Yaoi games

If there is one new market that has developed in the past year or so in the US are women coming into anime/manga. Started with shoujo manga titles like FruBa, the BL titles now are the ones catching the interest. Just about every major US manga publisher is releasing or will be releasing some BL title.

Not only should we expect companies to bring over other product this target audience desires, a stronger overall market in these mediums means more chances of growing it. And as is noted, strengthens the chances of more titles targeting our audience coming over.

Well, my 2 cents here, I think anything that will help make Peter and his company money is good. So if these titles sell well, then I’ll be glad, even though I won’t even think of buying them. But overall, if Peter has more money, he has more options for games he can get liscenses to translate. The more options he has, the more options we’ll end up having for games to play. And that, in my eyes, can never be a bad thing. I’d like to see as many different and unique kind of games translated into english as possible. Oh, except nothing else like water closet. We can live without more of that, I think.

Sooo, is “Water Closet” an hentai game about the urolagnia fetish? (That is, urine and WC and things related?) Oh my at last you’ve got to admit it’s original, I think. XD

I fully agree with the replies lately posted in this topic. There’s nothing else to add to it.

Now to return to my previous subject… I was wondering if priest-boy and 12-old-boy have been censored from the English version of Zettai Fukujuu Meirei. Those two characters are missing, but after all Silvio and Ferdinand haven’t been mentioned too, so I wanted to know if it’s only for the buyer’s surprise and they actually are in the game (well since I see no reason to censor the two last ones I mentioned)?

Originally posted by Lun:
Sooo, is "Water Closet" an hentai game about the urolagnia fetish? (That is, urine and WC and things related?) Oh my at last you've got to admit it's original, I think. XD

Water Closet indeed focusses on all the things that can happen in toilets - or rather the more unusual things and also on scatology and urination.

The story is always told from one out of five female protagonist's view, and thus it merges 5 different stories that happen atthe same time at the same place into its gameplay.
One special feature here is that events in each of the five scenarios can unlock events in others, so after you have played through all five scenarios for a first time, you may start again with the first one and will now find new branches. The same goes of course for the other four.

However, some things that happen in this game are a bit difficult to stomach for unprepared people. That's why I also make an exception and don't argue this time the usage of the term "hentai game", as I usually would do.

As a matter of fact, I can accept the usage of this term for four games that already have been localized to the english language:

  • Water Closet
  • Tsuki
  • Shukketsubo - Virgin Ro(a)ster
  • Sensei 2

You weren't using your peace of mind, were you?

I run a (currently mostly defunct because of difficulty finding new stories) hentai fanfic review site.

I've also visited FurryMUCK.

I have seen MUCH worse than that. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

(Actually, from skimming the review, I'm pretty sure the fic author has been to Furry...)

But my raving Ranma fanfic fetish deserves a thread of its own and not just an offshoot of yaoi. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img] (I don't generally read m/m Ranma anyway...)

Mmmh, reading what Unicorn wrote, “Water Closet” doesn’t look -that- bad a game. I’m -definitely- not into urolagnia, scatology and the such, but I can somehow accept them if part of a S/M setting.
Definitely the japanese can convey all possible perversions in those videogames. I find it amusing, at last they aren’t ashamed of anything (theoretically… considering japanese culture’s hypocrisy XD ).

As a reply to Papillon, since I am too a “furry fan”, I would like to underline once and for all that there is an enormous difference between furry hentai and zoophilia. Just like when hentai or yaoi games portrait characters that are under 15 years old, it does not mean that who plays those games is a pedophiliac.

Anyway… no one has replied my question about Zettai Fukujuu Meirei yet. Someone from the staff? Please? o.o;

Oh, I wasn’t making any comment about zoophilia. Just that I’ve seen more people on Furry openly admitting to what would be considered BIZARRE fetishes than anywhere else on the net. Not everyone there has them, by a long shot! But there are people with very strange tastes.

Like “guy who wants to be crushed to death by a snake, in a sexual way”. Or the unbirthing and vore crowds. Or the person who plays a walking rubber sperm bank. She sloshes when she moves.

But anyway, you might be right or wrong, I'll keep calling erotic games with girls as H-games. Much easier to write than a long periphrasis, and everyone understands me. :P

Everyone will understand you if you use the term "b-games". Only change one letter. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]
I believe Peter said in another thread elsewhere on this board that he was willing to bring yuri games over, but no one was making them.

In the same thread, actually. But not everyone reads the thread first before making a reply. Smoo is an example of that...
Peter Payne said:
We're still waiting for Yuri to coalesce as a genre. There are very few all Yuri manga released in Japan, for example, and I can't think of any doujinshi circles that we know of that do all girl/girl. I am totally interested in Yuri though.

Anyway.... no one has replied my question about Zettai Fukujuu Meirei yet. Someone from the staff? Please? o.o;

They usually don't visit this board. E-mail Peter Payne.

Zettai looks very good. I haven’t played it much yet, just tested it in preparation for translation. It’s interesting how there are two main characters, it’d be cool to see them do more of this in b-games.

Originally posted by Peter Payne:
Zettai looks very good. I haven't played it much yet, just tested it in preparation for translation. It's interesting how there are two main characters, it'd be cool to see them do more of this in b-games.

I personally prefer Enzai on a matter of plot, being that Zettai's storyboard is only a silly excuse for sex scenes without even putting effort in pretending to have any other purpose.... but anyway, that wasn't my question.


My suggestion, which I will repeat again, is TO E-MAIL Peter Payne!

i found peach princess from buying brave soul, it’s pretty cool.
anyway- i’m a yaoi fanatic and when i heard that you guys released those yaoi games, i can’t help but try looking for it, but i guess i’ll have to wait for it to come to the philippines, ne?
i failed to mention that the store where i bought brave soul is now closed so i’ll have to search harder now…
anyone else in the phils who might help?

I can personally recommend Enzai. It’s very violent and pretty disturbing in places, but it has an amazing story. I’m not really one to say I’m turned on by yaoi, but the story was really worth it in Enzai’s case, even though it’s much darker than I usually like my games.

I have no experience playing the other title, however, so can’t help you there.

We’ll get the yaoi games out as soon as we can. Hard at work on them now, in fact.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
I can personally recommend Enzai. It's very violent and pretty disturbing in places, but it has an amazing story. I'm not really one to say I'm turned on by yaoi, but the story was really worth it in Enzai's case, even though it's much darker than I usually like my games.

Yah, I definitely agree!!

i wish they’d stop porting X-Change games




just a few i’d love to see ported over >_>>. i know the licensing would cost alot of money but man, i just think something like that would sell very nicely.

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

i think i just realized i posted my message on the wrong topic, smooth.

Sorry for the delay, I get so bus.

I don’t anticipate having to remove anything from Zettai. The art is actually quite stylish and not a problem at all. I don’t see any characters who look too young for the context of the game.

I agree that yaoi fans (who are mostly extremely cute girls dressed in amazing anime costumes at cons) deserve to get BL games, and I’m happy to be involved with them. Of course my heart is in the bishoujo games and we’ll never stop supporting them, too.

Hi, What’s wrong with GxB H-games? They are for girls who can have pick of many hot guys. I am a female, and I don’t care for yaoi much. I would like to see GxB H-games translate. There are H-games for us females, who loves males. Straight not Yaoi or Studders Yuri. While there are actually many H-games for men, that contain Yuri contentsshudders, and Yaoi, well you know what that is. There are absolutly no H-games for straight women. I have posted some H-games in another form, but I will list a couple here.

Under the moon
Love Drops

I would love to see these games translate in english. I would defintly buy them. (Sorry about my poor spelling.) Thank you.

I 'm a rare creature here , a gay guy who plays yaoi and some bishojo games . Yaoi games are about gay men , and marketed to straight women , but gay men ( and women ) are yaoi customers too . When yuri games come out , if the story and art look good, I 'll buy those games too.
I 'm not at all into women , but I 'll still buy a bishojo game if the story and art intrest me . I really enjoy the X-Change story for the gender bending and lighthearted comedy ,and Doushin for the unusal focus on the sisters relationships .I’m anxiously awaiting Yin-Yang!and playing Animamundi , which I highly recommend . There are bl elements , but I 've heard you can choose to go het ( not thatI 've tried lol ) .I 've heard there’s another X-Change game being released in Japan , and hope it also gets a release here.I 've bought but have yet to play Perfect Obedience , just haven’t had the time .
Any word on what the next yaoi release will be ?
I enjoy yaoi games more , because I enjoy games focusing on gay male relationships , and I like looking at beautiful men , even better if they’re in sexual situaltions . So I 'm a pretty sure sale for any yaoi games released but I 'm also interested in any games that would be targeted at women , such as with a female lead and a harem of male love intrests .Bishojo games have to hook me with a good story , since female sex appeal alone won’t do it for me.
Since I can enjoy games that cross gender and orientation boundries , it puzzles me that so many other people wouldn’t consider trying a different genre ( yaoi , yuri , het ) . A good story and beautiful art should transcend labels .

[ 12-26-2006, 10:54 PM: Message edited by: witchboy ]