Yin-yang x-change?

when i open the crowd website i found that was a spin-off of x-change series (just like full metal panic fumoffu) i don’t wann be so sucks but can you tell me some about this game since my japanese font is lost so ican’t read it ( if you say ican read japanese i consider say i can’t but ican read some common kanji and read katakana and hiragana)

Dude; complete sentences, please.

Originally posted by bunnycipher:
Dude; complete sentences, please.

what do you mean ? btw igot some pics from it still ican't figure anything about the story line cause my font still can't appear normally

[This message has been edited by NerdZer0 (edited 08-01-2004).]

Originally posted by NerdZer0:
What do you mean ?

your previous post was one large sentence.

in regard to your original question, have a look at http://home.comcast.net/~kagamix2/xp-compatible/ for more information. if not, try searching http://www.google.com for the answer.

[This message has been edited by aeiou (edited 08-01-2004).]

Yes please use punctuation at least, as it would make the sentences a lot clearer. You notice very few of us use abbreviations for most words and lost use typical ideas of capital letters, periods etc. which makes what you are asking a lot clearer. To be honest I had a hard time understanding what you meant in both of your posts.

I think the difference is too that the Full Metal Panic sequel is more or less a sequel with the same people and the X-Change take-off is a take-off, or perhaps a sort of alternate universe view on the whole series.

Ok, what happens is that Crowd is doing an X-change game using a new cast of characters. The new hero/heroine is Sakarazuka Kaoru. Kaoru is rather androgynous-appearing and hates it, so he compensates by trying to act like a super-masculine type. He is not very good at talking to people, and as a result has been unable to find a girlfriend. However, all of this may change when he mistakenly drinks the experimental drug which changes him into a girl…

He who lives by the sword…gets shot by he who lives by the gun.

Originally posted by ijuin_kun:
Ok, what happens is that Crowd is doing an X-change game using a new cast of characters. The new hero/heroine is Sakarazuka Kaoru. Kaoru is rather androgynous-appearing and hates it, so he compensates by trying to act like a super-masculine type. He is not very good at talking to people, and as a result has been unable to find a girlfriend. However, all of this may change when he mistakenly drinks the experimental drug which changes him into a girl...

Heh! sounds quite a bit like Takuya, then, expect for the masculine thingy ;D.

So it is one of these alternate universe takes on it, or perhaps more like one of those endings from the movie Clue, after playing all of the X-Change games a sign comes up with “That is what could have happened, but what about this?” and suddenly we have this new series which really isn’t new, but has new people in the same plot?

Pure speculation on my part, but given the much larger cast of male characters in Yin-Yang, I’d say that it’s highly likely that Yin-Yang will focus on the main character liking the female side better and deciding to stay as a girl…rather than vice versa.

hey man, iwant upload some pic from this game could you tell me how to upload it ?

Originally posted by NerdZer0:
hey man, iwant upload some pic from this game could you tell me how to upload it ?

1.) Wait until the game is released in Japan
2.) Buy it!!!
3.) Make screenshots
4.) Make a homepage
5.) Follow the instructions of your ISP for uploading

hey that’s not what i mean. I mean in this forum dude. BTw about the main chara she has avery funny hair, i mean when she is surprised her tail hair stands

Originally posted by NerdZer0:
hey that's not what i mean. I mean in this forum dude. BTw about the main chara she has avery funny hair, i mean when she is surprised her tail hair stands

I think Unicorn is kindly telling you that no one here will do that so stop spamming, that is stop asking in each thread. Said clearer, if you want something like this done, do it for yourself. Also try not to make your requests sound like commands. Lastly, if you know something about the main characters can it be assumed you have the Japanese language version of the game?

{edit} One last thought for the sake of common courtsey, how about using the posters name instead of "dude" or "man"?

Originally posted by Ex-S Woo:
Pure speculation on my part, but given the much larger cast of male characters in Yin-Yang, I'd say that it's highly likely that Yin-Yang will focus on the main character liking the female side better and deciding to stay as a girl...rather than vice versa.

So Yin-Yang is sort of the alternate universe where instead of trying to change back you might be trying to change in the first place? Yes either way it is game that is becoming less interesting the more I learn about it.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-04-2004).]

Sorry double post hit quote instead of edit.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-04-2004).]

I dunno, I personally think that it’s a smart move by Crowd. Over the past 3 years you’ve seen the Japanese H game market becoming overflooded with companies to the point that most of the companies are now forced to create its own niche in order to stand out.

Alicesoft have games with a lot of gameplay supplemented by the 2800 yen game series, Black Rainbow specializes in Mind Control/ Nettorare(not sure how this translates…‘Stolen’ games where the main heroines end up with other men i.e anyone but you :P), Hue/Colors makes games with Super Hero themes, Key makes ‘Crying games’, Type-Moon and AbelSoft both focus on promoting the head scenario writer…etc, etc, etc.

With generic games a dime a dozen nowadays, it’s only natural that Crowd should try to stand out by being one of the few companies that tackle TG themes. If Ying-Yang proves to be a success, I personally think that you’ll see Crowd doing a lot more TG and similarly themed games in the near future.

Besides, I rather have fresh characters than reusing the same cast over and over again :stuck_out_tongue:

But what happens when the nichË games become clichËs of themselves? Or when people get bored with them? I think the smart company puts out one type of game as one of very four released but keeps three different then that style each time. Hopefully then they can hold a spot in the market but not a nichË which can be easily turned against them when people get borded with that type of game since the market will have become flooded with them by that company.

I would rather have same characters in a new plot then nearly identical plot with new characters if there was only a choice between those two opitions.

I just have two words to add to the debate over brand overutilization.

“Final” and “Fantasy”.

That is all.

A good example of a game that has it’s followers, which are very loyal, but outside of them seems to be becoming somewhat of a joke and with each one I keep waiting for someone to parody the Simpsons joke of Star Trek XII: So Very Tired.

You seem to forget that the most H game companies are quite small and, much like the US PC game developers, survive on a game to game basis.

Since only a handful of companies even release more than 1 game a year, it’s only by creating its own niche that a company can make a name for itself. They don’t really have to worry about losing consumer interest since they’re not quite saturating the market with their games (Think about Id software and their 1st person shooters) at a rate of 1 release every 9-18 months.

The main way Japanese PC game developers bring about diversity into their brand in to spin off sister companies or seperate development teams. Take Ail for instance. Ail has 2 + 1 teams (they added 1 new team that debuted last year) and it’s divided into Team Riva, which makes mostly dark games with some renai undertones, and Team Labius, which does hardcore S&M. A larger company like Will is especiallty good at this as well.

Originally posted by Ex-S Woo:
Since only a handful of companies even release more than 1 game a year, it's only by creating its own niche that a company can make a name for itself. They don't really have to worry about losing consumer interest since they're not quite saturating the market with their games (Think about Id software and their 1st person shooters) at a rate of 1 release every 9-18 months.

I am thinking beyond the here and now, and one of the few that seems to do this, but okay they get 20,000 people to join the market within three years by becoming niche companies, within two years beyond that they might get 1,000 more but the original 20,000 are getting bored with games that all look the same. Since Company A having games which all comedic romance, Company B from having games that are always dark, Company C from having all fetish games etc. they stick with it because that made them popular but in the process it is becoming dull and boring to those that now make up the market. So what do they do then?

They are niche, a change is hard when you are considered to belong within a niche, other places have tried once the market is established and fail to shake off the image of always being a particular type of producer. That is why ideal or not they must keep some variety alive now for the future when they have a market, and saying they will worry about that then and this market is too young to worry is far too short-sighted and tunnel visioned, it might get the market to grow but will it allow it for sustainability once it grows?