Yami No Koe Zero (Black Cyc 2008)

Teaser for the first 2008 title from Black Cyc (they usually do two a year) was just opened:


Yami no Koe Zero. The official site opens December 14. I’m going to keep tabs. :slight_smile:

Still… I was hoping it was MinDeaD/Gore sequel. Well… there’s always the fall/winter title. :smiley:

I’ve bought the DVDPG’s from Himeya and the regular games from DLsite (GO BUY NOW, Dlsite customers :wink: ), but Yami No Koe 1 (the “original one”) is the only I’ve really appreciated. Therefore, I’m somewhat skeptical on this…

Actually I enjoyed the htree first parts of this series, though I have to admit that the first part was the best - but only by a little bit beter than the second.

Thus I definitely will go for this game - with the usual delay…

I admit I’m not a huge fan of Yami no Koe - not my favorite series from Black Cyc - but I recall the “bonus preorder” that came with Gore Screaming Show which had a crossover with YnK… it was pretty good actually.

While the events in that short story never really happened in either universe, it made me impressed that the YnK could catch my interest. I’m hoping Black Cyc takes some of the “talent” from the MinDeaD/Gore/GunKatana crew, and put them into this title… although selfishly I’d rather them make MinDeaD 2 or perhaps an expansion pack for GunKatana. :frowning:

Oh man! Oh man! Oh man!

Take a look at this guys:


I may just become a Yami fanboy afterall. :slight_smile:

[ 12-15-2007, 03:22 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

That doesn’t change anything - it already was sold to me as soon as it was announced anyway… :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually liked the first two a lot, the third was okay, I never played the last one they released because I hated the artwork.

I liked how brutal and manipulative K was in the first two games though. And I liked seeing what the characters looked like when they changed.

Some more previews are up (the first 2 CGs, and more character images).

Would someone be able to tell a poor non-Japanese speaker about the basic concept of the Yami no Koe series? :slight_smile:

If I had to take a guess, it would be something along the lines of: The first five characters are affected by the ‘voice of darkness’ (7th character, reluctantly assisted by 6th character), causing alternative personalities to emerge (the adjacent images to the middle character sprites).

Thanks :slight_smile:

I might try this first (Blame Gun Katana)…but I don’t like to much ero >___> Especially dark games. -shivers-
but I like the character designs though.
I’m looking forward for the demo release.
So…Can anyone tell me the main plot behind the Yami no Koe series?

unrelated. I noticed Cyc soft has a new branch. An otome branch! yes! :smiley:

There’s been another update to the site. It shows all the “transition changes” for the characters now.

The male characters are really… err… interesting, ne? :wink: I have a review for one of the games in the series being written, so I’ll get it ready then.

[ 12-30-2007, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Actually, I tried that about a week ago. Then when I proofread what I wrote, I realized that it would only make sense for a person who already knows the game - and a person who doesn’t know the game would rather be alienated by my summary… ^^;;;;

I either have to make a real review of all three games together and explain every single game’s plot in detail in order to put them all in context - or I wait until you have done that! :stuck_out_tongue:

Gah… the recent update to the site was pure suckage. I was hoping for more CG’s and the info I need to preorder it. I hate it when they tease. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can see from your avatar, that you’re already psyching yourself up Unicorn. :cool:

Don’t you believe in coincidences? :wink:

First and foremost, I just recently realized that I have a means for making animated gifs myself. Enhancing my beloved Moe-avatar with animations was just my first idea for putting that to use.

As a side-effect, it at least gives a nice example of what happens to the characters in Yami no Koe - a small visual compensation after I failed putting the big picture of the series into words. And of course, my preferred transformation of her isn’t the one that would be in canon, just like it would be with Arisu too…

Maybe I try to make a similar thing with Arisu…

… or Fuyuki!

… or Mayu and Mana? :stuck_out_tongue:

Getchu has the info for preordering up. :slight_smile:


The official also has a teaser video, but it is NOT the intro movie. Common… stop… teasing… me…

I want that evil HEAVY METAL stuff!!! :smiley:

DEFINITELY, as I’ve said before :wink: .

Special edition is kinda pricey:



You get the entire series in one box though: including the limited edition (and unofficial) Yami no Koe/Gore Screaming Show crossover.

Anyone else notice how the artist credits don’t mention MinDeaD anymore? Its like they want you to forget about it or something… Could that mean there’s a #2 in the works? I hope… I hope…

[ 01-16-2008, 10:38 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

The whole entire series? Hmm…

Well, Narg-san, since you’re the expert on Black Cyc, is this game series worth it (since the release date is close to my birthday I could actually shell out that kind of cash)? The crossover disc too?

I would say so. Even though I already have the first three parts (only from dlSite, though), I think about taking that offer too.

However, it depends on what you really like. For example the first three game’s storytelling is a bit different - almost a third-person-perspective. While the player decides who meets whom (Yami no Koe 1+2) or which item is used in which target-person (Yami no Koe 3), there is not really a characetr in the game that represents the player.

Well, actually in “Yami no Koe 3”, it might work regarding the delivery-boy as the player’s avatar. However, the ending of the first game makes that point of view a bit … difficult - on inappropriate … or perhaps simply wrong! But then: who cares? Our cutie Chibi-K makes more than up for that dilemma… :slight_smile: )

For obvious reaons, I can’t say anything about the fourth game - and even less about the new one. Thus at least two new games are in that package for me and thus make the price for me acceptable - with the fourth game otherwise being about to become a gap in my collection. Also, the price for that package divided by two equals US$ 80 per game, thus less than the US$ 95 that I usually have to shell out for new games.

Finally, let’s not forget about that crossover: because I am a captive fan of the “Yami No Koe”-series as well as “Gore Screaming Show”, I of course HAVE_TO see that crossover too… :smiley:

[ 01-17-2008, 03:48 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

I have to admit, that I’ve never been a huge follower of the Yami no Koe series. At that tenure, my undying love for Black Cyc was born from the darkness that was Musashi (which EXTRAVAGANZA is the sequel of).

However Yami no Koe to Cyc, is what Super Mario Brothers is to Nintendo. The company mascot is Chibi K, and the heavy metal band New Wave of Neko Death Metal (I think I’m putting that in the right order) is named from fictional merchandise (or at least first mentioned) in the series. Yami no Koe has also endured no less than 5 titles thus so far…

I think the key factor here, is that #2 and #3 in the series were not regarded as highly as the first Yami no Koe. Also a few people have complained about #4, because the company hired another artist to do it (he’s not a bad artist… just a different style). Of course Yami no Koe Zero is being touted as a return to EVERYTHING that made the first so great (the original artist and scenario writer have reunited), plus it will use every bit of experience and new tricks the company has learned since the last title, to make more bling-bling fun.

I’m absolutely confident that the “regular edition” will price at 9800 yen… so for about 50% more, you get every game ever made in the series. I suppose that’s really a steal if you’ve never played a single title before. Plus they’re throwing in a few extra things into the box as well.

So is the “special edition” worth it? I’m seriously considering it. If you’d rather play it on the safe side, then just getting Yami no Koe Zero – if it proves to be the success everyone is hoping it to be – is perhaps better. However I haven’t been disappointed with the majority of Black Cyc releases, and I truly doubt that they will ruin the very title that is their flagship series. In the very least, the artwork and music are guaranteed to rock. :frowning:

It really isn’t a long game… unless they add more to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

It essentially just took the main girls from GSS, and put them in the Yami no Koe setting… thus the actual events in GSS never took place - an alternate universe type thing. That’s why its considered non-canon. Although… it does bring up an interesting scenario if Yami, Gore Screaming, and MinDeaD take place in the same universe.



If they add more to the disc (a crossover fan like me enjoys multicrossovers)…you think maybe the MinDead cast will show up?