Yaoi question

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hey I'm all for PP expanding, as long as they don't resources away from the games they are already working on. And that idea of making a new label for the Yaoi games is probably a good idea as you might scare the Yaoi phobic crowd from your normal bishoujo games by mixing them together.

I have to agree with this point, the key I think if you do this is not to draw resources from other games being worked on and to make a new label for it, and do all that is possible not to show any link to this one so as wanfu2k1 said you don't scare away the Yaoi phobic crowd from your other games.

Ummm, excuse the “duuhhh,” but what’s yuri?

As for yaoi, it’s definitely not my thing, but I concur with perigree - it’s completely different from rape-sim in that there’s no ethical conflict. If there’s a market for it, go for it - but with the caveat that others have mentioned here: Only if it doesn’t siphon resources away from bringing more bishoujo games to the English-speaking market. (Greed is good. 8^D)

Actually, if economics hold true in this market as in others, a new avenue of sales could actually facilitate the release of more bishoujo games, since more revenue is more revenue, regardless of its source.

I’d also add that I’d rather not see a trend of games with a mixture of bishoujo and yaoi within the same game. That may sound like segregation, but yaoi scenes, like s&m and rape, are of no interest to me and would therefore represent void/skipover material that would seriously diminish the value of a game. Hopefully b-game producers will follow the general lead of Adult film makers and keep titles targeted to the specific interests of the buyers. To each his own, but it’s important not to rub one group’s preference in another group’s face.

Originally posted by ZaphodB.Goode:
Ummm, excuse the "duuhhh," but what's yuri?

See yaoi, except opposite.

Sorry, but I have no interest in playing yaoi games. I’d have to draw the line here.

Hey if you want to expand, I’m all for it. As long as it doesn’t drain resources away from bringing more bishoujo games here.

I agree with wanfu2k1 that, if you decide to release some, you should make them under a different banner so you don’t scare the people who don’t like yaoi games away.

[This message has been edited by Prettz (edited 02-29-2004).]

Hmm, very interesting how the responses are playing out on this thread…

Oh, and although it’s a little out of place, welcome to all the new posters. I know most of you are probably here specifically for this thread, but I do hope you at least go through some of the other threads and possibly chime in.

I absolutely don’t understand why there are people who would want yaoi/yuri games… I so don’t.

Originally posted by Benoit:
I absolutely don't understand why there are people who would want yaoi/yuri games... I so don't.

I don't believe you. Even if you find such behavior absolutely beyond the pale and totally reprehensible, you should at least understand it. I am personally repulsed by the entire idea of terrorism, but I understand the motivations behind such activity.

I say YES to Yaoi games but NO to Yuri games. Simply because:

a) I’m equal opportunities
b) Don’t the gals deserve some TIME OFF?

People complain about the Tenchi and the Keitaro fixations, so pump a little life into anime men for once! Its not even a matter of sexual preference. People who play Bishoujo games aren’t neccessarily going to go out and rape, pierce and beat their next partner are they? Hopefully people don’t find these things appealing. And besides, its all just playing a game!

twirls off to go find some nice Yami no Matseui and Yami to Boushi fanfics

Are there any games with a female lead character and a choice of boys and girls to pick from for romances?

sighs wistfully

Believe what you want, but I really don’t understand.


I’d love a F/f game that involved some light and playful BDSM (Mistress/slave etc) ::grin::, but I don’t see my wish being granted anytime in the near future, so I’d probably be willing to TRY anything that’s new and different, including almost any Yaoi/Yuri game. Doesn’t mean I’d get hooked into the games, but trying one or two out I think would be fun and interesting. Just my opinion.

First of all, I strongly support translating yaoi games into English. One company, Joinac GAS, has released a dual language (JP and Eng) game by the name of Graduation, which I’ve played and enjoyed. However, many more popular BL games, such as Silver Chaos (by Vivid Color) and Gakuen Heaven (by Spray), to name a few, deserve to be released in English. There have been translations to Chinese of Apocripha/0, and I believe one for Angel’s Feather is officially in progress.
About the girl’s dating games, indeed there are such things. They are GxB games, the most popular of which are such games as the Angelique series, Harukanaru Toki 1 and 2, and Fantastic Fortune 1 and 2. It’s very rare to run across 18+ GxB games though…so far the only one I’ve found is Hoshi no Oujo 1 and 2 (by Mirai). Yuri games are extremely rare…I can think of one off the top of my head called Little Witch Parfait, which is predominantly GxG, although I believe there’s one guy in there you can date. In addition, a new Takuyo game named Hoshigari Empusa! MAY have GxG…I’m not sure, but a good friend of mine who has played me said it had just about every pairing. It is for all ages.
I currently run a group that does some unofficial translations of yaoi games. We have just finished working our way through Kuro no Tsuki - Darkness of the Moon, and the patch is in beta testing stages. Feel free to stop by our site and post your comments on the forum or ML. http://yaoiforever.midoshiro.com
I really hope that some official companies will pick up some of these BxB games and release English copies in the states :slight_smile:

Originally posted by papillon:
Are there any games with a female lead character and a choice of boys and girls to pick from for romances?

*sighs wistfully*

That would be an interesting switch, since most of these are only male lead characters, though I can think of a few where the girl is after boys but they almost had less plot then DYLHB.

This would be interesting if they had such a game and one I would give a try just to see how it is, since it would be a difference with the female lead and the ability to choose to pursue boys or girls, it would be very different from anything on this market currently.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
That would be an interesting switch, since most of these are only male lead characters, though I can think of a few where the girl is after boys but they almost had less plot then DYLHB.

This would be interesting if they had such a game and one I would give a try just to see how it is, since it would be a difference with the female lead and the ability to choose to pursue boys or girls, it would be very different from anything on this market currently.

Well, games where you can pick whichever you fancy, boys or girls, does exist. There's a review of one such game here: http://www.gamelexgs.com/gameinfo/2001/ta/dualcolors/index.htm

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, games where you can pick whichever you fancy, boys or girls, does exist. There's a review of one such game here: http://www.gamelexgs.com/gameinfo/2001/ta/dualcolors/index.htm

With a female lead? I would tend to always choose the girls, but it would just be interesting to play a game with a female lead for a change.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
With a female lead? I would tend to always choose the girls, but it would just be interesting to play a game with a female lead for a change.

you mena a game where the main character you're playing is a woman? Well, such games do _certainly_ exist. And one such game is even released in English; all the playable characters of Water Closet are female unelss it escaped your notice.. ;p. Same with Doushin, all the palyable characters are women...

by the name of Graduation

Wasn't that a raising sim released by one of Tokyopop's labels?
a good friend of mine who has played me

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
you mena a game where the main character you're playing is a woman? Well, such games do _certainly_ exist. And one such game is even released in English; all the playable characters of Water Closet are female unelss it escaped your notice.. ;p. Same with Doushin, all the palyable characters are women...

Well I think Doushin is more what I was thinking about since Watercloset is far more fetish then I desire, so I guess I forgot that on purpose. I was wondering if there was one more along the lines of a female lead Kana or Crescendo type of story.

Originally posted by SCDawg:

Well I think Doushin is more what I was thinking about since Watercloset is far more fetish then I desire, so I guess I forgot that on purpose. I was wondering if there was one more along the lines of a female lead Kana or Crescendo type of story.

Well, there's definitively "serious" (without being that in the same sense as Gibo or Tsuki) games around where the main character we're palying is a woman, through I cannot remember one at this time, through...

http://www.joinac.com/GAS/graduation/ is the official site for Graduation…I don’t believe there’s any relation to the Tokyopop release. Also, I think there’s a dating game for PSX called Graduation M. BTW, thanks to whoever posted the Dual Colors link…I’ve been looking for a 18+ game with all possible pairings ^_^.