YUME MIRU KUSURI :: A Drug That Makes You Dream


We’ve posted the item to the PeaPri site. Will do a proper site update soon. I am excited about this game as it’s got a great story and eerily beautiful characters.

The art style is weird, with those colors and way-too-long legs, but it’s not bad. :slight_smile:

Hehe, the item weighs nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the art. It’s all soft and strange. :slight_smile:

updates wallpaper

Would love to get in on the proofreading of this one if it calls for a girlier touch. :slight_smile:

Looks nice. I don’t mind the long legs, and the girls all have very pretty faces.

I like the artwork, if it got a good story it’s even better. It was the drug in the name who made me suspicious about it.

Don’t really like the artwork all that much… but is that the final English title?

Couldn’t we have a contest to come up with something… “catchier” maybe? The winner could get his name in the credits XD

The title can still change.

Well Kusuri also means Medicine.

the thing is, we do not usually add the english staff credits to the game ending because it may disrupt the flow of the movie

but interesting, maybe i can mention the contest idea to peter and see what he thinks about it

Come on guys just because the word “drug” is in the title doesn’t mean the game is gonna be about some crackheads shooting up and hallucinating crazy things. Hell I definitley get it if that was the theme, would probably make a pretty interesting story. Trying to figure what part is real and what part is dream, kinda like Perfect Blue.

Interesting art,a bit weird but certainly is not generic

Am i the only one who still finds it funny when they announce a title with girls clearly not aged 18 or 19… or 21, but they say they are just for marketing purposes. (hey if its something u gotta say to keep the title coming, go for it) doesnt mean i wont laugh at it.

[ 07-06-2006, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: Gambit ]

I simply ignore such things. I think it would be better to just not state ages but say they are all “of legal age”.

What really got me a laugh was when they did that in Harvest Moon:AWL:SE and made Lumina 18 at game start (atleast in NA release)…

Yea but legal age in which country, cuz in some, 11 is age… see what im sayen?

Which is why they could just not mention anyone’s age, even those above 21.

Now, putting aside the age issue right now, I’m wondering about a certain loli catgirl’s last name…

According to the official Japanese Site, Nekoko’s last name is “¬ÉP¬Éb¬Ég¬ÉV¬Å[”(Ketto Shi), which is actually a reference to a fairy cat in Celtic mythology called Cait Sith (pronounced “caught shee”, also spelled “Cat Sidhe”, means “Cat Fairy” in Gaelic), not “Cat’seye”. I think the last name “CaitSith” would work better (She claims to be a fairy, and she acts somewhat cat-like.)


Nope, not liking the art or character designs at all, but… if the staff of PeaPri considered it worth of a translation, then I’ll guess I’ll keep an eye out for further updates/impressions

I hope i’m just worrying, but will Nekoko and the step-sister character’s scenes be uncut?

The reason I;m asking is because of reading a thread where you admitted that X-Change 3 had a young looking character cut out of it, and the characters i named look fairly young.

The sister isn’t involved in any real H scenes, though she is nude in a few scenes. Nekoko, being a main heroine, is involved in quite a few H Scenes.

Modifying these scenes would probably mess up the plot, and here age is listed here, so I kinda doubt that it’ll REALLY be censored, I just want to make sure.


I am under the impression that if that would have been a problem, Peter wouldn’t have decided to bring the game over. Of course I’m not actually Peter, so we’ll have to wait for him to confirm or deny.

Now that I think about it, your probably right. X-Change probably had a minor scene with a character who looked pre-pubescent. The characters here are obviously at least in their teens, albiet fairly petit. In the Japanese version I have access to, Aya (the sister) is groped by Kouhei(the protaganist) in a dream. (The game has a lot of dream sequences, hence the word “yume” in the title…)

Well, I can tell you that the game is quite wacky in many parts, but get’s rather serious in others. I only looked at varios scenes, but it looks interesting. The script was supervised by Romeo Tanaka, the man behind the equally wacky, but intellegent, CROSS+CHANNEL. (The game that has a CG that reads “Lolicon is a Disease” while showing a guy in a gas mask and a young girl, show’s how wacky it is…)

Im waiting for the english verion.

LATE EDIT: I did’nt mean to imply that I thought the dream would be censored (Like the word "only appeared there implies) I was just saying that was the raciest scene youy get with Aya, who is the youngest looking character in the game, and it isn’t that bad. (Thare is also some non-sexual nudity, but I doubt there is a problem with that.)

Nekoko isn’t too bad in terms af loliness, and Jlist has an image preview from one of her H-scenes (no.11) so it seems safe. I guess I typed to quickly when I read the thing about X-CHange, which had a minor scene from an ending removed because they couldn’t properly “age” a pre-teen looking character because she is a background character who only appeares in one path. YumeMiru has no such ending, only three heroins with a good ending and a bad ending, plus a “general” bad ending you can get before diverging onto a path, from what I hear.

So, this is one game I’m looking forward to, Hope it comes by the beginning of next year.

I also just deleted a spoiler from my message, sorry about that.

[ 07-26-2006, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]