X-Change Remake in works

Nope it is not what I am looking for, see previous for references to Phantom of Inferno opening and closing, for what I was asking about, in terms of the opening and closing quality on DVD-Rom games as something noticeable to people to show the difference is “worth” it.

Though it might actually be better, without some sign that it is, saying it is might be a hard sell to some people, as I think Benoit might be saying something similar too if he was not on vacation.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-23-2004).]

I’ve edited myself SCDawg, check my post again.

On a side note, it should be note that two noted game mega releases ( Doom 3 and Sims 2) will be coming out on DVD, with other developers soon to follow. The DVD-Rom is here to stay, whether Benoit likes it or not.

See this is what I find interesting, no one objects to people forcing others to adapt to “new” technology in gaming, but slightly older (and frankly seeing the Princess Maker 3 CG’s does not deter me at least from wanting the game translated) and suddenly everyone is so sure that even forced they will not work, why?

Oh well another issue for another time or thread perhaps but still strange to me, in the sense both times people are forced to go with something they might not want or do not have at present.

Why the sudden shift though to DVD-Rom? Yes it has been around a while, the DVD-Rom, but is this a new trend are CD games now a thing of the soon to be past?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
[B} Oh well another issue for another time or thread perhaps but still strange to me, in the sense both times people are forced to go with something they might not want or do not have at present.

Why the sudden shift though to DVD-Rom? Yes it has been around a while, the DVD-Rom, but is this a new trend are CD games now a thing of the soon to be past? [/B]

I have an answer for you, but not here. Look at "CD vs DVD" in the Off Topic Threads.

It’s not really anything sinister; CD to DVD conversion seems to me to be happening for the same reasons that caused the shift from floppy to CD. It’s purely a question of convenience. Back in the old days disc-swapping was something we had to live with - I remember playing Monkey Island 2 from disc on my Amiga; even with 2 drives there was a fair bit of swapping going on. Moving up to CD was just easier. Today, Baldurs Gate 2 comes on 5 CDs - or I can put in a single DVD.
God, that makes me feel old - the fact that I can remember playing games that fit on an entire floppy. Where’s my copy of Elite 2…

I am not saying it is sinister, I mean to say it’s just odd, people might willingly accept a forced change forward, but might not accept a request to step back for a moment and enjoy something from the past. It might not be sinister, but it does seem sudden, and it is too easy to look at it as something better, it might be, but it is too easy to use that as an excuse to accept what might be a more expensive item or at the very least higher preformance one.

So it takes time to swap discs, personally I never minded the time, but maybe I am one of the few, and yes it is part of the whole why willingly accept the new and automatically reject the old, in terms of games but no nothing sinister.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-23-2004).]

Yeah, these young kids today, they don’t understand the disk swapping we had to endure when we wanted to play games or just to install. So spoiled. No patience. To me disk swapping was almost a game because I would wait for the disk to eject and see how fast I could swap them. And then try to be even faster than the last time. Hmm, this feels like a Simpsons episode…

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 07-23-2004).]

On the X-change Box preview page http://www.sis.iowave.co.jp/crowd/soft/xcbox/xc_box.html there is now a color image of Kate Damiano (the new character), and also there is an .mp3 clip of the new opening song for XCR sung by Ueto-san (the actress for Takuya-chan)–she sang this song at the XC3 release event a month ago as well, but we in the audience didn’t recognize it as an XC-related song yet since it had not been announced as such.

The song is “O-netsu na Hoshi” (“Heated World”), and as near as I can translate, the lyrics go:

Wearing a shirt that’s a bit too big, going out on the town
Why does the jeering and leering crowd gather around me?

Why is it always like this? The world is heated up
Unbelievable happenings, carrying me away

Feeling things so easily, this body is so sensetive
It’s because I am a girl, because I have become one
And it would be such a waste not to relax and have fun

(But…March 3rd is the Hina Festival…May Fifth is Children’s Day…But when will MY day come…?)


Personally, I think this song describes Takuya’s plight rather well. :slight_smile:

[This message has been edited by ijuin_kun (edited 07-24-2004).]

Originally posted by bunnycipher:
It's not really anything sinister; CD to DVD conversion seems to me to be happening for the same reasons that caused the shift from floppy to CD. It's purely a question of convenience. Back in the old days disc-swapping was something we had to live with - I remember playing Monkey Island 2 from disc on my Amiga; even with 2 drives there was a fair bit of swapping going on. Moving up to CD was just easier. Today, Baldurs Gate 2 comes on 5 CDs - or I can put in a single DVD.
God, that makes me feel old - the fact that I can remember playing games that fit on an entire floppy. Where's my copy of Elite 2...

Heh I remember playing games on 5 1/4" floppys if that makes you feel better [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Ahh the origional pirates...

Don’t most of these games too go back to the days before a hard drive? Ah the memories of some of those games, the great static noise for crowds cheering.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 07-26-2004).]

Well, if you’re going to up the stakes…
My first computers were a spectrum 48K (rubber keys) then a BBC Master Series. Both of which are brands which only people in the UK will have likely heard of. But that’s not important. The main thing is that to program them you could either:
A) Type in Basic
B) Play them in through a tape recorder.
Ha-ha! I trump your new-fangled 5 1/4" technology!

[This message has been edited by bunnycipher (edited 07-27-2004).]

Ahh so you remember tape recorder storage too Heh my old commadore had a little tape thingy to store info but it would take like 10 minutes to read the damn tape Looks like we’re evenly matched

I used this weird thing people would call pencil and paper…

:looks around: What? I haven’t said anything stupid for a while…

精神 の 神

Originally posted by Seishin:

:looks around: What? I haven't said anything stupid for a while...

On the advice of my attorney, I have no comment at this time.

hey my japanes languange font is lost can you give me the font and how to re-set it again ?

Originally posted by Ex-S Woo:
it looks like X-Change 1+2 R are going to be released before Yin Yang :P


Looks like they're redoing the CGs to be in higher res (ala Sakura Taisen), adding in a new character or two...

i looked over the image comparisons and i agree that the 'R' versions of XC1 and 2 look much better but this is primarily due to the difference in colouring, toning and shading of the cels. apparently, they used the original ink renderings as a base.

i don't think Peach Princess will port these games for the English speaking audience so i may have to purchase them directly from Japan and just get accustomed to the pixellated mosaic in some sequences.

Sorry buddy, but I really don’t want to imagine being a girl having sex. Having something stuck into my body doesn’t appeal to me much. I could never play a h-game as a girl. It’d feel too weird. Now an Adventure game or something else I do fine as a girl. But nothing with sex in it.

It seems we are on the same boat then… lol

The thing i dont get is how can this happen, after all, it’s the most common of things… :S

I never identified with Kaoru that strongly as either the male or female character, so it doesn’t really matter how he’s portrayed in the new game. Since he gets turned into a girl, it’s more likely we’ll see some yuri scenes and less likely any yaoi ones. Nothing wrong with that as far as I’m concerned.