. You can read the story behind that at

UFG liked what we did, but wanted us to translate the game as well. We told him
that it was an impossible task because we didn’t even know where to start. Over
the next couple of months, we did everything else associated with Wind, from
subbing the second movie sequence to the DVD special. Fast forward to June
2003 …

The Wind Translation Project originally consisted of three people: UFG (who ran
a now-defunct bishoujo game site called Omoi Wa, named after the main phrase in
Wind), sagara (the coder and someone who liked Wind), and Kokushi_Musou (he is
a translator for the anime fansub group called ‘The Triad’, site is at

The WTP took off in July after UFG assembled the other two people together by
spamming his dreams in a private channel where we hung out. The initial
depacking tool was created by alamone, and then the first repacking tools were
created by sagara at the end of the month. All was going well, supposedly …

In the middle of August, UFG PMed me and asked us at No Name Losers to help out
the WTP. Since their progress was slow, we only wanted to do a pilot sample for
them because they already had everyone they needed. We agreed to do the entire
introduction for them in order to lift their spirits up (the WTP wasn’t really
motivated at the time). We also agreed to re-translate the opening movie
because our initial fansub had some inaccurate translations. This agreement
went well with us because we could release our work as a standalone using
minori’s official demo (which ended after the opening movie). It also meant
that Kokushi_Musou wouldn’t be pressured to translate the entire game before
we could have a product.

We handed over our portion of the script to sagara at the beginning of
September. However, the script format still hadn’t been figured out. We
translated the introduction from the depacked script, but there was no way to
re-insert it the translation. In order for any more progress to be made, the
script format had to be figured out. The project was idle from October to the
end of November. During this time, I made the script available for open edit
and QC, and a lot of people helped out (see section 3.4).

December. After playing alamone’s Mizuiro game fansub, sagara had some renewed
interest in the project. He realized that his depacking method wasn’t efficient
and recreated his tools. But the script format still hadn’t been figured out. I
assumed that the project had died once and for all.

In the middle of January, Edward Keyes (part of Chibi No Choco Fansubs) decided
to take a stab at sagara’s tools and look at them. Amazingly, he figured out
the script format in just two days after recreating sagara’s tools. The demo
would finally be completed! Two weeks later, it was!

So what happened to UFG? He disappeared at the beginning of December and hasn’t
appeared since. He ended up doing nothing for the project except assemble the
original team together. ^_-

## 3.2. Will you be completing the rest of the game?
No Name Losers will not work on the remainder of the game, as this demo was
only a pilot project intended to motivate the original Wind Translation Project
staff (see section 3.1).

However, Kokushi_Musou, the original translator for WTP, has agreed to do the
remaining 95% of the game by himself. Whether he’ll finish it or not is another
question, but the project now entirely rests on his shoulders. As of this
writing, he has received the next linear portion of the script, but Ed needs to
figure out how the full game behaves with choice selections before they can
move on.

So will Wind eventually be completed? … Maybe. Only time will tell.

## 3.3. Can you fansub ?
Since it’s inevitable that we’ll receive this question when people contact us,
I’ll answer it here. The short answer is NO, but here’s the explanation …

With the recent rash of Bishoujo games turned into popular anime (e.g. Kimi Ga
Nozomu Eien, Da Capo, Tsukihime), it’s only fitting that people want the games
translated too. However, keep in mind that fansubbing a game is much more
complex than fansubbing anime. Wind’s entire script has enough text to cover
sixty 25-minute episodes. Also note that the vocabulary is upgraded to a higher
comprehension level. It’s hard to translate games like these and quite possibly
even harder to edit them to an acceptable level. Wind’s Japanese script
contains many heavy-handed sentences and reiterations that were cut out from
this English demo. Not to mention the hacking of the game’s file formats …
it’s not pretty.

But as you can see, a game translation is possible if you get off your butt and
do something about it. If you are seriously considering doing a game, we wish
you good luck on your efforts. Do keep in mind that it’s all a pipe dream
unless you have a competent translator and a coder willing to put a lot of time
into it.

Having said that, neither the people in the Wind Translation Project or No Name
Losers are interested in doing another pet project like this. I can safely say
that No Name Losers won’t touch a project of this magnitude again because the
process is just too time-consuming and unrewarding to spend all our free time
on. However, after the Wind Translation renamed themselves to EroShift, sagara
is interested in pursuing other things after Wind is done. Don’t bet on it,
though; it’s improbable. Wind DOES have to get finished first, after all …

So are there any other PC Bishoujo game translation projects out there? You
bet. However, the Wind is only the third game that has been attempted to be
fansubbed to my knowledge with actual results. Here are the other two …

MIZUIRO - The original game translation project with a finished product. Due to
a lack of interest from the original coder/translator, alamone, this project is
on indefinite hiatus … which means it’s as good as dead. One of the five
character’s scenarios were completed plus an additional side story, and you can
grab the patches by going to

KANON - This is the anime that got most people into Bishoujo gaming, and is one
of the most popular Bishoujo games of all time. It’s being run by one person,
haeleth, and there are a mob of fanboys drooling for his next patch release
whenever he talks. As of February 2004, there is a 25% patch, and you can get
it at

well I do hope they will get translate

BTW I do not like the more darker ones I prefer games like Wind and Season of Sakura

Death is lighter then a Feather. Duty heavier that a Mountian.

Guess what another bishoujo game is now going to be an anime
. Wind -Breath of heart- has been confirmed. Expect to see fansubs soon for this anime. Now if only someone fansubs the game or better yet an actual company cough**hint professionally translates it. I would expect a lot of people will will be wanting this game when this anime hits the scene. For example series like KGNE, Tsukihime, and Da Capo.

Arh She is sooo cute

Hmm maybe your are rigth about that

Death is lighter then a Feather. Duty heavier that a Mountian.

Hmmm…I don’t seem to see a date when it’s suppose to air. If it’s just been announced I’ll hope it’ll air by the fall season.

From what i have been hearing its going to air this april for the spring season.

Originally posted by jinx626:
But i heard they might encounter trouble as the text only itself is over 1 GB?!??

Almost assuredly not true. This is probably a typographical mistake. There is no way that pure text can be over a gigabyte. This would be so much that no one person could hope to get through it in their lifetime, much less write it in the first place!