Yume Miru Kusuri

if there was extra paths her, and aya should get them

Looks like Customs actually had a look at the game, and they find it to be non-obscene so they appealed it and are allowing it through~ Lets just hope they didn’t scratch the disc :expressionless:

Just thought I should do a follow up so other Canadians won’t get discouraged :slight_smile:

P.S. I am enjoying the game so far~ Special thanks to peach princess for having sympathy!

That’s great news! Enjoy the game, and many more!

you have to work at it before it get dirty

Rofl I jinxed myself, the bastards[customs] scratched the fkin’ disc real nice like. Oh well that’s life :lol:

edit~: Thankfully I know what I’m doing and was able to repair the disc so it’s all good, -shakes fist at customs- :twisted:

Agreed :lol:

That’s what second times through the game are for after all. So what were your impressions of the game the first time through? Are you enjoying the game?

I still like this game. It feels very complete and none of the paths feel half developed like you get in some games.

I agree. There should have been paths for Antoinette and Kouhei’s sister. Outherwise the game has a kind of unfinished quality to it. Maybe in the sequel.

I think it might have been difficult to fit paths for them in with the theme of the game, especially in the case of Antoinette, who is popular and shallow and has no reason to feel alienated at all. That aside, I would have liked to see a path for Kouhei’s sister, since I love lolis and incest, but I don’t see how anyone who’s played Aeka’s path could stomach one for Antoinette. I know I couldn’t, unless it involved some serious degradation, which I don’t think would fit with the tone of the game. I could barely take going to the cafe with her on Nekoko’s route.

What sequel?

I do believe it is just wishful thinking on bamboo’s part, Lancer-X. The only way I could possibly see a sequel being done is if they made a game with completely different characters, but similar themes (and perhaps a cameo appearance by one or more characters from the first game).

I don’t really see why Tanaka would write a sequel to Yume Miru Kusuri - I mean, the story’s been told. Despite the hints that an Aya route may have been planned, it is not shown in the game why she would need a route - unless it’s some sort of resolution on the ‘family’ side of things that gets resolved in every route anyway. Regardless, I think her route would be weaker than the others because of this.

And writing another story with the same name and themes as the old story is something Tanaka would probably find artistically offensive. Besides, he’s written all sorts of good things since YMK, and is continuing to write good things. I would like more yakuhin (medicine/drugs) games, though.

Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree with you. YMK’s story is done and told. I’m just stating the only possible way I could possibly see a sequel being made. That he would find it artistically offensive further puts a nail in the coffin of a sequel, since trying to make a sequel using a different writer is an unthinkable approach.

But yeah, if you want another similarly awesome story about helping girls find themselves, well, Kazoku Keikaku is supposed to be translated later this year, right? And if you thought Yume Miru Kusuri was good…

I’m sorry, but I just had to respond to that rediculous “review” above.

Are you serious or just blantantly ignorant? Every gripe you have with the game is about jokes or meaningless inconsistancies of meaningless non-plot related issues.

Is that a joke review, or are you just a 4channer trying to bash a JAST product? Because that was the silliest excuse for a critique I have ever read.

People do have different tastes. And if you don’t ‘get’ the mindset of a story, you can be baffled by it.

Don’t automatically assume someone’s a troll just because their opinion is completely different from yours. :slight_smile:

vick1000, there is no need to freak out and drive away abrexa. I can personally vouch for the fact that he is not someone who just came here to bash JAST/GC/PP.
Now abrexa, let me address many of the points you have brought up.
[list][]I can agree to a small degree about the poses. In particular, there is a picture of Shiraki giving the protagonist fellatio that looks really odd.[/]
[*]The bit about Aya’s age that left you confused is a self-referencing joke that breaks the fourth wall. As Shingo explains:

]Despite the teases, there is no route for Aya. (Though many have expressed how they wish that one existed.)[/]
]As far as I am aware, there is no such superstition regarding “K” names in Japan.[/]
]I’m not sure why you think something is wrong if a gay character exists in the game, but you’re entitled to your opinion. As for your impression of him, what you have seen is pretty much what you get. Past the beginning of the game, you pretty much never hear mention of him again in Mizuki’s route, and only a couple times in Aeka’s route. Nekoko’s route is the one in which he plays a heavy part. Oh, by the way: the word “gay” is fine.[/]
]Keep in mind that the New York remark is made by a Japanese protagonist who’s impression of what New York is like is most likely based solely on meeting one foreign person (for most Japanese, this is an English teacher) and what he has read or heard. Take what is said with a grain of salt, as this is the same person who thinks he has some idea of what it is like to be a girl who has been raped simply by being trampled on at lunch time.[/]
]The remark regarding the French Foreign Legion is another case of a character who is talking about something they know next to nothing about.[/]
]As for the “Polish Vodka”, keep in mind that the Japanese may or may not make such a fine distinction between vodka and the liquors you mention. After all, they all are essentially the same thing: neutral grain spirits. It is just that the water to alcohol ratio is different between them. Here in the US we also have grain alcohol concentrated to a high level (95%). One is called Everclear (and I happen to have a large amount of it…).[/*][/list]
Edit: Let me know if I used any terms you aren’t familiar with, since I know English isn’t your first language.

It was in the original. And it’s a joke. Nobody in YMK has an assigned age.

I can’t speak for the translation, but I really liked this game. It’s not a ‘top-100’, but it’s probably a top-200. I think YMK is a good example of something that could be a bit of a masterpiece if a talented writer was involved. I liked the production values and had no issues with the system. The level of foreigner-ignorance was, as you no doubt have realised, split between making fun of foreigner ignorance and actual legitimate foreigner ignorance. YMK is, in many ways, a parody of eroge and common eroge tropes.

After KazoKei and Kana it’s probably JAST/GC/PP’s best title (haven’t played PW but given it’s an EGS 70%er without other mitigating factors and given everything else I’ve heard about it, I doubt it would be a top-200er. Can’t really say without playing it though!)

Dude, spoilers.

Have to post in this topic since its about my favorite Hgame :slight_smile: . Though it’s been a while since I played it.

Personally I think theres a tie for best path between Aeka and Nekoko/Hiroko.

Aekas path is the one most worth of reading and also an emotional mindfuck that can pull anyone into her story. Also her endings are amazing. You never get bored reading her path because each day theres another huge emotionally thing thats better than the last day, right from the day you first help her out.

But also considering Nekoko’s path, I say its a bit more fun. Its very random and keeps you on edge. Also as stated before, its the closest path relating to the title of the game. Also, personally, I never expected her to be the library aid on drugs XD. Her endings are also very well put together and amazing at that. I didn’t even get disappointed when I accidently got the bad ending the first time. Although I was amazed at how touching her good ending was.

Mizuki’s path is good also but not really a good comparison to how good the other two paths were. Accidently having a baby as a good ending can be either good or bad whichever way you look at it. The bad ending is just a real emotional trainwreck though. If I was in Kouhei’s situation when he read the detective report that stated his love and his unborn child both died and were buried under a nameless grave, I would have probably visited the grave, scraped the name/info on with a knife, then made my own grave and shot myself.

If Aya was older and wasn’t Kouhei’s sister than I woulda liked if she had a pth as well. Although Im not one for incestness in visual novels (I guess cousins are ok if its not that abnormal in japan, I wouldn’t know if it is or not though. Most Visual novels hook the main guy up with his cousin anyway so its at least worth the read)

All in all every path and every ending is worth a read. Anyone who enjoys Bishoujo games should get this one, your just not complete if you dont.