Bishoujo Game Junkie

you could buy the japanese version of sites like jlist then get the patch to understand it

Nani? I was slow to pick up on this but you essentially said, “This is Japanese red beans and rice, isn’t it?”; I believe you meant to use kowai (frightening, scary). It a very easy mistake to make because of another ?-adjective we all know: kawaii. I apologize if I’m getting on anyones nerve with these little corrections. It’s just that I’m overly aware of them because of this book I ordered from J-list. (At time of this post, the product is missing, but images from when it was offered are still available.)

Yep i guess i did add an Extra i onto it. My bad. like i said i’m rusty. After Japanese 3 in Highschool i never got any Chances to use it again. so i mess up probably a fair Bit. and yea i Meant Frightening. Y_Y i was a little scared there

yea that is what i meant with Moral Choice. Buy the Japanese Game and use the Patch to translate. That sounds a bit ok to me. I bought the game and just wish to play it. As long as we don’t hurt the Company.

Really? Is there a Specific Reason why this one wouldn’t be Licensed? maybe Popularity or Something in the Game?

No worries, your little blooper makes for an interesting little story to tell people. I’m not trying to put you down or anything, just point out why the mistake was funny. The book I’m reading has a very similar blooper: instead of exclaiming that the newborn baby she was looking at was cute, she exclaimed that it was frightening. :lol:

This. The more popular a game is, the more it costs to license. Fate is definitely out of PP’s price range. Games with anime counterparts are also unlikely to come over because of difficulties negotiating with multiple rights holders.

ooo Yea that makes Alot of Sense. Probably hard to make everyone Happy when doing it as well. Probably why that Mirror moon is Making a patch for those who got the Game. ^.^ i think i understand and that makes me a little happy lols. i Still kinda wanna try the PS2 Game though.

ok i should Start Playing some of the Games i bought. i haven’t done them yet… i kinda dunno which one. Multiples sound good. though i don’t wanna be deppressed now. So i was thinking Figures of Happines i heard was Pleasant and not Sad. though i wanna play some of the Sad ones as well just cause they sounds really Good.

I screwed up the legal thing… my bad…

I’ll make up for it:
An all-ages version of Fate/stay night, titled Fate/stay night RÈalta Nua, was released for the PlayStation 2.
All-ages: no sex, stuff changed, etc…
You should watch out for that, it would suck if you bought a wrong version.

Yea but it might still be a fun Game to try maybe?

Sorry but I got through YMK (Lots of Crying and had some Emotional Sadnees i still haven’t Shaken.)

I Am not Sure i know which one to Play next. i Would want to Play Kana… but i don’t have that one. but out of the Ones I have i just Can’t Decide… i mean i have been Staring at the Cases since an hour ago… and i can’t Pick… So I decided to call upon the Wisdom and Great Experence of the Forums to Help me. (Mainly Because the last one you Guys pointed for me to Try was awesome, except for me being sad lol)

Thank you Very Much.

Ever 17 is a must if you have it, otherwise Crescendo is highly recommended for your next roller coaster ride.

I Don’t have Ever 17. i have a list on First Page. Y_Y Another Emotional Rolercoaster Y_Y Dammit i don’t know if i can handle it… i still get a bit sad Thinking about YMK. But Crescendo. Of the ones i have is there a Good Happy one? i might do Crescendo but i dunno if i can take it. and at the same time its awesome how Drawn in i got.

You have to overcome you sadeness so it’s time to play a lighthearted game like Come see me tonight or maybe figures of happiness (in your list).
Don’t play the best games right from the start or else you will be really disapointed by everything after 2 or 3 games.

Try in this order (just an advice)

Light - Figure of happiness
Semi depressing - Crescendo
Light - whatever you have (buy come see me tonight… 2 (but don’t say it to Mirage or he will kill me because he prefers the 1))
Totaly depressing - Kana
Light - whatever you have (Professor Cherry)
Dark depressing - Hitomi
Awesomeness that will cure you - Ever17

And then you can die in peace.

Setsuna, I feel its in your best interest to tell you this.


Now, I say this, because when I first played kana, I was literally crying towards the end. :cry:
My feeling is your libel to have an emotional breakdown if you play kana. So unless you have a strong mind and heart, run, don’t walk from this title.
However, do play any of the lighthearted titles recommended here instead. :slight_smile:

I have to agree that you really should just stay away from Kana. If YMK hit you as hard as you said it did, Kana will do much, much, worse.

I heard this story that a Pirate and a Ninja where fighting, but they were both so close in strength they decided to challenge one another to a contest - they would both play Kana and the one who cried the least would win.

Well, I guess people started getting worried because no one had seen the Ninja or Pirate in a week, right, so they called the cops who finally broke in the doors to their hideouts (the pirate’s was on a ship) only to find them both dead … they had cried themselves to death.

So, to this day, neither Pirates nor Ninjas will challenge one another to the Kana duel … True story.

Y_Y Now i just Feel like a Sissy. and Y_Y i can’t help that i got sad. but maybe your Right. I feel a bit better today though i get sad thinking about some parts of the Story but i feel like I can move on. Part of me still wants to play it. even though i am Sad because of it it was still really Great.

OK! Today i Will Try Figures of Happiness! Le nuage has been pretty solid with me so far.

O.O Poor Pirate… i mean Ninja’s can be cool but Pirates are awesome.

Kana was an incredibly deep game because it kicks your emotional gut into gear. Even myself, where I have discarded a majority of my emotions to care (if you don’t get tied down, things hurt less) it still is a deep kick in the balls. Theres just so much development in there even if it is just a game that you just HAVE to care.

well as long as no one is calling me Sissy or something. >.>
i was going to start Figures of happiness but stalled by my roomies and ended up watching I Me My Strawberry eggs. and that Kinda Struck me like it could have been a Bishoujo game if there just Tweaked some of the Situtations. now its late and i plan to probably stay up all night playing Happiness i hope. But i have been playing YMK ALL night 2 nights ago and played through Snow Sakura Last night i don’t know if i can keep staying up lols

You kind of sound like how I was when I first started playing. If you’re like me, you’ll binge on your games for a few days, hardly getting any sleep, then crash, and then gradually find a balance. Of course, when you get a new game or few, you’ll probably binge again…