Aselia the Eternal official thread/FAQ

Wait what? Not particularly compelling gameplay I can agree with, but story? For reference, I kind of hate gameplay in eroges and I only endured Aselia’s gameplay because the story and especially characters were just so great. I think everything was nearly flawlessly done; all the interactions with the spirits followed by using them in combat was just wonderful stuff.

I’m not trying to pass off your own experience with the game, but it gives me pause for thought: because I’ve been selling this quite heavily, and mostly based on the strength of the story, the characters, because my own impression of Aselia was that it was an utterly magical work. It’s a bit sad that this hasn’t been your experience.

I have to partially agree with Romdeau.
While I initially liked the story I felt like some parts just dragged on way to long that the story eventually became boring and I started losing interest. If they’d just shortened/summarized some parts it’d have been far better.

In Aselia’s route when you return with her to your normal world for example. It took me something like a full week just to sit through that whole section cause the whole time it just felt like it dragged on far longer then it needed too that I’d get bored, and pick it up again the next day, rinse and repeat. I was overjoyed when the kidnapping school event finally happened, FINALLY something interesting happened…but yeah I think that pretty much states what I’m trying to say.

I’m up to around the last mission in Aselia’s route and really have no interest to go ahead and finish it.

A thousand people, a thousand colours? No game, nor story can expect to be liked by everyone who plays it. For my part, I bought Aselia because of the battle system when I tried the demo (then I fell in love with the characters and stories, but I couldn’t have predicted so since I bought and played it when it was first released, so there wasn’t any review about it…) so, heh.

Also, I’d be blunt and remind people about the MSG2 story, where US people complained there was too much story and not enough action whilst the Japanese people complained about it having too much action and not enough story. Some people probably would like Aselia to have a simpler story and characters but more battles whilst others would prefer it to have easier battles and more focus on the characters and stories…

The story and gameplay are both good. My main complaint is that Kaori exists -_-

every time Kaori appears I would be like “urgh.” she’s such a useless damsel in distress kind of character. all she does is cry and talk about boring crap.

Well people in Japan seem to like this game enough to rerererelease it (hope I got the right number of res :lol: ): … -graphics/

Well, let’s see: Eien no Aselia EXPANSION is… well, it’s an expansion. I would call Kono Daichi no Hate de (PS2) a port rather than a rerelease. Spirits Expedition is a fandisc. Spitan SPECIAL BOX is probably considered a rerelease, but of Spirits Expedition, not Eien no Aselia. Kono Daichi no Hate de (PC) is either a backport or a rerelease, you could go with either. Special Edition (PC) is either a merge edition or a rerelease. The PSP version is probably more considered a port than a rerelease, just like the PS2 version. So I’d argue it’s been rerereleased (Eien no Aselia → Kono Daichi → Special Edition)

I love this game i have played through it once and got the bad ending.
Tried playing through it again to get Esperia’s ending i answered all the questions for her and had her in my party the whole time kept out mind level in the 90’s but still it seems like i somehow triggered Aselia’s ending route instead.
Does anyone have a simple guide for this game i tried using the guide book but i think am picking the nicer options for non Esperia questions and its messing with my ending.

Any help would be great thanks…

I think I remember it was needed not just having the heroine in the party but killing enemy squads with it

The guidebook thing should explain the Love points. If you’re picking Esperia, you need to make sure you keep Aselia out of your main character’s team when fighting. Just focus on killing enemies with Esperia in your team with the main character.
And for Orphia, keep both Aselia AND Esperia… and for anyone else, all three need to stay away from the main character…

You can check on their current love status by going into Formation, clicking on a character so you can see their stats, then hit the Status button at the bottom. It will have another picture of the heroine that changes depending on how many love points they have accumulated.
I think it’s something like neutral → smiling → blushing. Make sure Esperia is blushing! And Aselia is not!

Thank you guys this helps a lot i can see what i did wrong now i had Aselia in my main party with Esperia and Yuuto.
Now i can finally see Esperia’s route i have beat the game twice now once getting the bad ending and once getting Aselia’s ending.

Spitan SPECIAL BOX is a fandisc of Spitan, which is more a sequel of Aselia (and a full game in itself) than a fandisc.

It took a while, but RPGamer finally posted its Aselia review. Read it if you’re interested.

Uruka is not a bad end, just kind of a default route if you didn’t entered anyone else. You’ll finish the game and get able to do new game+, etc. (It spoils Orpha, though)
Other than that, it’s been a time since I played this, so I don’t remember much. I think one of the requisites for entering a route was that the heroine had to have some minimum value of mind, but don’t take my word.

You do need to have a minimum Mind value, but it’s so low you’ll have it because there aren’t really those powerful Mind-punishing moves available before the branching point. It’s 40 for Esperia but hers shouldn’t be anywhere near that at the branching point.

Esperia has the second highest priority level (after Aselia) so you’re definitely getting Uruka instead because you’re not getting Esperia to a baseline favourability and mind (40 each) There’s no specific necessary choices.

I don’t know what guide you’re using; I used when I first played the game yeaaars ago.

The branching point is the 10th turn of that long waiting period in Chapter 3 and the heroine whose scene you get is the one you’re locked into. I guess just make sure you didn’t totally damage her Mind value somehow before then. No way to check favourability, unfortunately, but if you picked choices relating to her in the fortune telling at the start (2, 1, 2), kept her in Yuuto’s party and picked obvious choices that favour her you should be on the right track. Her route is not a difficult route to get into.

EDIT: Whoa, I missed this:

Killing spirits is detrimental to Mind. Make sure you’re not overdoing it! Killing everyone with the same characters sounds like a good way to overdo it. Keep Esperia’s Mind over 40- that much is essential. I suspect her favourability is fine but you’re devastating her Mind with that strategy.

Hello I have had the same issue at the first branching point i got the black spirit releasing her sword and no other scene, when i have picked every esperia choice and her mind is 100 and we have beaten every squad with her yuto and nellie. Did i do something wrong or what should i have seen if i was on the esperia route?

To my knowledge you did everything right. I can’t remember the scene you’re referring to (been too long for me) but the route indicator is on the 10th turn of that mission where you have to wait many turns. The heroine you see a scene for is the route you are on.

But yeah, all you need for Esperia’s route is:

Esperia has 40 or more love points
Esperia has 40 or more mind points
Aselia has either less than 40 love points or less than 20 mind points (otherwise you’ll get Aselia’s route instead)

Yea I just finished the game yesterday and i was on the right route.

the scene i was referring to was when uruka’s sword reveals its name to her

So after I played Eve Burst Error I decided to throw in this. And it’s really good, so far, but the battle system seems a bit wonky. I build one LV3 Ether Production facility, and multiplied my ether production rate by 6? That seems … unbalanced, that a LV3 building would be 5 times as powerful as a LV1.

I’m not sure how I missed the Aselia route, since she was in Yuuto’s party for ages. But apparently I did, since I just got Uruka’s ending. That’s a pretty major spoiler, yeah. (It probably has something to do with the way I always ignored the main cast in favor of subspirit scenes. Getting the Kauto Kauminet classes was the thing that saved my bacon in the end, so I guess it all works out.)

Now I’m curious what the Orpha and Lesteena endings involve. I don’t see any way Lesteena could possibly become an Eternal, and if Orpha becomes an Eternal, there are no spirits? I guess I’ll find out eventually (it’ll take me awhile to play the game through 5 more times though.)

So how many of those subspirit scenes were added? Considering the theme of the story it would be awfully strange for your army to have like four people with a personality and the rest be generic extras.

Not many, if I recall. Subspirits always had personality even if they looked generic (in Kono Daichi no Hate de they were upgraded to full unique tachie, so they look the same as they do in the CGs.)