Aselia the Eternal official thread/FAQ

Does anyone know if this is the title that has twincest in it? :o

I’m pretty sure it doesn’t. I think Seinarukana does?

  1. It’s an all-ages game, why do you care? =P
  2. No. H scene on the dark route (in the original, not this PS2 backport) with two spirits that look somewhat similar is the best you’ll get.
  3. Seinarukana doesn’t either, although it comes a little closer.
  4. You should be playing Midori no Umi.

The artwork for Midori no Umi looks really unfitting…

Something strange happened while I installed the game, a moment after I put it in my DVD-rom began humming really loudly and didn’t stop during the entire installation process. This has never happened before and is completely unique to a JAST product. No problems running the game, but I thought I should report it.

BTW is there any way to run in the game in full screen? I don’t really like windowed as much, doesn’t really say “ah, immersive JRPG game play” when I can see my desktop background and shortcuts.

Well, I didn’t have the problem with the loud spinning noise when installing. Don’t know what that problem could have been. Also for fullscreen you just start a new game and then right click on the screen. Should be an option in the drop down menu that comes up for fullscreen. If you have problems with the screen cutting off some of the game I setup something in the game help section of the forums that fixed it for me because I had that problem.

Click the Enlarge button the top of the window, it will go full screen.

For me when I try to fullscreen it doesn’t cut anything off it just leaves the window the same size as windowed mode and everything around it is black. It was like this for me with older games as well (I’m on windows 7).

Can you post a screenshot of what you see on the screen? It might alter the screenshot when you take it to show what you are supposed to see so you might have to edit and explain a little bit. Say what screen size the game is running at, and then what screen size you use for say your desktop. Also what type of video card. See if I can’t try and doctor a way for you to see the game completely.
If you have a NVidia card go to this topic: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=7321
I had a picture of what I had to do to my graphics card options to get the game to look right for me in fullscreen.

Yeah, for me that’s a monitor setting, although it could be something to configure in your video card. Hard to tell really.

According to jlist my order is still preparing for shipping. If I knew I could chose package + download I would have done so at the time. :confused:

Aselia download edition now available!

Got the game in the mail :smiley: Always loved that picture used for the cover…

Oh, and I surprised the OP is the PS2 version! I think the Seirunarukana Special Edition version had the PC OP, so caught me off guard xD

Excellent. I was hoping they’d do that, since the PC OP is kind of misleading when applied to Kono Daichi no Hate de; as it contains CGs not present in the game.

Anyone know if any of those cheat programs for the fanlation work for the english release?

You can ask about it here : … &start=110
But, I would load it up and see if it works :smiley: [Sounds decently promising…]

…also the CG uncensor seems like it might have worked for this version too! It was able to run and the game still loads… Time will tell…!

I appreciate it here’s what I got…
Video Card: Intel (R) HD Graphics Family
Desktop Screen Resolution: 1366 x 768 (I have a laptop)
not sure what size the game is running at

windowed mode … titled.png

fullscreen … itled3.png

To picture what it actually looks like when I try to fullscreen the game look at the windowed mode picture and just imagine that everything surrounding the window is black but the size of the game on the screen is the same as windowed. The fullscreen pic I had to move it somewhat into the middle to show what it should look like if it was working right.

I am not a big fan of Intel graphics cards. A quick question though. Do you have a graphic card control panel? One like I posted that is used with my NVidia graphics card? If so can you take a screenshot or every clickable option menu and post it or send me a pm of the screenshots. I can check and see if there is an option that you can mess with that will display the correct screen for full screen. Or if you run into an option like what I posted … creen3.png for my graphic card control panel then try and change settings like that. You can alt-tab in and out of the game while you fiddle with settings. Settings that you change will show automatically when you alt-tab back into the game. Just remember what options you mess with if you do it. Be helpful to know what you have to change back to if you do mess up.
Maybe someone with more knowledge in Intel graphics cards will be able to run you through a option to change it effectively. I can only go off of sending messages and hoping a change works or not.

After looking around on google for quite a while (and finding lots of useless solutions) I saw someone say to right click the shortcut and go to properties and change some things in compatibility tab. That didn’t work at all for me but I did notice that there was an option to open the file in a maximized window so I tried that. … itled5.png (1366 x 768, 16:9ish aspect ratio) she looks like she got sat on!!! … itled4.png (1024 x 768, 4:3 aspect ratio)

What the 2nd screenshot isn’t showing is that there are black bars on the sides because the physical dimensions of my screen are widescreen. Not too bad though, I’ll just change my screen resolution to 1024 x 768 when I’m going to play this game. I’ll make do with this for now.

Thanks for your help stromiv.

A reason the first picture looks like that is because it is stretching the game screen, which is made for a small resolution, to fit widescreen. Looks like that for my game to. Got used to it after a while. One of the problems with these types of games when the screen and the game aren’t meant to be stretched on a widescreen monitor. I am sure we will eventually come to a phase where the games are more compatible with these types of monitors.

On another note. If you are using the English Trainer to make this game go by faster here are some things I noticed while messing with it. The mind settings are a little weird. Doesn’t matter what I set Yuuto’s mind to, it always maxes out at 100. Will go past 100 for the other characters. Ether per turn doesn’t work. Not that it really matters. You can put in a huge amount of ether for the ether pool and no matter how much you use it never goes down. Also if you build a few ether generators it wouldn’t matter anyways. All the other controls work just fine. Infinite hp/spirit, 99 skill usage, and love all work fine.