Yami No Koe Zero (Black Cyc 2008)

Ah… looks like I was right: Ibunroku has been removed from the official time line. There’s a set of “teaser movies” for Yami no Koe Zero on the site (one just uploaded yesterday), which quickly recap the Yami no Koe series and how Zero will apply to them. It shows and touches on Koe, Koe II, and Koe III… but there’s a blatant omission of Ibunroku. Not even a peep… like it never happened… :expressionless:

Of course! Ask any fangirl: Ouran Host Club is made of pure win because of Hikaru + Kaoru. Just because I wouldn’t pursue it myself, doesn’t mean its not divine perfection for the other side. Twincest in all its forms shall rule the world! Mwa, ha, ha, ha!! :mrgreen:

I’ll see if I can borrow the game from him… or at least get a more descriptive account of what makes it an “abandoned stepchild”.

Yes! See that ultimate ending! The music makes is sooooo sweet! :twisted:

Hmmmm, so we may indeed have a case of Bobby Ewing here… :roll:
Now, I just wonder what your friend and true believer in Cyc would have to say about this - if Cyc themselves abandons one of their games… :shock:
On second thought - I think I can guess his response: “Ibunroku?? What are you talking about? There never was such a game!” After all, he wouldn’t be a true follower if he wouldn’t also over-comply with abandoning the unwanted child - if that’s the official policy of Cyc!

I think I have to accept that as a correct and unwavering reply!

Very well!
The FAITH tells me to award you a comic

… as well as a short glance at Kotori and Hina (and Yukine, but you would never mind her anyway…)

I fear that will take some time.
But it certainly isn’t only the final ending that is more enjoyable with BGM. So far the entire expansion (and thus most of the original game that I only reached withthe kouryaku) felt simply… not right without it!
Now, I can push ahead with more eagerness - even though I now have to face my fear: Mana! :shock:

This has been available for awhile now, but I’ll mention it just in case:

http://www.cyc-soft.com/b-cyc-pro/yamiz … o_dl05.htm

The official opening movie. Fits the music perfectly.

Oh… and 2ch had a thread discussing the connection between Kei and K. See the quick image flash at 1:26 in the opening. :shock:

A playable demo has been released. What I found most interesting about it was the exploration of ‘desire’ - even the ero scenes seem to be focused more on exploring the hidden desires of the characters as seen through the degenerations, rather than being ‘eroero’.

I have been trying to avoid spoilers like a madman on 2chan about this title. :?

Anyways, having spent a few days with it: Zero is surprisingly tame for a Black Cyc title. That’s not to say it doesn’t have some hardcore events, but none of the mutilation or ultra shock images which are found in titles like MinDeaD and EXTRAVAGANZA. The really neat thing about Zero, is that the women are in charge. Most of the Cyc lineup has a man inflicting the sexual carnage, but in Zero the “head bitch” (and I use that phrase with utter respect and love) is Sayoko: she has this regal aura about her that makes you bewitched as a player. In any case: the bisho boys get their share of erotic punishment, but there’s no yaoi.

The story is not as “background intensive” as other Black Cyc series - that is to say, its not a long epic tale with multiple cross reference - but the plot has some really interesting moments that I’ve ran across. Watching people transform from normal citizens, into sex crazed S&M maniacs is fun. I’m in love with the “dark” version of Eri. :o The game reveals the origin of K - and it puts a bit more prospective on Sayoko herself. Having knowledge of the earlier Yami no Koe makes things a bit cooler, but its certainly not mandatory.

The core premise of Yami no Koe as a whole (and what makes it so cool), is that it explores how humanity is a sexual creature at our primal level. That is to say: the purpose of mankind is to procreate, and Yami no Koe proposes that’s only because mankind likes the pleasure from the act of procreation. Sayoko is an entity that sees humanity’s “control” over our sexual urges, as a repression of what we truly are. To not give in to lust and degeneration, is to deny our own existence in the Universe. Thus she helps guide our confused minds, into the truth. 8) And K is… well… K is just too damn cute. :smiley:

On a side note: I’d love to see Sayoko have Gore (from Gore Screaming Show) as her familiar. Sure, it might result in the destruction of Earth with a massive global orgy of twisted sex: but it would an EPIC sexfest like no other. :lol: Also… I hope the next title in the series (because Zero will clearly revive interest), should have twincest. Sayoko would clearly understand. :mrgreen:

While I have yet to start this series because I’m focusing on Gore Screaming Show I have a qeustion after looking through the artbook that came with the box set.
Does anyone know if Ryo Koizumi of MinDead is related to Fuyuki and Haruki Koizumi of Yami no Koe 1 and 2? They do look alike (but then again the art was in black and white) and their surnames are written with the same characters.
Also I think it would be interesting if they are, which could mean Ryo might be sort of like Eri in being a crossover connection kind of character. I mean, like Eri, he does survive in every canon route and it seems he becomes a pretty formidable vampire (though in one route…well before Ryo disappears following a certain scene, Ryo does manage to do in quite a few vampires(though they may have just been caught off guard).

Well the evidence points that all but a small handful of the Black Cyc titles take place in the same Universe. Therefore I think your observation is probably correct.

Characters in MinDeaD are related to Gore. Background elements in EXTRAVAGANZA and Gun-Katana point to other titles (mostly because of Cerberus 69 and the idol Eri being so popular). EXTRAVAGANZA is the direct sequel to Musashi. Yami no Koe (the second title especially) has some house products with a brand name that pops up in MinDeaD, Gore, and Gun-Katana.

There seems to be this big (although subtle) effort to connect everything as one big setting.

The deal with Yami no Koe though, is each title that takes place are seven years apart. MinDeaD, Gore, EXTRAVAGANZA, and Gun-Katana take place in the same general window date: at most within one or two years of each other - probably only a few months. However Yami spans at least four of them (since one of the titles is now unofficial in the timeline) - potentially 28 years overall. So the question is: Which Yami no Koe takes place in the present? Zero happens… then seven years later we get 1… then seven years later we get 2… so forth and so on.

Given the product placement of the Neko Death Metal, my argument would be Yami no Koe 2 is the present.

Then again, its also possible that Zero happened 7 years ago, and then #1 thru #3 took place in the same window of time that Sayoko’s mansion sticks around. Given what the games show though, I doubt that… however Sayoko can be in more than one place at once, so its still strongly possible. Either way, it makes the Koizumi bloodline REALLY unlucky, eh? :lol:

I think that’s the correct approach.
At the very least, there definitely CAN’T be seven years between Yami no Koe 2 and 3!
And actually, the same goes for 1 and 2, because Fuyuki and Haruki are supposed to be cousins of similar age.

So, the time-difference of 7 years only MAY occur between Zero and the first Yami no Koe!
And even then, I wonder why Nanami took that long searching for her missing brother - or rather how she finally could find his trace after all that time!

I was hoping you’d pop up, being the greater Yami fan. :smiley: I just speed gamed my way through Yami 1, 2, and 3 (i.e. only got a single ending each) so I could get to Eri in Zero. I figured I’d go back in greater detail after beating everything in Zero first. Eri was just too sexy for me to wait on. :oops: The background setup for Zero has Sayoko mentioning she “hasn’t been back” in seven years since her last visit. I think I recall her saying something of the same in Yami 1… but I don’t ever seeing it mentioned again in 2 or 3. Kinda assumed that was the case, but given her Schr√∂dinger’s Cat abilities, I figured I might be wrong. I defer to your greater knowledge. 8)

Stuff in Ibunroku no longer count… which is probably a good thing, given all the negatives against it. :expressionless:

You get Zero yet, Unicorn?

Sayoko most likely found her instead… she seems to be something of a collector. Gotta catch 'em all! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is the pope catholic? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:
You can definitekly rely on me to pop up if it comes to this topic! :slight_smile:

No - my order contains also another preorder - whose release has been delayed from March 28th to April 25th, so no shipment has been dispatched yet.
But even if it were - it would take a year or two until I will finally get it into my grubby paws… :frowning:

Ah right - that may be possible: she might have set a trace for Nanami to find seven years later…
… and her collector’s attitude is definitely confirmed with collecting Fuyuki first - and then sending K off for Haruki … :wink:

welll when I used google translation software the one on the right for Eri said showy. Wouldnt exhibitionist be a better translation if Im correct in thinking that she likes walking around naked?

Oops… spoke too soon. There’s yaoi. Not much mind you, but its there. Just recently ran into it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Google translation is still a work in progress. :wink:

so I was right then exhibitionist ?

and now for a philosophical question: narg you said sayoko trys to force people to give in to degeneration yet later say its fun wartching normal people turn into S&M freaks.

so my question is do you think sayoko uses her power to force her own world viiew on normal people or that she is summoning actual repression that lurks within them ?(or does it ever say :? )

What you’re asking for, is potentially a spoiler. :expressionless: How do I phrase this without giving anything away…

You’re walking down a crowded street, and you see this REALLY sexy girl in a skimpy outfit. It also just so happens that you’re a REALLY buff dude with a fantastic bod. After a quick glance at each other, the two of you are sexually attracted. What prevents you from just screwing the living hell outta each other, right then and there? Why do you want to “talk” to each other first? Why do you want to go through the hassle of courting? Why go to a room where the two of you can be alone?

As far as Sayoko goes, these are “social walls” that humanity has built around itself to curb our desires for pleasure. It’s like being hungry, seeing a table full of food someone made for others too eat, but you still don’t eat it because you want to ask someone if its okay. If your action would make everyone happy, why not just follow that course of action? Thus Sayoko pretty much tells you, “its okay.” Then your eyes open up, and you realize it really is okay. We are beasts of intense emotions and pleasures, yet we lie to ourselves and claim otherwise: Sayoko is tired of the lying. Thus she’s doing something about it.

Its actually a bit more deeper than that… but I can’t go into specific details. Just suffice to say: Sayoko is not malevolent - she’s actually pretty compassionate to be honest. However her perception and experience is beyond anything a human can fathom… so some might see her as evil and twisted, but only because of the ignorance of not knowing Sayoko’s intentions. Remember that this is a Black Cyc title. They tend to blur the lines between dark, grey, and light… (Yuka and Gore from Gore Screaming Show being a perfect example).

I think that answers the second question. Gotta love the magic of ero. everyone has a fantastic body they’re just hiding it.

Hmm…I’m not sure what to think about this one. It’s up to par with the other Yami games, and it doesn’t really disappoint in that area. I’m glad they didn’t fool around with the game engine and it has the same setup. It’s still fun watching the characters change and getting all the different scenes.

My main problem with it is that it doesn’t exceed any of these old standards. Even the H scenes are still on the short side with no looping soundtracks or other special effects. They had a very small cast of characters and the character changes aren’t totally original either, (they’ve been done before in the other games).

I like how it sheds more light on “K”.

I’ve liked the Yami games in the past and I guess I was expecting them to take this time-honored formula and add a lot more complexity plotwise and otherwise. I’ve seen what they can do in “Mindead”, “Gore Screaming Show” and “Gun Katana.” So this one fell a little bit flat for me.

As a game, it’s awesome and a lot of fun to play, but for Black Cyc, it’s mediocre. I say that simply because I’ve seen that they are capable of much more, and they basically spoiled me in what I expect from them.

I think Black Cyc is seeing the Yami series as their “simplistic” line of titles. They tried to add story complexity in Ibunroku, which in combination with a lot of other changes, is considered the worst of the bunch - and now thrown out entirely. Also not everyone is into the “uber complex plot twist mania” thing, which most of the recent Black Cyc titles have been falling into… sometimes you just want sex without the mind numbing hassle of understanding the story. Of course Yami still has a story: but it doesn’t make your brain go into overdrive.

But you’re right. Zero wasn’t 100% filling. I’m still hungering for the studio’s second title of 2008.

This game definetely seemed rather short to me.

and what would that be? if you know ?

also will you review YnKZ?

i think any future YnK games must feature a nun MUST :twisted:

I think it would be intersting if their was a kami above Gore who forged an agreement with sayoko. the strongest of the order gore belongs to. i have no factual basis for the existence of such a being i just think it would be neat.