your favorite and least favorite jast game protagonists

who are your favorite and least protag’s in jast games
Arata(princess waltz), Kaoru(yin-yang xchange a), and Takuya(x-change 1-3) are my top pics

Personally, I can’t remember the names of protagonists most of the time, so it would be nice to mention what games they are from.

I’ll refrain from posting my favorites for now, cause I don’t remember too well. Most protags (especially in your typical school romance eroge) are pretty much identical, and limiting the list only to eroge released by Jast is narrowing the selection even further. :?

Well here are the protagonists that I really liked: Kouhei Kagami of YMK since I enjoyed the character development on his part, especially in Aeka’s route, Takeshi Shinonome of Chain because he was cool, and Ryo Sasaki of Crescendo because I thought his character was pretty well written.

Fav protagonist: Yuuto from Eien no Aselia (EnA counts now, right?)
Least fav protagonist: Hmm, probably Arata from Princess Waltz.

nope since most haven’t played it

It’s not out yet. And even though a lot of the regulars now can actually understand Japanese, I think most people here can’t.

As for my favorite … I’d have to go with whatshisname from Critical Point. Total badass. Least favorite would have to be the protagonist from Transfer Student, a game I hated in no small part due to the protagonist being so unlikable and over-the-top oversexed.

it has been translated and there is a patch out on the interwebs

Um… The protagonists tend not to stick out too much. Dude from Yume Miru Kusuri at least stood out a bit as a character in my mind, but you’ll notice I can’t recall his name. He was hardly a perfect person but he felt like a character instead of a blank or a collection of random events.

Least favorite, maybe dude from Critical Point solely because of that one scene that pissed me off with that game. (Sorry, I just don’t think immediate sex is a reasonable way to recover from a rape.) As I recall he was okay in the rest of the game though, unlike KiraKira’s Shikanosuke (whose name I couldn’t quite remember without checking but did remember it ended in -suke) who I wanted to smack many, many times.

I can’t really think of a favorite right this moment. (I reserve the right to name one at a later date.) However, of the games I have, one protagonist stands out far and above as my most hated, and that is Takahiro from Hitomi.

Agreed with Takahiro, but there’s one guy who ties with him as worst in my book and that’s Ginji from Jewel Knights Crusaders

ginji is a horrible person but at he as a spin
Takahiro is a total loser

Well, the problem is that out of all the games JAST has localised, I’ve only played KazoKei, Kana Imouto, Yukizakura, Yumemiru Kusuri and Princess Waltz, none of which had remarkable or even interesting protagonists. Kinda makes it hard to name a best and worst.

And one of those wasn’t even localized by JAST, if you want to be technical about it :slight_smile:

Fav :
Kaoru from X-Change alternative xD

Unfav :
… not sure… does the water closet guy count?

Fav: I’ll probably name later, if somthing comes to mind.
Least Favorite: The guy from Hitomi and the guy from Discipline (couldn’t choose between the deadlock; both suck anyways).

Favorite and least favorite protagonists? Well, let’s see…

I think a favorite of mine is Ryo from CRESCENDO. Even though sometimes he acted like a jerk, he was cool enough and definitely not a wimp.

My least favorite is definitely that protagonist from VIRGIN ROSTER. A jerk rapist with absolutely no good qualities at all!

favorite- Tsukasa from Family Project, I respect him
least favorite- Reiji from pick Me Honey, he ticks me off

Best: The oniichan from Kana. Can’t remember his name. Still, a well-made character. I kinda felt his love for Kana was the real thing. I think I just said something embarassing. :oops:

Worst: The trio of sisters in Doushin ~same heart~. Oh god, every time they talked I felt like turning off the monitor and plugging off my headphones. They were THAT stupid.
Second worst: Arata from Princess Waltz. “Hey, I might sleep with you, but I do have to let you know that I’ve got a first choice and you’re not it.” Cruelest quote I’ve ever read in a VN and I’ve played my share of rape/sex slave games. Besides, how could you dump Shizuka, you monster?

Okay, I’ve been thinking long and hard, and I still can’t name my favorite protagonist from games released by Jast. There are officially none.

However, there is one and only eroge protagonist that I’ve been able to at least relate to. It’s the guy from Canvas 2. I myself used to be a very disillusioned and lazy teacher, so I knew exactly what he felt like, and the fact that I could relate to the protag for once was what made the game so enjoyable. Oh yeah, and even though I have Tomoko on my avatar, I actually would’ve definitely preferred Mami in real life… gotta love a girl who can keep your shit together for you while you’re lazing around. :slight_smile: But that’s enough offtopic for now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Favorite: Azuma Reiji from phantom of inferno.
least favorite: xchange protagonist.