Yukkuri Panic: Escalation

Just got an email and saw this will soon be Golden Master. Don’t know if I missed reading about this somewhere or what but it surprised me coming out of nowhere. But now we have an all yuri title to explore. What are some thoughts on this title?

The gameplay looks pretty fun so i’ll be picking this up.

I agree that the game play does look fun. Now I have to beat a boss in a puzzle type game to unlock the naughty scenes. Makes for an interesting twist to a VN. Since I don’t understand Japanese and can’t play the imports has anyone seen something like this before?

I used to play those when I was bored in classes. Not with pictures of women of course, just a ship trying to capture blank area. As for seen something - if the game play resembles what I recalled then I think I know what it is like. I made sure with a quick search, but I may be wrong. They were pretty fun even without the need of unlocking pictures. Edit: Yeah, the official site has exactly what I remembered. Those are damn fun, at least they were the last I played them.

Not a game I was surprised about as their inserts have shown that game for a while.I am just surprised they’d make it golden between Demonbane and Girlfriend. “The sales on this yuri game were horrible, so we won’t be bringing yuri games anymore.” Whatever. I’d get it at release if it is possible and the pricing on it really helps.

Titles with gameplay/puzzles? Sure, there’s a million and one Mahjong games, there’s stuff like Magic A Ride with sidescroller segments, Symphonic Rain with rhythm-game-esque piano sequences (thankfully skippable- I was very bad at them)… Gun-Katana had FPS sequences (thankfully pretty easy), and then there’s things like AliceSoft and Eushully titles which are more like games with VN attributes, because you’ll be playing the game more than reading the VN, and they’ve got a pretty wide variety of titles. There’s also stuff like Eien no Aselia that has a lot of gameplay but doesn’t neglect the VN portions, resulting in a fairly good balance overall.

Are any of those titles good for someone who is looking to learn to read VNs? I miss out on so many titles that look like I might enjoy them that I really want to learn to read a VN in Japanese.

Theoretically, given the video on the official, I think this would be fun… I suppose I’ll spoiler what is on the game demonstration for those that want to see it for themselves:

A completion of the kiss after clearing the level was pretty cute.

I’d only be concerned about how frequent the sequences are. I think it would be too much if it was for every transition in all CGs.

Given how the video shows that you can ride back on your own line without being penalized I think this game is easy enough for anyone that just wants to breeze through it.

Not sure if it is derailing given I am replying to the OP. Anyways, if you like these games a lot it is in your best interest to learn Japanese if you find waiting for the rare western releases too much.

Hi all,

I’ve gone ahead and stickied this as the official topic for Yukkuri Panic! Escalation. We’ll have preorders available for it shortly, and we’re testing the master today with an eye to sending it for duplication as early as tomorrow. More information is available at the game’s official site:

Yukkuri Panic! Escalation

Waaaaaah, why must this one come out just when I’m about to be traveling and therefore don’t know what address to ship it to? :slight_smile: (Well, probably for the exact same reason that I am traveling - Con season! I’ve got to get MY discs ready…) I’ll probably have to hang back a bit from the release but it’s an obvious pick for me soon.

I played the demo for one of these games in Japanese once - probably the same circle, since it was the same gameplay and similar art, but I don’t remember the details well enough - and it was fun.

Possibly - for example, most Alice Soft games have relatively straightforward writing, although the easiest writing generally tends to be found in plotless nukiges/slice of life moeges. If you know no Japanese prior to starting though, keep in mind that your first few VNs will take an enormous amount of time to clear, as even a lot of the non-adult games are written at a fairly high level.

On topic, good to see this release, although I’m not sure if I’m interested in playing it. I hope JAST is able to work with other doujin brands in the future, as there are plenty of great eroges out there which could probably be licensed fairly cheaply.

A slight word of warning if you decide to play one of those “million and one” Mahjong games (which we will probably not see in English anytime soon given the lack of people in the West who know how to play Japanese style Mahjong). The terminology for Japanese style Mahjong is full of transliterated Chinese which you might have a hell of a time trying to figure out. The terminology is specialized enough that I haven’t tried using it in the Japanese I’m supposed to write every week for the class I go to on the weekends, since my instructor (who doesn’t play Mahjong) wouldn’t understand what I’m saying when I read it to her. With that said however, I’d be more than willing to teach you (or anyone else willing) how to play.

Yuri = :smiley:
BDSM themes = :?

looks interesting

Before you announce so many titles how about releasing some first…

IE: Getting ahead of yourselves.

Well Tbh I’m a little surprised that this is a doujin game.

Uhm…yuri. Gonna get it :smiley:

Well, the art looks nice, at least. Then again, the art for both Raidy games was pretty decent as well, but the games themselves were underwhelming (to put it mildly).

I’ll have to take a wait-and-see approach on this one.

I played Gals Panic quite some time ago, and from the promo page this game looks like it plays the same. Was really fun. I’m totally preordering this game.

Are you sure you’re not mistaking that for their comments on yaoi game sales? From what I understand, Lightning Warrior Raidy did quite well. It’s not terribly surprising that they’d try to find a similar game like this–another yuri game with gameplay.

I’m under the impression eropanic was hypothesising a potential outcome for this title being released with little fanfare, relatively, between two far more major titles- the potential outcome being that the title doesn’t do well and harms the chances of future titles of a similar theme, possibly similar to the way poor sales for yaoi titles may have harmed the likelihood of more yaoi titles being released.

http://eng.dlsite.com/work/=/product_id/RE040379.html … Errr… I hope the DL version will be at this price… if not, +9$ for a translation of a Doujin it’s a little… It’s like rising the price of Recettear of 10$…
Well, anyway it’s a good thing that JAST begin to looking into the Doujin Scene.