Yume Miru Kusuri update and Q & A

You’re just saying all this because you’re actually Shingo :stuck_out_tongue:


But seriously Shingo, I applaud your good nature, and look forward to more activity from you on these boards !

i wish i can be sarcastic (but yes i was being sarcastic on “caring the shit out of him” part), but given how mockingbird and other members have acted before and given that it’s shingo’s first day on the bbs (as he said he is “still learning the ropes”) i dont want to take any chances

that said, it’s not like i dont want you guys to ask questions at all (this is a Q&A thread afterall) but as a newbie please try to take it easy on shingo ok? as his so-called senior (as well as my so-called replacement), its my obligation to look out for him, at least during the first while…and then just watch me phase out :stuck_out_tongue:

and it’s very unlikely that i will do the same for future game Q&A threads anyways; im sure he will know how to handle things on his own by then

and no i am not actually shingo. i am not a hentai freak like he does :stuck_out_tongue:

So is this Shingo the same as the one in Heisei Democracy?Good luck in your new job!Ehm,and my questions are:

In Yume miru kusuri how many character has endings?
And seeing that even the younger sister’s age is set to 18,is there actually a need for that?Such as fanservice or H scenes

I guess, since I played the Japanese version a bit, I can answer RedHell’s questions:

How many characters have endings: 3, Aeka, Mizuki, and Nekoko.

Any reason for setting Aya’s age: There are no H-scenes with her per se, but there is some nudity and a clothed groping scene, saying any more would be spoilers, though.

Wait, I thought he was just your replacement for game testing? You’ll still be moder(h)ating this BBS, right?

…you really want me to ban you, don’t you?

and i am not being sarcastic this time

and with that, yes i will still be mod here for now (although shingo has admin status just like me and peter), i dont see myself letting go of my mod position anytime soon…at least not until shingo gets perfectly familiar of the things and people on the bbs, and more importantly become aware of some of the potential troublemakers who has had a record of causing trouble/flames on the bbs (you know who you are, and yes mr “b”, you are one of them)

but i still state this again: even though i am in hiatus, and dave is indeed my replacement, i may go back to work with shingo if the pipeline gets too busy…and as you know from mockingbird we have quite alot of games feeding into the pipeline very soon so this is highly possible. and like i said before i will work on stuff that nobody else in the company besides myself can do, whatever those may be

just think of this as shuffling of personel for better efficiency, but we are in no way downsizing whatsoever since i voluntarily passed most of my duties to shingo

and now to get back on topic: usually (but not always) a different cd print is used for different batches that are slightly updated/patched to the game so it’s easier for us to differentiate them when it comes to support etc. case in point: brave soul. so mockingbird, don’t expect an answer on this until we have totally sold our first pressing

[ 03-12-2007, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

Can’t wait for the game to arrive. Shingo I salute you. :slight_smile:

Lamuness can’t take a joke. :frowning:

twitch twitch

Of these, our beloved Italicus is no more, for a reason too much funny to reveal (I’ve even got a personal, “courteous” reply on this from him -in another forum-).
Addio, Italicus, you will be sorely missed… Maybe :wink: reviews from you for this forum (besides, do you have written full-fledged reviews after Jokei Kazoku ~Inbou~ ?)?

well shingo, this pretty much proves my point earlier about how people like benoit and baldo will quote us and will haunt us in the future…so be careful about what you say here, and especially watch out for those 2 people :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sorry but the above quote really bothered me. Can you please elaborate?

Edit: And thanks for answering the question regarding the CD pressings Lamuness.

[ 03-12-2007, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

it just reminds me of your other looooooooooooooooong list of questions in the off-topic forum (regarding old stuff), thats all…while that one is fine since it’s targetting towards the entire bbs, your list of questions here is primarily targetted at shingo in particular

again, there’s nothing wrong with asking but please try to take it easy and not ask so many things at once (again, not on his first day), that’s all

i apologize for making you feel bothered, and dont worry i dont really consider you to be some sort of troublemaker

[ 03-12-2007, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

Is it just me or Lamuness is ruining this thread? :slight_smile:
Anyway let’s go back to the actual topic i.e. YMK q&a.

yes i do realize that i am derailing the original topic and i do apologize for that with mockingbird and benoit here i dont have much choice :stuck_out_tongue:

Ahem… so, questions?

What (minimum) version of DirectX does the game require? The game’s page on Ruf’s site and on Peach Princess’ site doesn’t state which.

The Japanese game appears to need 750 MB disk space, but J-list lists 600 MB, any reason behind that?

According to the game’s Japanese packaging it requires DirectX 8.1 or higher.

Including a couple dozen saved data files I’m reading a total of 765 MB in my current install. The J-List number is often somewhat arbitrarily chosen before the game is released… I’ll get that updated along with a bunch of little site fixes in the works over the next few days, sorry for the confusion.

[ 03-13-2007, 07:21 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

I’m wondering, is the manual going to include stuff like character profiles, or other info besides technical stuff(i.e. installation, set-up).