X-Change 3 is "Golden Master"

As posted on the BBS, we’ve declared XC3 to be GM and we hope to get it back starting in 10 days or so. If you haven’t ordered the game, we’d love it if you would, to help us out, and you’ll get free shipping too. Thanks for your patience while we got this (really excellent) game ready!

In other news, J-List is having at $10 off sale on Casual Romance Club, if you’re looking for an excuse to buy this title, really one of the best games we carry. http://www.jlist.com/product/crc001 is the URL.

Alright! X-change 3 is coming out soon! I’m actually really looking forward to this and already have it on pre-order. Guy to Girl stories with fun and frolics everywhere, all with silly light heartidness. Happy days.

Wow, this would be only 1 month after the release of Doushin then. Pretty crazy Peter >=)

News reported.

[ 06-15-2006, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Wow, this is a very nice surprise.

[ 06-15-2006, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Stretch ]

great … then yen yang shouldn’t be too much further behind… and as someone here has said so famously before… now that it is almost out … now for the mail box camping!!! :slight_smile:

2 PP releases within 6 months


and i just counted 666 flying pigs going passed my window

see? didn’t i tell you guys? what will come will come :stuck_out_tongue:

unfortunately, the next game in the pipeline will most likely be a yaoi game, and then yinyang afterwards since peter told me to take my time with yinyang :stuck_out_tongue: so expect yinyang to take a bit longer this time around but we will get it out nevertheless

Cool!!! Thanks!!! I will use credit card for this game, next few weeks (must pay the bill ;_; )

Booo… I was looking forward to Yin Yang more than X-Change 3.

[ 06-16-2006, 02:16 AM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

Well it seems like from the screenshots they put back my fav char from XC-2 so atleast that was good…

This is a great news! Hopefully this mean Yin-Yang’s release date is getting closer too !

Don’t spose you know if it is gonna be ready for Comic Con?



[ 06-17-2006, 07:38 AM: Message edited by: CPOK ]

According to the newsletter, they are aiming to have the game available at AX2006 and Comic-Con 2006.

By the by, why did the Gold process for Doushin take so long? I think it was approximately 20 + days.

Yes, Yin Yang is coming along nicely too. You’ll have time to finish up XC3 :slight_smile:

I have to say, I am pleased with how the game came out. It’s a really good story, with 18 total endings, including virtually all the characters from the past games.

Awesome, with this and Doushin, I guess I’ll have to use the good ole credit card :slight_smile:

i preordered this game on November 17, 2004 and sent an email to the sales department last week asking whether my preorder is still in Peach Princess’ system. How long should I wait to get a response? Or should I resend the message again in a few days? Thanks.

Peach Princess did hold my order, long time ago. I think… Little My Maid (it did hold that game for almost two or three years), then someone (I forgot his or her name) sent message me that my credit card expired, and it would ready to ship. I changed new credit card on same ordering.

Auiou, can you email me at peter-jlist, domain name jlist.com and we’ll find your order? Which address did you contact? The old email from 2 years ago might not be in use anymore, I’m not sure.


i just forwarded to you the automated message i received on May 5, 2005 to reflect the latest status of my preorder of XChange 3 from November 17, 2004. i emailed the message from the same address i used to purchase Doushin - Same Heart. thanks.

And I thought I had a hard time waiting for this title…guess I was wrong? Since 2004??? cry