Yume Miru Kusuri

I haven’t finished through all the paths yet, but, does Kouhei get to fuck Aya?

I thought there would be a path for her, but you can only go for Aeka, Nekoko and Mizuki (you can’t even go for antoinette and go for a bad ending on purpose :slight_smile:



Aeka was the best. I two was annoyed by Kouhei’s cowardice but all is well that ends well, and has bitch chokeing in it.

Lucky star is rather good in my opinion. You have to get many of the satirical references in order to appreciate the show because the show itself is a satire rather than an outright comedy like the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Also, Mizuki fans, count me among your numbers as Mizuki>Aeka>Nekoko is my preferred order as well.

I agree Lucky Star is awesome. Also I like Akea’s path just because of the bitch choking.

I really liked how the characters made numerous in-jokes and references to other h-games. Kouhei was quite self-aware and almost broke the fourth wall.

I was laughin my ass off when he played the h-game all night and at the end said “Why didn’t I get all the CG yet?, Shut up, sparrow! You’re annoying!” hahaha “I have a level 3 porn game infection” :smiley:

[ 01-18-2008, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: coda ]

YMK is the best game ever made.

Do you know if there are other eroge like this one ?

[ 01-17-2008, 05:09 AM: Message edited by: le nuage ]

I heard Family Project is similar but I can’t be certain since I’ve yet to play it.

I did get most of the satirical references. I just didn’t find the anime in general that great. I read a bit of the manga and I enjoyed that a lot more.

There isnt any Story Changes, here the Quote from the Product Page where you find the Patch:

Okay… so I finally get my copy of Yume in the mail. Played through it for a few hours last night.

I see everyone praise that this game rocks so much, thus the question pops in my mind: when does the raping, screaming, enslavement, and twincest begin?

Because you can’t have a good title without raping, screaming, enslavement, and twincest.

Joking… Joking… :wink:

Interesting thus so far. I love the translation quality (i.e. Japanese to English), so whoever did that, instantly wins Narg’s seal of approval. :mrgreen:

eh, played the game, which was pretty enjoyable. I didn’t like Aeka’s route too much simply because it seems the writer is deliberatly pushing your buttons with the type of situation they stick her in. This had the opposite affect on me though. I’ve seem way too much HK drama (in mandarin) and its cliche’s that Aeka’s path seemed to be just another HK drama so didn’t like her story too much. Mizuki’s path was much better though, simply because there is some orginality in it. The cat girl route was simply wired so just skimmed over it.

On a side note, if this game only got 70 something in user rating I wounder how Family project, which has the highest rating would be like.

You got the patch for it right? Or was it already patched to 1.1??

You are right it was simply WIRED and WEIRD but she was no cat girl at least she wasn’t to me.

Actually there is a rape scene.

I didn’t find Nekoko’s path weird at all once you find out the reasons for all the crazy stuff at the end.

Nekeko’s path was by far my favorite in this game. Plus she’s Loli so she is instant win in my book.

So is Aeka.

Not, really Aeka isn’t loli. I know loli’s and Aeka ain’t loli. But she is cute.

It all depends upon how you define loli as well.

So true. Plus, she’s an acceptable substitute for there not being a path for Aya in this game. There’s nothing in the game to indicate it, of course, but it’s possible to imagine that Nekoko is actually Kouhei’s long lost sister; he is adopted, after all. I know that’s a stretch, but it’s fun to use your imagination. I haven’t completed the game yet, but I reckon there’s no path for Antoinette, which is a shame. She’s evil, but cute.