Aselia the Eternal official thread/FAQ

I bought Seinarukana because of the gameplay and because of Euphoria, but the story didn’t mention her that much.

Lol, that’s quite silly coz, that was limited print run for japanese. What’s stopping xuse from doing a limited print run for international?

All moot now because XUSE is rereleasing Special Edition with a full print run.

There’s no all-ages version of Seinarukana. Probably because the game is too shit to bother~~

Did you buy the Japanese version of the game to use with the patch? If not, then you haven’t really supported the creators.

And even if you had, there’s an argument in favor of buying the translated version. If it doesn’t sell well, Xuse will likely bow out of future localizations of their stuff at all. If they make overtures to the West, and nobody in the West responds, they’re just wasting time and money, after all …

Pretty much why I’m going to buy it- it’s frigging EIEN NO ASELIA, you can drop a couple of bucks to support JAST and XUSE and Japan.

Hey all,

Just dropping in to note that due to technical issues that have arisen in the process of adapting Xuse’s existing PS2 localization material to the PC game format, we have consulted with Dakkodango and decided to partner with them to expedite production and release the game in a timely manner. They graciously agreed to license their translation and game assets for purposes of this release, so the translation you’ll see in the version we will have for you is the same one that is currently in their patch (following our standard checking pass, which we doubt will touch much of anything given the high quality of their localization).

To address a few possible issues, firstly the licensing of this or any other translation involves agreed-upon compensation. Dakkodango has been great in working with us and we’re happy they chose to take this step with us. We understand that since it’s essentially a version of the game that people have played before, we’ll need to increase the value proposition of the package release for those who’ve played it (hopefully with a fun extra or two), and also expand the scope of sales beyond our traditional adult games market for this game to see its true potential. We’ll be working on those options in the coming weeks and months.

One of the reasons we’re happy to be able to speed production on Aselia is that it puts us in a good place to focus on Yumina next, as well as other games that we’ll have news about later this summer. Stay tuned!

To be fair, offering the title standalone is still better value than people would get otherwise- you can’t buy Kono Daichi for PC standalone unless it’s second hand; you can only get it with a particular release of Seinarukana that is no longer in print. So yeah, in general I’m just thrilled that JAST is offering it at all. I’m hoping it does well, especially in other markets, because it’s a truly great game and everyone should play it.

so i will now buy i since jast licensed part 2

It’s not ‘part 2’, it’s a tangentially related completely different story with completely different characters. It’s as much of a sequel to Eien no Aselia as Final Fantasy 7 is to Final Fantasy 6.

Saihate no Ima where?

It starts with ‘N’, contains a ‘v’ and ends in ‘r’. And it’s not ‘November’.

doh wrong post

Aselia the Eternal, along with several other planned JAST games, was added to Rightstuf’s list of upcoming products today. My only complaint is that it was tagged as an adult product, when in fact it will not include any explicit content.

The last Hirameki product was released in spring 2007. In the last four years, there have been a number of worksafe visual novels released for sale in English. You kinda need to look around a bit in order to find out what’s available. Not everything is on Windows, or sold on a disc. A fair number of western and translated VNs are sold strictly through paid download services. A modest number of VNs have been released on consoles, iOS, and Android devices in English. And while importing is usually expensive, occasionally there’s a modest priced import VN which will work with fan-made translation patches.

this and president should go gold pretty soon Game updates: Aselia will be Master up next week, off to the printers. President the week after!!/jastusa

Did you message them about that? I just went ahead and told them it wasn’t adult…
Sounds like they will have it updated soon! (Now it will be in the normal DVD/CD Rom game section, along with Kira Kira, Higurashi and others

Golden Master has been announced … den-master

Aselia has been moved to the non-adult game section on rightstuf. Although, they put release date as Dec, 2012 …

Golden Master on its way, nice!
“Included with the game are an insert manual as well as the game Guidebook and map of Phantasmagoria on disc as prepared by Dakkodango for the release.”
Too bad they couldn’t do a cloth map extra :stuck_out_tongue: I miss those

I wonder what the Guidebook contains?

I’ve still got my Ultima IV cloth map. It’s a bit hard to read now, though, so I don’t actually use it in practice- especially since the Ultima V map is pretty much the same and much more practical.

“12/12/12” is Rightstufs’ default date when something doesn’t have an official date…