Yume Miru Kusuri

I finished the path of Aeka and I really want to say :
[mode american dad]Oh my god… this game… Oh my God. this game… this game OMG…[/mode american dad]

I, can’t believe I was so emotionaly involved in this game.
I thought the yuka’ path in crescendo was sad, but it’s nothing compared to YMK.

But now it’s really hard for me to try the others pathes because I really old a grudge against all the students of the main character’s class.
Curse you damned Antoinette. Go rot in hell ! :smiley:
Furthermore if you choose to play another path, you can’t save Aeka…

It’s really a great game.

Aren’t the main character’s class heartless.
Antoinette nearly went to hell if only she did.

I had the same problem I hated the people in the game after I played Aeka’s path especially Antoinette. But the game itself was amazing. I just wish I could have saved Aeka the torment, I personally know what it feels like to be treated like her. They did practically everything they did to her for the sexual stuff. If I went to her school I would have been nice to her just because I know what she is going through. God I hated school.

It was hard playing the other two’s paths, indeed. I just skipped past the parts I couldn’t bare (pretty much all of them). Then you find out she jumped and Kohei is like “Well I really didn’t know her that well…no big deal.” (and you can have sex with her on the roof before that on the Nekoko path, he’s a heartless *******).

I was expelled from HS for standing up to bullies, I didn’t care of course.

[ 01-08-2008, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: 0001 ]

I wanted to go after Antoinette, but the game didn’t let me. =(

I loved all three paths to be honest, but Aeka’s was my favorite. You -can- still help her on some of the choices and still go on to the other two paths.(Such as in the lunch room, or the moment with falling into your desk.) The main character will actually express more resentment and/or sorrow over what happens to her later instead of the whole “Oh well, I didn’t know her that well.” response you get if you hadn’t helped at all.

Lol, I preferred Mizuki’s path because of her eccentric characteristics. She isn’t loony like Nekoko and or withdrawn like Aeka (although the strangling scene made me like her very much). She is more believable as a character because Aeka suffers almost a ridiculous amount of Bullying while Nekoko is too crazy. I loved the ending especially the part about the lucky charm XD.

But I still wonder who is the blond woman from the dream of Kouhei…

Now I’ve finished the game and my conclusion :
Aeka > Nekoko > Mizuki

It was difficult to go for the bad endings since I did not want to make those girls suffer but… I had to see everything :slight_smile:

I want more games like that :wink:



From good to bad or from ok to best.

Good to average.

Indeed you have chosen the proper order of likability,

Wish I could remember what anime this was from…I know I’ve seen it somewhere before and was planning on watching it…

lol that’s from Lucky Star one of my favorite animes. And the person in that picture’s name is Konata Izumi.

[ 01-12-2008, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

I’m curently playing this game, and I also just recently finished with Aeka, I thought it was ok. Of all the characters I hated the most it was Kouhei, seriously wtf. At first he was like “uhm, ok now I have to deal with Antoinette and her minions, this is goin to get messy!” Man what a pansy, just slap that bitch around and rape some of her friends, I mean, wtf. His incompetence pissed me off sometimes.

I’m currently playing through Mizuki’s, all I have to say is wow!-

[ 01-17-2008, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: coda ]

No no, the proper order is: Mizuki > Aeka > Nekoko. :slight_smile:

But I’m probably in the minority. I like her because her path is the most believable (unlike Aeka’s) and she isn’t weird/crazy (Nekoko).

And the Lucky Star anime is overrated. Don’t fall into the hype. Make your own opinion of it.

Oddly enough, I’m one of the few people who really didn’t get that emotionally involved with YMK. The stories were sad yes, but they really failed to pull me in and make me truly sympathize. shrugs Still enjoyed it.

I’ll second you on that, though I agree that we seem to be in the minority.

Aeka’s path is believable.
This kind of thing happens too often in Japan (and it can be far worse in real life).

[ 01-12-2008, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: le nuage ]

I knew someone like Aeka, so it is believable.

Well i can’t determine that unless I watch it.

I love that Anime and i hear the OP many times a day :smiley: