Amorous Professor Cherry: The Thread

just got mine

Just wanted to let everyone know this post has been reported.

Administrator, please delete this post when this has been dealt with.

Ugh, out of control spammer. Kill it, kill it with fire! :twisted:

Nah, fire would be too kind. After the spammer is stopped, they should be tortured in the most painful ways (both mentally and physically) until they no longer can remember anything but pain in their lifetime and have become numb to all forms of it. Once this occurs torture is no longer effect and their life should be extinguished. Of course, given the many kinds of pain that can be inflicted, they may die from natural causes before this happens… :twisted:
Honestly though, I don’t see how anyone could possibly think spamming like that will actually produce any effective results. In my opinion, advertising is most effective when it is either entertaining, interesting/bizarre, or subtle. Spamming like that is the equivalent of someone getting in your face in the middle of a pleasant discussion with friends and shouting “EAT AT JOE’S!”.
We now return to the regularly scheduled topic. :lol:

i never got my walkthrough after email’ing support twice

It seems you’re not the only one. They are working on this game because of the grammar errors and stuff. I’ll post a walkthrough of the endings that I got on the help thread by tomorrow if anybody is interested. Though threre’s probably one ending I couldn’t get, it was kiyoka’s happy ending. I think thats the only ending I’m missing because of the few cg’s left.

PS: !!!SPOILER!!! Below!

The part were Kiyoka is hugging kouta and Chieri is looking back at them with a sorrow look is not the happy ending.

cool thanks i am not sure if i am on the right path to get the cheiri perfect end and there are 8 endings

where is your tread

Idon’t really a have thread but I’ll post it on the Board index “Bishoujo Games – Help!” and in the “Amorous Professor Cherry Walkthrough” thread that is already there.

A few download orders were accidentally processed early (and the codes for them may not work); sales via download officially begin today (Monday, July 14th Japan time) and all who placed download preorders will be receiving their codes in the mail today. Apologies for the confusion on this front.

The sites will be updated today to reflect the game’s “on sale” status, sorry for the confusion on this.

As with the vast majority of bishoujo game titles, Amorous Professor Cherry is presented in a 4:3 aspect ratio. There may be video drivers that will let you “letterbox” the game so it displays in the proper ratio on your wide screen; if anyone has a lead on these it would be great to know.

The walkthrough is also now available and all requests for it will be honored - it was finished before AX but a bit of bungling didn’t get it passed out to all the proper support staff before we left Japan. Apologies for the frustration this has caused. If you’d like a copy of the walkthrough you can email me with either the four-digit code on your CD or your V-Mate download code and I’ll get it to you ASAP; the address is (

the game is pretty good some far

Just the code is fine. Copies of the walkthrough have been sent to everyone who requested them over the past several hours, and all requests are being fulfilled as quickly as possible (given working hours in Japan). Again, apologies for the delay.

yeah got mine earlier today

It should reach you by sometime this week at the latest (provided you’re in the continental US). If it hasn’t reached you yet please feel free to email me at ( and I can check on the status of the order for you.

Let me double-check this and get back to you - if there are any problems I’ll get on it right away.

I just double-checked the Kiyoka route of the walkthrough, and it corresponds exactly with the events and choices that occur in-game. If what you’re experiencing somehow differs, could you let me know (either via PM or email at what the difference is from the walkthrough?

hi i just got the game today and i just emailed the support for the walkthrough and im just wondering on how long i have to wait until i get a reply. i sent my product code as well. since its friday am i going to have to wait till monday?

Very likely. Remember that there’s a 14 hr time difference between here and there. Just so you know, I’m in kinda the same boat as you. I asked for the walkthrough on Friday and haven’t gotten it yet. (Is it just me or does anyone but Chieri’s happy ending path not make any sense at all? Usually you have to AVOID sleeping around to get someone’s happy end, but in this case you MUST sleep around? Color me confused.)

it took like 5 days for me to get the walkthrough

That’s because Friday is Japan’s Saturday, and the bed under my desk at work isn’t very comfortable so I like to go home sometimes. <_< Will be fulfilling all weekend requests over the next few minutes.

i did the, does that go to you guys or is there another email i should have done?

Yep! Which is why I usually advocate patience when people get irate about not getting instant responses. 14 hr time difference and all.

Aww, come on now, that’s hardly a go-get-em attitude! I’m sure Peter would be happy to get you a fluffier pillow if you asked really nicely.