Yin Yang!

…What? I’m calm. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I noticed about the mental handicaps.

Well, I can’t dl any big file, cause my computer, is old, and I have dial-up, T_T Very Slow…

If I really want a game,I’ll just sell some of my games/anime/manga/or anything that’s sellable, not myself, I already have, and I’ll just buy it, from somewhere cheap, If I can find a site that sells it a little cheaper.

I am thinking of getting Yin Yang!, It looks interesting, and better than the others. The charaters are better looking, than the other Xchange games, epsically the guys, and Futa doesn’t bother me at all. A person can’t help if they were born that way, and it seems this one is funny, from one cg I saw from the Japanese site, I couldn’t help but to laugh at them. Karou, with the other boys, and one had a panties on his head, I think, and the purple hair guy, wasn’t feeling good,and Karou, as a girl was, haahaa, wasn’t happy. It was a funny pic. You’ll have to go to it, and see. It was Crowd, site or something.

[ 02-10-2007, 02:07 AM: Message edited by: rmr34 ]

Rape scenes: far less than in the original XC series. No rape bus! The student council paths all start that way, though and if you follow some of the council paths, things can get sad. The one scene where you have no choice (it’s before the threads diverge) is at the start of those paths. A gang tries it a couple of times but only is successful if you go down the path where you let it happen. If you want more details, PM me and I’ll send you a private response.

futanari: one path. I thought it was one of the best paths in the game and I don’t usually like it.

Sound effects: lots of songs for the different moods, a few with lyrics. Cute noises as appropriate. Speech for all characters, both male and female. You can turn off the male if you want to.

Comedy: oh yes, there’s a good comedic element to this game. I was laughing the whole way through one of the paths. Kaoru develops a nice teasing back and forth relationship with one of the girls (Sakuya) that I found funny, and Renji (one of his male friends) can only be described as comic relief. (In that pic the one has panties on head and the other is wearing Kaoru’s schoolgirl uniform).

[ 02-10-2007, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: OrcAttack ]

Thanks for the review, I will definlly try to get it sooner or later. I thought that pic was hilarious. It seems to be quite a good game. Even though I don’t care for GxG endings, I’ll probally play all endings anyway, when I get it. Thanks!! XD

oh, the rape scenes, do they contain any ugly, fat, bald men in them? or are they the good looking guys? This is all I need to know.

[ 02-10-2007, 04:04 AM: Message edited by: rmr34 ]

Well…i don’t have the game yet like i said. And from what I can tell there aren’t any cute girls like other X-change i’d like (like Chisoto :slight_smile: )…

I’m wanting to try this for Castle Fantasia 2 Renewal.

No ugly, fat, wierd looking, or bald men.

Chisoto was really cute.

[ 02-10-2007, 06:26 AM: Message edited by: OrcAttack ]

Sold! I’ll buy it in the near future!! XD Can’t wait! XD THANK YOU SO MUCH! X3 Meow!


[ 02-10-2007, 06:41 AM: Message edited by: rmr34 ]

Coolgamer, what’s the point of your pledge? I can understand that you’d pledge not to buy X-Change 3, but what’s the point of not buying any Peach Princess game at all? If you buy X-Change Alternative: Yin-Yang!, you’ll actually reinforce your statement that you want unedited games, since this one is unedited.

Buy the games you like, don’t buy the games you don’t… It’s that simple.

I don’t either…

The only thing I can think of is the hot coffee issue and even that doesn’t make sense since XC3 is already adult only…

Here’s my take. Peter doesn’t feel comfortable releasing these sequences so he won’t. Freedom of speech also means freedom from being compelled to say something you don’t want to. If Peter didn’t like the scenes enough he felt compelled to remove them … I don’t know what I think; should he be forced to leave the scenes in? On what grounds? Artistic integriy? When the creators of the game are all too willing to comply with his wishes (Crowd would have made the scripting changes to censor the content)?

How is it fair to compel someone to disseminate content they find disgusting? How is it fair to compel someone to do without content they don’t have a problem with and actively desire? Whose perogative should win in such a conflict? And I … do not know.

If the market were not undersupplied, then there would be more than one company bringing games over and someone somewhere would be willing to release games (in this case loli) that he is not. This is not true at the moment, and may not be true for quite some time given the political realities. But this is the ideal solution.

Edit: lern too spel

[ 02-11-2007, 01:10 AM: Message edited by: Nandemonai ]

Oh, and one other thing I forgot: The way Peter handled the controversy was, I think, not really appropriate. He should have been up front about this instead of not mentioning, and then attempting to deny, it.

You seem to be conflating Peter with the government. As said, Peter doesn’t have to sell anything he doesn’t want to. There’s a huge difference between the government saying ‘you can’t do that’ and a private entity saying ‘I’m not going to be involved in doing that’. Even if – as in this case – the private entity’s refusal effectively thwarts your desire.

Put another way – why aren’t you crying ‘censorship’ because of Haeleth’s not releasing his patch? Or the fannotaters of Wind seeing fit to cut something like 15% of the game’s script then claim they made it better [whether they actually did or not]? We all cried ‘noooo’ when Peter announced we weren’t going to be getting Slave Bazaar either. But was anyone crying ‘censorship’?

Nobody’s translated the Sakura Taisen games, allegedly because Sony won’t allow them to be released Japanese-subtitles only. While I have a big chip on my shoulder over the issue, I do not accuse Sony, or anyone else, of censorship in this case.

Now, I 100% agree that Peter should have been totally up front about edits for content – he wasn’t, he continued (and still continues!) to use ‘100% uncensored’ to promote the game when it’s NOT TRUE; he made rather feeble attempts to deny the obvious, rather than come clean – He can rightly take heat for any number of things he did.

But he had every right to ask Crowd for permission to make the content edits, in much the same way he would have the right to remove Nazi insignia if he so chose. Even though I acknowledge the double standard, Peter ultimately is a private individual and it is a very dicey proposition to compel him to support things he personally finds offensive.

Only the case with Wind makes for a good analogy. The rest are different cases with the mindset of “I’m not going to release this product.” instead of “Here’s the product, but I messed with it.”.

Does he really find it offensive? He said himself it was because of the strange American government.

I choose to assume he’s lying when he says that’s his reason. Or, at least, when he says that’s the whole reason. For two reasons:

  1. Peach Princess did, after all, release Water Closet, which – so I understand (never bought it, never would, and it’s discontinued so now can’t) – involved a number of activities that are technically illegal to possess depictions of in many jurisdictions. I suspect there are also similar restrictions in place on even simulated rape. Both have been cited for obscenity in the past – I believe. IANAL but I have read up on this in the past.

  2. GC released Jewel Knights Crusaders. The game had a loli character who was absolutely ridiculous, especially compared to all the rest of them. Nobody gave them any REAL flak – a number of reviewers docked the game for it, that was it. Yet Peter discontinued the game when he took over.

Neither point offers positive proof of anything – but they make me strongly suspect it’s a personal moral issue with Peter. He would never come right out and say that – telling your customers you think they’re perverts when you’re in the business of selling adult products … is a good way to have no customers. So he has every reason to lie about his real motivations, and his actions don’t quite line up perfectly.

Also, quick note: Almost all of the references to “100% uncensored” have been removed. Only one remains, the splash page before you hit the main page. The misstatement that remains all over the website is “Important note: all characters in this game, as in all games we sell, are aged 18 or older.” This is strictly speaking untrue – many games have characters that are not 18-or-older; they are not engaged in sexual activity onscreen, but they’re in the game. Kango 1 even has a cheesecake shot of a child getting an examination (I always thought that particular CG was … kind of disturbing). Apologies for any confusion caused by this.

And I’m aware of the distinction between “I’m going to release this product, but mess with it” and “I’m not going to release this product.”

I’m saying I think it’s a false distinction. If it’s censorship to not release all the parts of a work, then 100% of Slave Bazaar was censored from its (nonexistent) English release. It’s tantamount to the same difference. The distinction is a distinction without a difference.

Censorship is not always bad. How many cable companies run recruitment ads for the KKK? Should they be forced to? Should they be forced to run ads from Holocaust denyers? Should Al Qaeda be allowed to force US broadcasters to run recruitment messages because to do otherwise would be ‘censorship’?

not necessarily defending peter, but just some clarifications

as with most businesses that involve manufacturing/production, games get discontinued mainly due to poor sales and/or not worthwhile to give them a re-run once the stock runs out (usually the latter but it’s usually the former that leads to the latter), and not just jewel knights was canned; DOR, most of hobibox games, and like you said WC were among the ones that got discontiued

and as for WC, now that it’s discontinued i guess it’s okay to say this. honestly, nobody here in pearpi liked the title at all, but it was actually forced upon us by Will Japan (ie they made us work on this title) back when peapri first started. and since at that time will was one of our investors and we were just starting out we really did not have much choice or else we are literally burning bridges which is prolly much worse…and i guess i dont need to talk about the sales part, do i?

[ 02-14-2007, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

I really respect what you are trying to say Nandemonai, in fact I’m not with or against the fans of bishoujo game characters appearing under 18. I didn’t paid to much attention to what happened to the Lipp Scene of X-Change 3, what really did bothered me is that it’s not a 100% Unc game. There are many different artist that draw differently we critize their art but we don’t know the characters age, only the makers have the answer. Have you seen “Mahoraba ~Heartful days~ (TV)” thats one of the art I was talking about, check the pink haired girl, how old do you think she is? and please don’t read below… yet.

The makers can aged them whatever age they think is right for their story. That’s why I got interested in Yin-Yang! no deleted scenes, 100% Unc, good stories and many paths to take. Nandemonai you might be right or you might be wrong :slight_smile: . Peach Princess is trying to bring many games (like Yume Miru Kusuri, Bazooka Cafe, and Pretty Soldier Wars) but if they do well they are 18 or over. They are lot of games that they can bring to the H-Game american market. Will just have to wait and see what they’ll come out with next.

I haven’t been on here in a long time and actually I had the same question. I think that futa is kind of cool when done right.

Is there really only one path with futa scenes? (I.e., probably 5% of the game?)