X Change Alternative 2: The Thread


Crowd’s X Change Alternative 2 has been announced, and its official site is now online!

First the facts (taken from the spec page of the official Japanese site):

[]Full Name: X Change Alternative 2 - Kimi no Hitomi ni Utsuru Kimi - (Eng. “the you that is reflected in your eyes”)[/]
[]Genre: Body Swapping Wacky School Love Comedy AVG[/]
[]Voice: Full Voice (Japanese)[/]
[]Release Date: 2007 Summer[/]
[]Character Design / CG Illustration: Konohana ( Erogamescape page)[/]
[]Scenario: okomeman[/]
[]OP Vocal: Momoi Haruko[/]
[]ED Vocal: YURIA[/][/list]

Momoi?! Yuria?! Is it just me, or is Crowd moving up in the world… they’ve got an ace illustrator on character design duty, too. The biggest unknown at this point would be “okomeman”, who has no other bishoujo game credits to his name. Here’s hoping he knows his stuff.

There aren’t many plot details available yet, but we know that unlike previous X Change games this one will feature the main character swapping bodies with a female acquaintance instead of transforming into a girl outright.

Comments? Opinions? Discuss!

at least the girl wont be restricted to having only short hair anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

It looks awful cartoonish to me. Does that mean that we’ll have two main characters? I’m not encouraged yet by this.

Cool!!! Thanks for link.

The art is improved from the early sketches. I like it. :slight_smile:

The body switching likely will lead to more interesting situations.

I think this game looks like a lot of fun . I 've been a big fan of the XC series , and I think it’s great to see the concept remixed with the alternatives . The body switching sounds like a great change in the concept , and I like finally having a girl to boy switch along with the boy to girl switch . I think the art looks cute too.
I really hope that PP brings this game over for it’s English customers , I 'd totally buy a copy of this game if it’s translated .

I can already tell the first reaction of the girl in the boy’s body: “What’s this thing between my legs?”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, I finally took the time to read the site. Very cool.

I love the first Alternative, and this second gfame is starting to shape up.

Is CROWD really moving up ? I sure think and hope so. With KID gone, we’re currently somewhat banking our luck on the combined efforts of Crowd and DO, as well as will to a lesser extent.

Go go Crowd ! (oh, and DO too !)

If Crowd moves up, that means higher license costs, no? :frowning:

i don’t like the body switching theme…

Why not?

I loved the first X-Change Alternative. And I would love to try the sequel. And I hope someday it gets licensed.

Considering the X-Change series’ popularity, it’s pretty much a given that it will get licensed. :slight_smile:

My negative thought on body switching would be there is less possibility of staying switched…since two people would have to want it to stay switched. Of course, given that it’s a story not reality, that’s easily gotten around. Still, there’s something less ‘unfair’ about it only happening to one person.

Wouldn’t it be interesting (and I’m sure it happens… it would if I wrote it) for them to have sex as bg and then as gb and heck, while we’re at it, as bg again.

Yay for games getting licensced.

Mebbe… but that would also mean a higher propesity for success overseas too.

Oh, if only there were a direct correlation between licensing cost and the success of a game in the overseas market… :frowning:

[ 04-02-2007, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Apologies Shingo, I was referring to Benoit’s comment of Crowd moving up, not the licensing cost itself. If CROWD does move up in its own homeland, it should be likely that it would move up elsehwere.

But yeah… the correlation between licensing cost and overseas success is indirect at best. Hell, even if Kanon were to be released, there’s no cofnrimation if it’d succeed.

The plot thickens…