Yume Miru Kusuri

Nekoko is awesome. I like all three good endings since all have this nice warm fuzzy feeling of immense happiness and relief. But Nekoko’s hits awfully close to home since I understand that desire for a “faerie kingdom”. I’ll admit, from the last drug induced portion of that path to the final good ending I was in tears the entire time. As I have said elsewhere, unlike Aeka, who needed a friend to step in and save her, poor Hiroko could not rely solely on that. She had to save herself first. Beautiful.

Too bad the real world doesn’t quite work out that well. :cry:

I was amazed at how good the Nekoko/Hiroko good ending was, you never expect it to happen after the scene at the library. I mean getting a job contributing idea’s to a theme park that just so happens to be a Neko-themed park, then giving Kouhei the tickets, it placed itself together so well :slight_smile:

Judging by what I’ve seen, I’m in the minority about Nekoko. I didn’t care that much for the route, and I didn’t care much for the character either (though the ending was alright for the most part). In fact, the majority of the time I found the character grating on my nerves.

This - I really like the themes the game deals with, and the writing itself is fairly good, but there’s still a lot of unfulfilled potential (I think the original plan is partly to blame though). I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned on the forums before, but despite how the game’s been advertised, as far as I can tell Tanaka Romeo didn’t actually write Yume Miru Kusuri. Tanaka Romeo was in charge of the planning, but the director/overall editor was ??? (Ririanjou), and the scenario is attributed to the ??? (Yume Miru Kusuri production committee). If Tanaka Romeo was in charge of the scenario, ruf certainly would have advertised that instead of taking the rare step of covering up exactly who the writers were.

Try running CCleaner’s registry cleaner…


…then reinstall. If that doaesn’t work, there are some other things we can do.

I have tried the registry cleaner as well, still no luck

OK, time to get a little rough with your OS then…


…let’s hope you didn’t delete the executable. Run that on the .exe and then try to reinstall. Cross your fingers, because the next thing is the last resort, and a major PITA.

I did delete it, there’s not a trace of anything related to YMK on my computer at all, which is why I’m confused. I think that it does this because it has no record of me uninstalling it (properly) and so it assumes its still installed, so it gives me the “start game now?” screen, but since theres no trace of it on my pc, it wont run (obviously) and just shuts down in. I’ve deleted anything related to it in my registry, and everything like that.

OK, did you manually delete everything from the registry with regedit and a manual search? What OS are you using, before we get serious?

Yes, and Vista Home Premium

If you are on 32bit Vista, navigate to Program Files and hit the ALT key to bring up the task bar up top, click Tools and then Folder Option, click the View tab, and click next to “Show hidden files and folders”, click Apply and OK.

Now you should see a folder called “Installshield Install information”, open it and find “{03ABC33C-10B1-400E-B1FA-E817FE98D11C}”, if it’s there open it and open the file “setup.ini” in notepad and confirm it’s YMKs log files.

Open regedit, back-up your registry, then search for 03ABC33C-10B1-400E-B1FA-E817FE98D11C, to make sure that install record is gone, if you find that key anywhere else, delete it. (it will likely be cached in the ARPcache)

Then delete the “{03ABC33C-10B1-400E-B1FA-E817FE98D11C}” folder from the Installshield Log Folder.

I forgot to add, that key string may be different, but you can open each log folder and check for that specific .ini file with YMK in the header, then use the key value to search in regedit.

Once I show hidden folders, where is the installshield folder?

It’s in Program Files or Program Files(x86) if on 64bit Vista.

i dont have this folder even when i unhide the stuff. and when i type it in the find thing i only get some backup registry file thing. Backup20090823124759.reg to be exact

Where exactly are you looking, and do you install program to your C drive or another drive?

i install in c folder, and im lookin in all programs folder

C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information

Copy that and paste it in your address bar, it should open the folder.

If on 64bit try…

C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information

found it, and that folders in there, doing the rest of the steps now


IT WORKED!!! Re-installing as I type. Thanks a billion man :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: