Bishoujo Game Junkie

NOOO… i just started to watch this crap yesterday too.
It’s not even worth the 15¬Ä I paid for this.

I agree with everyone here saying Kana is really depressing, but for a light-sider like me, Hitomi is far worse.
I mean… i still feel depressed when I remember the endings of Hitomi. When I think about Kana I’m OK.

Yeah, seriously. I mean, I’ve mostly gotten my visual novel habits under control, but when G-Senjou no Maou came out, I stopped everything and played it through to completion, only stopping for a meal or two (and I kept playing while eating, of course), for 25 or so hours. =p

Whenever I even THINK about the game, I get an overwhelming urge to go and play it again. I tell you, it’s making translation quite a hassle. =p

Well I Watched my Friends Copy of I Me My Straeberry eggs. it was only 13 episodes long and i didn’t think it was Terriable it definitly didn’t start off amazing but i thought it turned out ok.

Y_Y ya know… i actually Feel a little scared thinking of Hitomi and Kana now. I mean i know i am going to play them when i can… i mean i have the feeling that i must play them… but so far everyone says its an Emotional Suicide attempt… and for some reasons i get a little Worried. but i want to play them.

Play them, by all means, your gaming career would never be complete if you skipped Kana, just be prepared for the consequences.

Y_Y ahhhhh i don’t like Consequences… i just want to get away with my actions… i don’t want to end up an Emotional Headcase Screaming in a padded White rooom… “KANA NOOOOOOOOoooo!!!” Y_Y
but i just got 2… Y_Y sigh it feels like i have already spent my Next Paycheck

Tu cure your emotional breakdown, just watch those anime until the end :

Chrno Crusade (just the end)
Mahoromatic (same here)

I’m sure you will feel better after… :twisted:


You don’t believe me ? :lol:

Now that’s just cruel. :smiley:

Now, you can’t just say that and not tell us what you got… c’mon, fess up. :slight_smile:

I haven’t gotten my Paycheck yet… i am Just Planning on a Couple Games and well… i just felt like its already Spent.
I am going to Buy well Probably Kana and Hitomi i think. and If there is a goood Happy game i think i may play that one. i haven’t found it but i think i am going to get ever 17 as well. Also Finish up Buying Witchblade.

HAHAHAHAHA… yea i know about a couple of those Animes… Specially the part of the MAN Who everyone thought was a Women… Y_Y now that was Terrifying. Though i haven’t seen the Other 3.

Just have a hankerchief or a box of kleenex nearby, you’re going to need it. :frowning:

Y_Y i almost Feel like you Guys are Scarying me off. Y_Y sooo many Warnings and scaryness. ahhhh.

Yes, but at this rate, by the time you get and play the game you’ll be over prepared; that way it can’t possibly be as bad as you’re mind will have made it out to be and you’ll walk away saying - “that wasn’t so bad after all”.

No, I’m just kidding, the game will make you want to tear your heart out and flush it.

Y_Y ahhhhhhhhh!!! that doesn’t make me Feel better. I am have Tempted to Get one of those Doctor Needles Stick myself and Inject the Air Directily into my Blood Stream Y_Y ya know just to Get ahead. The worst part is everyone says it is Really good 2… and if your attached that much it must be great… i must play but Y_Y I like Happiness when i can get it.

(Sorry Double Post)

Ok the Order has been Placed to Seal my Emotional DOOM! Sigh I have a Inner Apprehensive Feeling… i am worried but i got to Give it a go. i plan on betting Figures of Happiness First but This time i Kinda Dead Ended with my First Ending. (my first Time through i go with my Choices)

Random Side note… i know its weird to shout this a bit but my Friends list is Empty. Y_Y Be my Friend??

You will be changed in ways you cannot even comprehend…

Awwww, thats cute, I almost want to cuddle.

Well, games like Kana and Hitomi are not for the faint of heart.
You’re required to have “testicular fortitude” to get through them.

The bottom line is, to have fun and enjoy the games. But do brace yourself.

I want foes… :frowning:
Will you cuddle me Nero ?

Setsuna → Don’t forget that “love can come from rape.”

That’s Terriable… Y_Y Stop Scarying me!!! ahhhhh. Hides in a Dark Corner with piece of glass.

Random Side note… i know its weird to shout this a bit but my Friends list is Empty. Y_Y Be my Friend??

Awwww, thats cute, I almost want to cuddle.

You will be changed in ways you cannot even comprehend…

Y_Y you say that but i still have no one on my List. No one likes me wahhhh!! tear

Setsuna, I hate to beak this to you, but the “friends” list in the user control panel doesn’t work like you think it does. It is more a tool to simplify the sending of PMs than a list of people who like you on this board. You manage the list yourself, it isn’t like an IM program or social networking site where you get notifications that people want to be on your list. You could add every single person that has responded to this thread if you really wanted (though why you would want to do that if you aren’t sending frequent PMs to all these people is beyond me).

Y_Y you say that but i still have no one on my List. No one likes me wahhhh!! tear

Setsuna, I hate to beak this to you, but the “friends” list in the user control panel doesn’t work like you think it does. It is more a tool to simplify the sending of PMs than a list of people who like you on this board. You manage the list yourself, it isn’t like an IM program or social networking site where you get notifications that people want to be on your list. You could add every single person that has responded to this thread if you really wanted (though why you would want to do that if you aren’t sending frequent PMs to all these people is beyond me).

lol its actually ok i am just Overly Dramatic probably ^.^ And true… PM’s could be used but really i Talk to you guys mostly on Forums about Stuff anyways lols. Still gotta wait for that Order to come in. Meanwhile Figures of Happiness ^.^

(sorry i didn’t mean to bug anyone about friends really just kinda j/king roung)

Do Games/anime have a greater Effect on you if the Voices are in Japanese in Contrast to English. Emotion impact Different? I notice things in english that are sad seem to not invoke as much Sorrow inside of me as Japanese Words. I really noticed this with Record of Lodoss War. and it just striked me more this time as sad then when i watched it before. (Orson to clarify who i meant. no Spoiler but if you seen it you know what i mean.)

and Kana and Hitomi Should Arrive soon!